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No pain, no gain
Hey! Figured it was time to get this started. I know I wasn't at the event, but this was an amazing marathon to watch. Everything felt crisper, and the runs just stepped up to an all new level. Major congrats to every runner, and shout outs to the tech crew and organizers--you are all the man. I do want to thank a few people specifically.

Kiyura! You were one of the major links between the marathon and the Twitch mods. Thanks for making things happen on site when we needed it.

ShadowWraith! You do amazing work. I don't think a lot of people see it, but you've been a major help.

CBenni! I don't know if anyone did as much work on the Twitch chat that you did. Even with all the chaos (and for those at the marathon, there was chaos; trust me), you still were able to pull things together.

All the rest of the Twitch chat mods including Ally, Tompa the troll, and all the others. Wow, my brain went dead. Really, though, a lot was pulled off.

Mike89, Toothache, and James Tiberius for helping with the Twitter account. Really, we had more interaction with the Twitter community than during any other event, and I feel it brought a nice life to that realm. Hopefully it can remain that awesome again.

Shout outs for the site getting the chat pumped during Chrono Trigger. It took a little work to get them to go into hype mode, but it happened, and they contributed a lot to reach that final million dollar mark. Those small hype moments were amazing.

Anti shout outs to:
--slow mode 6969696969696969.
--Xanubot, destroyer of chat
--copy/pastas about copy/pastas

Thanks, everyone!
Thread title:  
King of the Choads
I guess I'll go next!

Even though I wasn't there for too long, the people that I did get to meet were amazing.

Shoutouts to ButtersBB, SaintMillion, AndrewG, Molotov, and the crew that was in the practice room on Sunday morning playing Pac Man 2 along with the various bad games that Butters brought along. Shoutouts to Michael Jackson's Chaos in the Windy City and Speedy Gonzales: Los Gatos Banditos.

PJ for putting up with the fact that I run the clearly inferior version of Battletoads. Sorry.

TheEnglishMan for calling the million about 20 to 30 minutes into Bonesaw's Jak and Daxter run.

The Foot Clan for being as amazing in person as we are online. Shame FootBigMike couldn't make it this year, but there's always next.

Breakdown for being such a class act even with my issues. We still in there #Kreygasm

Bonesaw for taking the time to talk to me, albeit briefly because of how busy everything was, after his run. Seeing someone that's popular in the community taking an interest in others that are lesser known or new to the scene was very awesome.

Studio for engaging in such ass KOF play with me and Dave, and a killer Half Life 2 run.

Mr. K for having faith in me. Even though we couldn't hang out this year, there's always next.

MisterMV, Romi, Ysangwen, Rayas, and the entire French restream community. You guys have taken me under your wing and accepted me, and for that I thank you. Yours and other's work with the restream is unprecedented in the overall community, and at least personally, I can't thank you enough for all you've done. #PogChiant

The German Restream community for banding together with the French community when the unfortunate DDoS incident happened and keeping everything together. #GERMENCH #RUMMEL

And last but not least, everyone behind the monitors. I'm sure that by now everyone knows you guys are clearly the driving force behind the marathons running as smooth as humanly possible, and I think you're going to get the recognition you deserve!

I know I'm forgetting a lot of people, and as I remember them, I'll add them here, but I just want to thank everyone that I met during my short time there. You made me feel like family, and here's to a strong SGDQ, and cracking 1.5 Million next year!

Oh yeah, shoutouts to WONDERSHOT, too. He's a pretty cool dude. Tongue
Big shoutouts to Houlihans, the Crowne and PCF for supporting us.

Bob and Missy for doing many many extra donation station shifts with me!

All the runners who entertained us the whole week.

Quote from MilesTheWolfman:
I know I'm forgetting a lot of people, and as I remember them, I'll add them here, but I just want to thank everyone that I met during my short time there. You made me feel like family

I totally agree with that!
I'd like to thank the commentators for the Super Metroid race. Normally I find races at marathons almost unwatchable, but the commentary fixed that for me by being unlike anything I've ever seen on a speedrun stream (and I've seen some pretty good commentaries on streams and previous marathons). It was like a professional sports commentary, more than a speedrun commentary, and yet still managed to explain the game for the (presumably few by now) people who don't know it, while keeping up the interest and (justified) hype.
Worthless categories WR master
Shoutouts to The Elite, MK players, the BK crew, the DK crew, the srg guys, the oot guys and the musicians of AGDQ for being awesome. Shoutouts to everyone who was hyped for my run, I interested a lot more people than I would have ever hoped for. Shoutouts to everyone I barely knew and that I've befriended during AGDQ: Monopoli, Qweczol, Ryan "112" Lockwood, Bassboost, Boss, Weatherton, this other elite/MK guy whose name I sadly don't remember, TheMexicanRunner, Azorae, Gregortixlkyns, stivitybobo, and so many others I can't name everybody. Thanks a lot to all of the volunteers and staff of AGDQ, especially to Mike, Kiyura, UA and Muffins for being so incredibly awesome.
Edit history:
Blechy: 2014-01-14 08:44:47 pm
Blechy: 2014-01-13 05:16:39 pm
Blechy: 2014-01-13 04:53:08 pm
Apparently I met more people than I thought I did when I started writing this up...

