Any word on what games the arcade is going to have this year? Wondering if I should bring my SDVX controller or if the machine is gonna be there again.
I briefly asked Tokyo Attack pretty recently and he did say he's bringing a truck to AGDQ. He said he wasn't sure what machine were coming yet, but I would assume he's bringing his usual (Gravity wars, IIDX of some sort (hopefully Copula), Lapistoria, Jubeat)
I was planning to bring a bunch of neo geo games I'd like to bring as well as Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo. (and a supergun to play off a CRT)
But a bunch of my friends attending said Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo was there last year and to check with you guys first (well, they said check with pinballjoe, but Joe said he had nothing to do with it). Then one of them found this thread for me.
Can you confirm at least that one game (that's the largest board taking up valuable luggage space)? If not, Do you have an estimate (ball-park) on an announcement? Also will it be possible to swap our own jamma-boards into certain cabinets? (i'm a semi vet at US Fighting game tournaments, and the FGC allows swapping in our own boards, I don't know your policies since it will be my first GDQ)
IIRC the Puzzle Fighter machine was actually just a PS3 cab setup. They might have something similar for SF5, but I'm not positive, either way, it wouldn't be dedicated to Puzzle Fighter. Tokyo Attack will not be bringing a Neo Geo system as far as I am aware.
The other machines that Tokyo Attack are bringing I do not think have JAMMA. All the older cabs were supplied by MAGFest. I can contact them and see if their staff minds, but it would ultimately be up to them, as it's their hardware.