Adam - Last AGDQ, I gained enormous respect for you in the few times we talked. This time around, you reminded me exactly why I got that first impression. Just an absolutely hilarious, charming, all around fantastic person and I have absolutely nothing negative to say about you. Not many people can convince someone to allow a pack of 10+ people to order while standing outside a drive-thru long after the actual restaurant closed, but you pulled it off. Adam and Dram are the model citizens of the speedrunning community, seriously.

bangerra - You're coming next time.

bony - Going into AGDQ you were someone I thought I'd hang out the most with, yet for some crazy reason we spent so little time together, which sucks. I blame the casualgaming/practiceroom rift. Minigolf next time.

Breakdown - Thanks for sticking around and watching me suffer through all those NES games on powerpak. I know it's hard to believe, but I actually had fun, for the most part...

Carl_Sagan - Great talking to you as always!

Carter & Zephyrz - Much respect for all kingston members. I'm glad we got to do at least ONE thing we planned on doing - arkanoid was fun.

coolkid - It's cliche at this point, but you truly are the coolest kid. Whenever I saw you you just always looked so badass, and were constantly cracking me up. One of my favorites to meet for sure. Oongly boongly.

cyghfer - You said it all absolutely perfectly outside of dram's car after the trip. U no how we be.

darkman - While we didn't talk all that much, it means more to me than you think that you went out of your way to go around making sure that everyone who showed any interest was extended an invite to your outings, and that nobody is left out of the loop. You're really a standup guy.

Dana - Can't wait for the Cauldron 2 speedrun, that is one wacky game.

Dime - Always a blast to talk to you about doom, whether it be about the community, its history, or just about how a run went and all the details therein.

Dram - You make everything so fun & positive it's absolutely absurd. Easily one of the best people to be around in the entire speedrunning community.

DrHoofington & Steph - Was great to meet you guys! Can't wait for donuts, good food, and other hangouts.

duckfist - I gained huge respect for you this marathon for so many reasons. Let's get the obvious one out of the way first - I can't thank you enough for giving me N5o so that I can continue running it; buying your dinner wasn't nearly enough thanks. Secondly, it meant a lot to me that you were worried that you wouldn't be able to properly commentate the run, and I'm glad you showed your concerns so that we could really go over everything in detail. Obviously in the end, you & bony did an absolutely awesome job. The most important thing however, is what I consider to be the "do the right thing" moment of the marathon. When a pack of ~14 people disjointedly started walking in confusion towards the 2 cars we had, and some people were seemingly ok with simply leaving others behind, you had everyone come to a halt so that we could actually plan it out and nobody would get left behind. It truly shows a lot of character to do something like this, and I won't forget it.

Dxtr - I can't tell you how surprised I was to find out you actually knew who I was. I've watched your runs for so long yet we've barely ever spoken, and I was just thrilled & shocked that you were the one to introduce yourself to me rather than the other way around. Good luck with Friday the 13th!

Edenal - I don't care if you didn't take a step into America & I didn't talk to you the entire week, you're not dodging my shoutouts.

Feasel - I'm so glad we talked a bit more this time around, let's keep the trend going and hang out even more next year. Great race, you're an absolutely awesome dude.

flicky - There was a period when the korean outing was on its way to becoming a disaster, but I'm glad we were able to put it on the right track and turn it into one of the most fun and the single most delicious night of the week. Always fun to talk to you.

Funkdoc - Missed you this year man, really did.

Golden - It was really cool to talk about the SM commentary with you, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how it pans out in the future.

Joka - I get this odd feeling you and I would get along extremely well, I wish we could have talked more.

Jorf - Was great to finally meet you, and being able to commentate your awesome KidIc run inspired me to want to commentate more runs in the future. Someday I'll find a way to kuru...

Kirkq - You got me Sad A year later and you're still consistently one of my favorites to hang out with and talk to. Was great talking to you more this year, and I'm glad you were the first person to make me feel utterly helpless in Smash.

Kirua - Ahhhh, my good ol bedmate. In the end, you were definitely among my very favorite people I met, I had an absolute blast whenever you were around. The dinner at Wendy's was among my favorites, I could have sat there talking about cultural differences forever.

Klaige - After so long it was really cool to finally meet you, man! You (indirectly) gave me my #1 favorite quote from the marathon, I think you know what it is...

Malachyte & Palidian - I had so much fun with you guys at Houli's. Malachyte the entire conversation about linguistics was absolutely fantastic, I'm thrilled you joined in so we could talk about all that.

Mecha - You continue to be one of the most generous & selfless people I know. Thank you soooooo much for the Sparkster cart & AC cable, it's unbelievable that you went out of your way to get those for me. I won't let you down.

Midboss - You still have my favorite story of how someone introduced themselves to me. I still don't think it's actually you...

Mister K - Well we may not have had a romantic walk to the delivery man this time around, but I still had a lot of fun talking to you. I'm holding you to your suggestion, we'll have to find the appropriate game...

moooooh (plus or minus some o's) - Glad I got to meet you! It's good you were there to bring some foreign experience to our discussion about linguistics & culture.

Morks - SMB3 battle for life. I hope you're all trained up for 2015. I'm glad you were there for the freezing Taco Bell DriveThru adventure to help get me through it.

Mundungu - One of the most underratedly funny people in the community. Was great hanging with you.

neskamikaze - Maaaaaan, I barely got to hang with you. Always one of my favorites, don't go too far this year...

Nightmare - It is upsetting to me that you actually smile all the time and are not a miserable bastard, but I guess I'll have to find a way to deal with it. Was fun being gotten.

Omni - Thank you for being the enabler of the Arkanoid race! Hopefully we can hang more next time, and I'm pumped to watch Skyblazer 2014.

PJ - You will never ever stop being fun to be hang with. I was more than honored to commentate AR2, I hope you keep running it this year!

RibbedKilla - You take the gold for "most pleasantly surprised by". I didn't know you well at all, but I was just kind of expecting you to be a big brutish guy. In reality, you truly are such a good natured teddy bear. :] Was fantastic getting to know you, you were constantly cracking me up during that last Korean dinner.

RoboSparkle - Waah! I'm glad we were able to fit in some old wacky games, hopefully next time we can figure out multiplayer amiga action.

rudy - You probably score the greatest ratio of knewnothingabout:talkedtothemost. Was lots of fun talking you about strategy guides, mmos, and everything else. Sorry we ended up not going to the zoo, and even more sorry that there was only one quest-related event.

Sent - Thanks for winning me a cool dollarino!

Sinister1 - I'm glad I got to know you a lot better this year. The race was great, but I really had a phenomenal time in the 3 separate times we sat down and talked more in depth, especially hearing the whole background of punch-out stuff and all the smaller discussions which sparked off that.

Striker - For both AGDQs I've gone to, I've been lucky enough to sit down with 1-2 people on day 1 of the marathon and have an instant rapport with them, and this year it was you. Every time I talked to you it was fantastic, you're a genuinely interesting & funloving dude I could talk to forever.

Suidt - For how little we talked before the marathon it was really cool getting to know you a bit better!

TJP - Last year I somehow forgot to include you in my shoutouts, and there's no way I'm making that mistake again. You are absolutely awesome, it was great listening to you on piano and I hope we can find a way to talk more next time.

TMR - Was great getting to meet you, I loved how excited you got when you realized who I was long after I introduced myself, that was awesome! You'll have to send me the pictures you shot of us, I want to see them! Next time I want to talk to you in Spanish more than I did this year...

Tompa - I think you might be my #1 person for "really really wanted to hang out with but just never found the time". Third time's the charm next agdq I guess; I don't want to keep missing out!

My UGmates 9, dp, e, i, g, m, pd, r, r, & t - you know who you are. Always fun to hang, yall are some of the funniest people in the community.

Vorpal - Was great talking to you, the little that we did. Sad More next time!

Withhelde - <3s always, we need to find board game time next year!

Wyrm - We didn't get to tear up the competition in Power Tennis :[ Maybe next year. Always fun to be backseatin' with you man.

Yagamoth - You are without a doubt, the most polite & pleasant conversationalist I've ever met. I had so much fun talking to you about VG music while listening to it being played on piano right next to us. I'm glad we got the chance to talk some.

Zero|DPX & Bismuth - We had some enormous musical talent at the venue, but in particular I'll never forget a song each of you played separately (Zero's wonderful improvised piece, and Bismuth's Port of Adia). You guys have some enormous talent; Zero I think you should know that while you were playing the piece I mentioned, an older man (~65 years) that had nothing to do with the marathon stopped by while you were playing and just couldn't help but listen for several minutes. Just before he left, he looked at me and shook his head in disbelief. It makes me both sad & proud to know that I'll never hear that song again.

Lastly, there's a bunch of people that I either really wanted to talk with more coming into this marathon, or met for the first time during the week but just never really got to hang out with. 520, Andrewg, barhunga, Big Jon, BlkYoshi, BossCrab, Butters, Cosmo, Countdown, Gilder, Grav, Krauser, Mickey Mage, Mitch, Monopoli, Murph, Obda, Panzeh, Peaches, Pie, Reed, Romscout, RyanLW, Simmons, Spike, Weables, ZachSK, ZakkyDraggy, Zallard, Zenic, Zerst, and anyone I've missed, hopefully we can hang more next time!

And super lastly, I'd be remiss if I didn't give a big thanks to Mike, UA, Kiyura, Matty, TestRunner, and all the behind the scenes people that made it all happen.

e: Added some forgets
Me too:
Chat mods all of you, thank you. We had our up and downs, but the people in IRC were a great group. It was an honour and alot of fun to work with you, and id be happy to have the core of us together for upcoming events!

The restreamers thank you so much. Too bad I didnt find opportunity to handle my duty on german restream, thanks so much for your hard work.

The runners thank you, thank you, thank you! The sheer amount of people who invested so much time and money to go to the event was overwhelming.

SDA Staff that was a HUGE amount of work you put in there, cannot give enough shout outs to compensate the amount of gratitude you deserve

The volunteers not only did you attend, but instead you helped out keeping the whole thing running, well done guys <3

last but not least, viewers+chat. We had our downs and catastrophes, but all in all, it could have been even worse. This event is for you, and without you, there would be no such thing as 400 people attending an ever-growing AGDQ. Without the millions of lines of chat, a massive amount of donations wouldnt get done, I am sure of it. (And yeah there will be extensive chat stats soon-ish)

And some people I would like to shout out directly: Allypichu (being awesome), brossentia (SDA twitter), Bismuth (teh urn. hype nearly gave me a heart attack), bl00d_thunder (you handsome, handsome person), Mikwuyama (best twerk NA), ProfessorBroman ( \probroWaifu/ - best emote ever.)

I forgot too many people as that I would even try to list them, all of you are awesome!
Edit history:
mahnkiman: 2014-01-13 07:26:08 pm
mahnkiman: 2014-01-13 07:21:57 pm
It really was a humbling experience to come to AGDQ.  Not only does this community have top-tier gamers, you're some of the hardest working, chillest, down-to-earth, and generous people I've ever met.

Anyway, kinda feel like a butt for not getting everyone's names that I met, but here goes:

The staff

Uyama - You were nervous at the beginning?  Pfff.  Thanks for putting on a great event, and congratulations!  Also, I have mad respect for a guy who carries Genesis games in his coat at all times.

Kiyura - For herding the volunteers.  Every shift I worked you'd drop in every hour just to make sure we had everything we needed, and a little help goes a long way!

UA, TestRunner, Wyrm, Cool Matty - For making the 0's and 1's line up.

SMK - For helping me find my donation that almost went into the black hole of the Internet.

Muffins / Hannah - I should take a page out of your book on how to be more organized!

My roommates

Wyrm - For keeping the soda bomb under control.

Sunblade - Hope you enjoyed your first trip to America, even if it took half a lifetime to get here.

StingerPA - Sorry you got sick for a good part of the marathon, but thanks for reserving the room and just being an all-around cool dude.

Everyone else!

Ubergoos - Watching your Dark Souls runs is what exposed me to the GDQ's, so it was kinda surreal to meet you.

ProfessorBroman - What hasn't been said already?  You're jawesome.

sinister1 - Was great to finally meet you in person, and congrats on an awesome run.

duckfist, PJ, and feasel - For being fellow "speedrunning enthusiasts"!

BobTheNinjaGoldfish - Every time I showed up at the donation station you were plugging away, all the way until the very end.  That's dedication!

Blueglass - You eat Fruit Loops off your plate with your hands.  Enough said!

Kari Fry - For the caricature!

The Resistance crew (Withhelde, CTConqueror, moooh, LLCoolDave, and too many others I can't remember) - If there's one thing this game taught me, is to never get into politics, ever.

Random people playing instruments in the hallway - It's amazing what happens when you throw a bunch of musicians together.

Guy That Was Not Laz - Oops.

Laz - Keep on ballin'.

Last but not least, the devs, the sponsors, Houlihans, the Crowne staff, and PCF!
My first time attending AGDQ and it was awesome. Everyone was laid back and chill. It seemed to run very smooth from an attendee's point of view but I know you guys work super hard and some of you went days without sleep.

For those that don't know my name, I was the guy with the tan Pokemon X-Men shirt and the TMNT Jiujitsu hoodie because I packed everything but extra shirts.

Thank you buttersBB, Breakdown, and Ken for letting me stay with you guys. Butters always a good friend, always understanding.

Nice meeting PJ and Gildersneeze too you guys are great.

Bob you're one of the coolest people I've ever met. Feasel as well, super chill in person as you are on your streams. Romscout and the SotN guys, nice chilling with you day 1 and day 7 at like 8am while I tried to play Lolo 2.

Astorious! My new Australian friend! Also the Englishman! My new Canadian friend!

The Resistance crew - That game is too addicting. You are all awesome. Thank you Gold Splits for bringing it. CTConqueror, moooh, LLCoolDave, Team Fat! (RaneofSoTN, GameSwag, Zeph the ultimate troll), Monopoli, Wyrm, Weebles, NoClips, Smiles, Withelde, everyone. Rane you're ridiculous at that game.

TheMexicanRunner had the best shoes (Mario sandals) the whole week

Lynx cat savior

Mr McBadguy - Sorry your Cards Against Humanity expansion got jacked :-( You're awesome

CarlSagan and (girlfriend?) You were both super nice and super awesome. Trihex you're super chill too.

Everybody I crossed paths with, spoke to but didn't hang out with, etc. Everyone was awesome.

All the runners. The races were all amazing and being there in person made it a ton better. Blind Punch Out runs also huge highlights of the event as were the TAS demos but every runner knew their stuff and played well. This stuff impresses me more than anything I've experienced in video games, competitive or not.

Flicky I'll have to go work out with you guys next time.

I will admit, being there with all the people you watch regularly makes you feel like you should be able to just walk up and be like hey whats up but they don't know your face so it feels weird but don't be a creep about it, just be a person.

The hotel was awesome, the surrounding area was great, and I think everyone was treated pretty well by the hotel staff. I've been to a lot of conventions and tournaments and this has been my favorite event in maybe 10 years. Thank you for having something like this and having it open to spectators. I hope to be able to attend again and maybe run something next time.
I wasn't attending, and didn't see as much as I'd like, but the people that stood out when I was watching:

Satoryu - Great DuckTales Remastered Run.

Blueglass - I have never seen anyone more genuinely interested in games.

Miles - I haven't seen Pikmin 3 (or any in the series) before, but your run and commentary made me want to buy the game.

mikwuyma - For always making these great events, and always seem to make the feel in the room lighter and more cheerful when you are in there.

PEACHES_ - I've seen your one handed run before, but holy s**t it's still impressive

Sinister1 - WOW!
Edit history:
Sunblade: 2014-01-14 02:47:12 am
Sunblade: 2014-01-14 02:20:26 am
Only Offense Will Survive
It was my first time at Awesome Games Done Quick and it was a BLAST. Oh my god. I cant recall all names and I dont expect that everyone knows my name.

mikwuyma: Thanks for this great event man. See you next year.

mahnkiman: Thanks for picking me up and for your support. I would have been killed by the USA if you werent there.

Wyrm: Very cool guy, I love your sleep pattern.

StingerPA: Thank you for reserving the room and letting me sleep in your bed lol. It was very cool to hang out with you.

ProfessorBroman: RNGd by his wife, I love that. It was fun seeing your reactions during my RE4 run

theenglishman: You definitely had a top-tier commentary during my run. Thank you.

WMJ, Naegleria1, CGN: Dem fzerocentral. Love you guys.

Misty1: You can have my Bolt Thrower shirt next time


AdamAK: Unfortunately we were not able to hang out much. See you in April!

Chrno:: D.C. was awesome! Grin

flicky: Awesome guy. Unfortunately we had not much of a chance to practise german. I love that "ENTSCHÜLDIGÜNG".

FierceKyo: Awesome matches man. See you next time

A_Cute_Lynx: Dem cat saviour


LLCoolDave: It was very nice to see you again after all these years. Take care.

zallard1: Awesome runs dude. Way to go.

Golden: Awesome commentary during the SM race

Geoff: Glad that you enjoyed my RE4 so much. Rammstein rules, see you next time.

Carcinogen: Heard what happened. Sorry man. Unfortunately we had not a chance to meet. Maybe next year.

I had multiple chats and games with other guys but I cant recall their names. If some of you remember me (RE4 runner with the Bison/Dictator hat) and want to hold the contact: ->

See ya next year!
Edit history:
dxtr: 2014-01-14 06:33:25 am
dxtr: 2014-01-14 06:16:48 am
Sinister1 & Duckfist
You guys were one of the main reasons being there. Really looked forward to meet you two and also doing a live race. Awesome runs from both of you. <3

My traveller mate! <3 Well definitely see each other on ESA!

TMR, Mitch, Coolkid
Awesome people. You guys are too cool for me. Had many laughs... Triple candy.

Cygfer & Blechy
You guys. YOU GUYS! <3

Finally got to meet the legend!! Awesome run you did!

Really liked our session of Friday the 13th. I would be lying if I said I wasnt going to run this game while at home. I have to now. Smiley

Contra-crew (Mr.K, Heid and DK28)
Finally got to meet you guys, you guys blow my mind when it comes to Contra. <3

Same goes with you, you blow my mind with that SMW.

Awesome event. Everything was planned and structured flawless. Standing ovation!

The rest
What can I say. Im glad to have met all of you. Amazing to see everyone get together and do and awesome marathon! truly an amzing experience!

I probably will update the list later since there were so many that you got to meet that ive forgot half of them.
Edit history:
noclip: 2014-01-16 12:30:23 pm
noclip: 2014-01-14 11:37:02 am
noclip: 2014-01-14 11:31:48 am
mikwuyma, Runnerguy, SMK, Adam, z1mb0bw4y, D4rw1N, Azorae, Znernicus, Centuar1um, Studio, coolkid, Ovendonkey, Arie2929, Withhelde, Dana Crysalis, A Cute Lynx, vorpal, iMysty, Naegleria, ProfessorBroman, LLCoolDave: Thank you all for putting up with me awkwardly following you around with a giant camera. I can say unreservedly that you were all great. I promise to make the best film I know how to make. I won't release anything that doesn't do the speedrunning community justice.

FieryBlizzard: Thanks again for some damn fine conversation.

Resistance crew: We had some amazing games. Spy train is real.
Edit history:
Zero|DPX: 2014-01-14 06:18:42 pm
Thanks Blechy for your very kind words!  I appreciate it and I'm glad I could make a few people happy with my playing.

Other thanks:

Kiyura - Not only did you do heroic work helping and coordinating the volunteers, you were consistently professional and downright cheerful in your interactions with me and everyone else.  Thanks for listening, talking, trusting, and in general being a great friend to a random guy from your room.

UraniumAnchor and SMK - For all your work before AND during the marathon making the entire software stack function.  Donations, and thus the marathon itself, would be impossible without you guys.  Much respect.

UraniumAnchor and Cool Matty, plus TestRunner and everybody else putting in major time on the tech station - I know things were often frantic or frustrating, but you all persevered.  Once again, the marathon would literally be impossible without you.

Kiyura and Cool Matty - For both being needlessly kind to me after I broke the tech rules and changed some mic gains.  You could have gone off on me and permabanned me from volunteering.  Thanks for delivering criticism in a constructive way.  Never again, I promise!

BobTGoldfish - For a huge number of hours put in as a volunteer.  Way beyond the call.  And yes, you definitely know what you're doing :).  Bonus thanks for the good breakfast conversation.

tjp7154 - For being a music partner and always a friendly guy whenever we spoke.  I had a lot of fun hanging out with you.

Breakdown, Carl Sagan, PJ, duckfist, and others - Some of the many people who were warm and friendly to Random Dude You Don't Know Who Heard Of You On The Internet.  I appreciated it.

Finally, to the entire behind-the-scenes staff of folks whose domain knowledge and sheer persistence in the face of adversity pulls off these marathons.  You don't get to hear often enough that what you do is valuable.  Marathons end up being a long, stressful, busy week for you instead of a fun time.  Small as it is, here are my heartfelt thanks to you.  You make this happen for the rest of us, and your dedication impacts the world.  I hope you can work together to set up an ever more well-documented set of roles and command hierarchy for the future, not only to keep allowing GDQs to scale up, but so you yourselves get more of an opportunity to enjoy some of the fruits of your labor.  You deserve that.

P.S. Edit: Forgot to say, love to EVERYONE involved with the French and German restreams, both making it happen and watching it -- we had HUGE support through the whole marathon from everyone and it was fantastic.  You all ROCK!
All the things
To all the Fighting Masters tournament entrants: Get on my level. PJSalt
Uyama and the rest of the people better than me: Please don't hurt me.
Everybody: You guys are super awesome!


More serious and specific shoutouts to come at a later time. Smiley
I'm not your buddy, guay!
I don't want to go through a huge list of everyone I met, as I know I'll forget someone, so I will give a few select shoutouts. Everyone I met was very awesome and friendly, but these in particular stuck out for me. Note that these all had to do with running, but not speedrunning. Go figure.

dram and rudyxx for going for a jog with me. I haven't gotten a chance to do that with others in quite some time so thank you. It was a really awesome crisp morning and I had a lot of fun without it even feeling like a workout.

flicky, who always manages to have an interesting conversation with me even though I can be difficult to strike one with. When you were talking about human endurance and chasing down faster animals to their point of exhaustion it blew my mind. That's the kind of stuff I am really interested in...endurance running with elements of biology/nature. Really cool stuff.
Edit history:
Efreeti: 2014-01-14 09:15:55 pm
Efreeti: 2014-01-14 09:04:45 pm
My list will be short as I wasn't actually there, but I wanted to thank Uyama, all the organizers and tech people for making this happen, ShadowWraith for letting me moderate the IRC channel and all the mods I worked with; Toothache, Rakuen, IsraeliRD, mike89, MilesSMB, Lag.Com and CBenni (sorry if I forgot anyone). And to everyone who moderated Twitch chat; you are braver men than I. I applaud you. Special thanks to the guys who were actually on-site and helped us whenever we needed to bring a message through from IRC, such as Kiyura, Tompa, BobTGoldfish and everyone who manned the SDAMarathon client on the macbook. Lastly, thanks to every chatter who made the IRC channel a chill place to hang.

Also thanks to Sinister and Zallard for performing inhuman feats.
I also wasn't there, but not giving props is impossible at this point.

First off, to everyone who made this happen.  Organizers, runners, commentators, tech people, chat mods, etc.  The event was more than the sum of its parts, and considering the parts that says hell of a lot.  The marathon went very smoothly, despite the intervention of game crashes, sticky keys, fire alarms and the like, and the runs have never been better at a marathon.

Also to everyone who donated.  I would have been like Notch and dropped $10k if I could have, but let's face it: most people can't do that.  Whether it was five dollars or five thousand, the million only happened because so many people opened their wallets for a worthy cause (and amazing prizes thumbsup ).

Finally, to all the game developers who not only showed an active interest in the legacy of the games they helped make, but took the time to contribute to a charity event that featured their work either through skype or even personal attendance.  I don't think it's a stretch to say that all of us find the attention mind boggling and are flattered to the extreme.  All you developers who contributed made an already incredible event even better by an incalculable amount.

Compiled a list of names, when I started to write individual shout outs it got a bit lengthy so I just did this
I'm sure I forgot people, etc - I really had a great time this year.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Quote from Runnerguy2489:
dram and rudyxx for going for a jog with me. I haven't gotten a chance to do that with others in quite some time so thank you. It was a really awesome crisp morning and I had a lot of fun without it even feeling like a workout.

Wish I had gone running with you more than one day. It was pretty nice getting to run with other people for once.

Also shoutouts to everyone I didn't bother to say goodbye to because nearly everyone was still asleep when I left. Also shoutouts to everyone in my hotel room that I didn't actually meet. I'm sure you guys were fantastic. Especially whoever kept drinking my orange juice.
Edit history:
Wallcrusher: 2014-01-15 09:31:55 pm
Dogi the wallcrusher
Everyone I met - Being awesome
Everyone I didn't meet - Being awesome

Specifically a big shoutout to Broman for letting me tag along on his eStarland run
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Molotov: 2014-01-16 03:13:20 pm
Keeping it short this time, because I'm lazy:

Special super duper priority shoutouts to the hotel staff for putting up with such slobs. (Anti-shoutouts to those small trashcans for being too wimpy for that many people though!)

Shoutouts to Valiuse and my other roommates, ButtersBB, SMK, Mickey Mage, Worn Traveler, TJP, dballin, HonorableJay, Wallcrusher, Theenglishman, Spineshark, Rane, Flicky, and DK28 for all being cool people. Special shoutouts to Naeglaria for being an endless source of entertainment.

Other mentions:

That guy who asked me about Metal Gear (sorry, I don't think I quite caught your name): It's a shame we didn't get to race. I thought maybe you would be up for a solo run after Metal Gear Solid 2 that one day, but I guess not. Such a shortage of Playstation 3's screwed everything up. Sad

The person who brought the Miracle Girls cartridge: You have great taste in games.

Anti-shoutouts to the cold I've had since the 7th. Sad
Sadly, it was a short trip but damn was it fun meeting lots of new people.

Special shoutouts to Lazerlong for allowing me to use his laptop for practice.

Anti-shoutouts to Arch-viles.
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RPG Wizard: 2014-01-16 09:10:04 pm
RPG Wizard: 2014-01-16 04:36:34 pm
Guess I'll take a stab at this.

It was my first time attending a *GDQ, and I was impressed with how welcoming and friendly everyone was. I know I didn't particularly stand out, but my distinguishing feature was my slime baseball cap.

Shoutouts, in no particular order:

Dulles Airport Crowne Plaza staff, Houlihan's staff, and PCF staff: You were all awesome for all of your support and willingness to put up with a crazy week-long marathon. Similar shout outs to every company that supported this awesome marathon.

Uyama, UraniumAnchor, Murph, Muffins, and all volunteers/hosts/IRC/chat/other staff that I'm totally forgetting: You made this experience an awesome one, and something I would gladly attend again. I only wish I could support it more. You all rock.

Puwexil and Darkwing Duck: Yes, I know Darkwing Duck wasn't there, but I really enjoyed our conversations about the feasibility of running a Dragon Quest game. Puwexil, you're an awesome dude, and chatting with you was a definitely highlight of my trip. Thanks for making me feel welcome. (I'm sad I never got a chance to chat with Romscout about this, as he apparently also would have found it amusing.)

Buttersbb (Not Sinister): For that blindfolded punch-oh wait. For being very friendly and welcoming. You were one of the first people to introduce yourself to me, and you made me feel like this was a community that while niche, was entirely welcoming. I really appreciate that.

Mickey Mage and Worn Traveler: For your awesome taste in obscure and nifty games. Chatting with you both was incredible. Good luck to the both of you, and especially you with your novel, Worn Traveler!

The last host for the marathon: (I cannot remember your name! I'm sorry!) For being willing to read my donation, wishing my girlfriend Charoncaori/Emily a happy birthday. That was incredibly cool of you.

Zen_-: For being an awesome roommate. You and your friend were absolutely fantastic to room with. The times we got to chat were hilarious and excellent. I wish you both the best, thanks for being such incredible roommates.

Zallard1, Obdajr, Krauser, Blechy, Heidrage, dxtr, 520, Inzult, (the guy who was running Super Castlevania 4 who I similarly cannot remember the name of): Thanks for letting me watch your practice attempts and answering my questions. You were all incredibly friendly and fun to chat with, and your various game proficiencies were incredible to watch. Again, I felt welcome, and really appreciate just how much you were all willing to explain the incredible feats you were performing. I wish for some extra good luck for you, 520, as if I recall correctly, this was your last *GDQ. Your Okami skills are top notch. (Oh, and I was trying to run into you again during the marathon, but I figured out why your twitch name was what it was. Only took me too long to remember some basic Chinese.) Super Castlevania 4 guy, thanks for explaining to me what a Game Saver was.

MechaRichter: For having an awesome beard and perlers.

PJ: For being cursed.

PJ and MechaRichter: For being welcoming, friendly, and cool to chat with. I always enjoyed your various Battletoads and Double Dragon playthroughs.

Zallard1: For all of that Starfox 64 AND Super Punch-Out Practice. I felt not only welcome, but really enjoyed just hanging while you played. Also, I cannot remember who started freaking out when you counter-punched Hoy's staff, but he definitely made that an even more hilarious moment.

Obdajr Similarly, for all of that Chrono Trigger practice. You were welcoming, and I really enjoyed your tearing apart a game that I treasure from my childhood. Additionally, I got a chance to really just hang with you and Puwexil through all of your practice. Thanks for making me feel like part of the group. Side props to Adrian for that NG+ run. Wish I had gotten more chances to talk.

Whoever was playing IIDX: I don't remember your name, but you are one awesome dude. IIDX GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD!

Heidrage: You were ridiculously welcoming and friendly, and I grealty enjoyed all of the games you showed off to Charoncaori and me. Thanks for being friggen awesome. I wish you the best for finding a way around that wall in Summoner 2. And heck, maybe I'll take a stab at it some time.

Drew Weatherton and the rest of the MK64 group: The TASbot was excellent, and I'm glad to see speedrunners and TASsers working together. Thanks for chatting Drew, I really admire your dedication to your craft. Thanks!

LLK, Kariohki, SSSkinner, Max, SSSkinner's husband who I should know the name of and will just be rightfully embarrassed that I do not.: You were all very neat to talk to. I really liked the perspectives you offered from the side, as well as some great chat about art, Rune Factory, life, the universe, and everything. I'm really sorry I didn't get to chat with you all more. I shall try to follow you all on Twitter, because you were all fantastic.

Withhelde: For once again having an awesome hat. Also for being very welcoming. Thank you!

Trihex and Carl Sagan Team Yoshi's Island were hilarious to chat with, for what little I got to. You're both awesome.

A Cute Lynx: For saving Charoncaori's Felyne. I salute you. I hope you manage to get another 3DS and MH game soon, and I'm sorry yours vanished. Also, your girlfriend for being a cool person and having an awesome Luigi outfit.

Kari Fry and the rest of the Yetee crowd: You were all such cool people. I especially appreciated the love my Watabou plush got. Thanks for being welcoming and awesome.

Gamer, Terra, and the rest of the Battle Network crowd: I'm wishing you guys the best. As a big fan of Battle Network, you guys run an awesome series. I'll definitely check you all out on twitch.

Bonesaw77: Again, for being welcoming and friendly. I'm sorry I missed my chance to join Teh Urn Dance, but there's always next year.

Cleartonic: For running Dragon Warrior Monsters. You are THE MAN. (Also the only person who recognized my Watabou, I think...)

Charoncaori: For coaxing me in attending this wonderful event, and for being a wonderful girlfriend. (Glasses Cat Grill for the win!)

The musicians, whose talent only made the event better. Keyboard, accordion, and everything else: You were fantastic, and I appreciated the atmosphere you helped to provide. Thank you!

Anyone I forgot but had meaningful interactions with, and everyone I didn't but helped make the event as awesome as it was: Thank you!
Edit history:
Cool Matty: 2014-01-19 12:27:05 pm
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
In order of awesome to awesome:

Mike "Mikwuyma" "President of the Olde Boys Club" "Dictator of Uyamastan" "Leader of the Uyamanati" Uyama:
For continuing to be a great organizer, mediator, businessman and a cool guy to hang out with. Also Fighting Masters.

For once again putting in his due time for the broadcast. The layouts were great, the cabling was the best we could manage, and you still have the thankless archive creation to do. Also for being a cool dude to hang out and eat with.

For keeping up with the tracker and dealing with my terrible coding. Apologies for not noticing my issue earlier, you were probably pulling hair out over the performance problems.

For being basically MVP of this marathon. While you worked fairly hard at the event, you did a LOT more prior, setting up volunteer schedules and basically making our tech lives a lot easier. Without that, AGDQ2014 would have been a much bigger mess.

For being the rookie star of AGDQ 2014. Not only were you on tech a lot (longer than you should have, sleep is necessary!), you did a bang-up job of learning it all as well. You were one of the few I felt I could trust to get the mix right after the first couple days.

For being the Heaviest of Novas. And just for being a cool guy to hang out with and shoot the breeze.

For assisting in the demonstration of Dragon Crystal, awesome stuff.

For being an awesome artist, yet again. Thanks a ton for the crawlathon original artwork Cheesy Also enjoyed hanging out with you whenever possible and crackin' jokes.

Kari Fry:
For being awesome with your caricatures on site. Sorry you, Ryan and I never linked up for dinner! I swear I'll fix that next time! Also, yet another awesome attendee shirt! Woohoo!

Tastee Krew:
Sorry, I felt like crap most of the marathon so I wasn't really up for an outing, otherwise I would have made sure we returned to the Tasteeeeees.

For handling on-site issues like a champ. Also for having fun joking around.

Awesome hosting duty, awesome Rayman, literally awesome dude. Literally. Shoutouts to best pizza.

For literally wanting to kill me the entire marathon, figuratively. Awesome Rayman Legends run, and for experiencing the opening of the Seventh Circle of Hell that is Yeah! backwards. Lemme know how that Wrong Weapon skip works Tongue

Borderlands2 crew:
For having your shit together probably more than any other PC runner, as promised.

Golden and Sinister1: for the amazing Metroid commentary. The fame you're getting for that is well deserved. I'm sorry I wasn't better equipped for what you were attempting, I didn't quite understand the goal of it until shortly before. If you want to try this again, let me know ahead of time, I will make sure to get whatever equipment necessary to make it a fantastic experience for all involved.

Bassboost: for being legit best Smash64 partner.

PJ: For being my scapegoat whenever something went wrong. Also for even more hilarious DD/BT shenanigans.

MechaRichter: For putting up with PJ's shenanigans enough to actually do co-op.

The Mirror's Edge Crew: For letting me basically be the third wheel on commentary and making me feel welcome. Great race, couch strats ftw.

My Roommate, Vulajin:
For not being a creeper, dirty ass, or otherwise terrible roommate. Also for playing a good game.

Hannah: For best stream mom, as well as being the #1 supporter of Crawlathon%. Hope you're feeling better!