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Grogman: 2011-07-25 07:09:24 am
Grogman: 2011-07-25 07:08:55 am
Grogman: 2011-07-24 10:13:10 pm
Over the past week or 2 I've been building the Temple of Time from Ocarina of Time in Minecraft. I've been using pictures mainly from OoT 3D as references.

The Sheikah stones. Behind is me trying to make a good spire for the main tower.

The left wall. There isn't enough room to build it long enough at the moment.

I reached the height limit at the top

What it looks like from the inside at the moment


Future references:

From the market picture, I can tell that the Temple has a dome at the back, but there is a lot that is not shown in game, such as just above the side walls. I was wondering if any of you had some idea of what the Temple looks like where it's not shown. In particular I am struggling to think of what the 2 towers at either side might be for, and at the moment I've made them kind of like guard towers, with the bit above the side walls being walkways, but this doesn't seem quite right to me. Also, if you can see anywhere that I've made a mistake or where I can make an improvement, I'd really appreaciate it.

I'm eventually going to use MCedit and move the Temple down enough so that I can build to the top. I used Single Player Commands to build this, so I have unlimited blocks, can fly around, and I am able to get rid of shadows (which is why it isn't dark in the last image), but I put all the blocks down myself, instead of just drawing it on MCedit. There are more images here

I plan to eventually have it as close to the Temple in the game as possible, by having buttons that you need to press to open the Door of Time, and having a portal that comes up when you take the Master Sword. The portal would take you to the Temple in the future that I would have made in the Nether. I'm not very good with redstone so that will take a while. I also plan to make Death Mountain in the background, and alter the default texture pack to make it fit more with the game, and maybe have some blocks that are affected by gravity be the Spiritual Stones to put on the buttons for the Door of Time. I might later make more of Hyrule if I feel like it.
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Give me money or I shoot you in face
I think that's some pretty amazing building there. I've always wanted to build a superstructure like that, but I've never really had the patience. I've got the editor and inventory mods so I have the means to, but I just lack the creativity. That's some pretty amazing work though, and I commend you for getting so far with it. It looks epic, and almost like the real thing from the looks of your references. This inspires me to build something now Smiley
My goodness, dude! That is amazing! Seriously amazing epicness! Shocked
jesus christ that is awesome. keep us posted on the progress
Thanks for the compliments guys, and I'll be sure to update as I progress Smiley
I'm going on holiday for the next 2 weeks with extremely limited internet access, so I should have a lot more done when I come back, and hopefully I will have at least nearly finished the first temple by then.
Quote from Grogman:
I'm going on holiday for the next 2 weeks with extremely limited internet access

I'm in the middle of the exact same situation! No internet equates to megabuilds for some reason, curse you productivity-vampire :p

Keep up the good work!
I've been back for a few days now, and I would've updated sooner, but I didn't feel up to it for the first 2 days, and on the third day I'd actually been up for ~36 hours (D:). But after 14 hours of sleep and more than half a day of eating, watching tv and playing games, I finally feel up to it.

There was a bit of a surprise on my holiday in that I had forgotten that my friends were coming, so that was nice, although it meant that while they were there not much Minecraft was played. And then one of them suggested that I start playing Deus Ex which I bought in the Steam summer sale, so that took up a lot of potential Minecraft time. When they left there were only 3 days left, and in the time I wasn't doing stuff with my family, I was playing Minecraft. I extended the sides to the correct length, put some details into the pools, and failed at redstone multiple times.

Some grates I think you can faintly see in one of the angles, and I assumed they would be on both sides.

I imagined that they connected up.

3 redstone failures.

Before the switch is pulled


What the inside of the Temple looks like at the moment

I'll work on building more soon, probably up. I might be playing less of Minecraft and more of other games as I bought the Humble Indie Bundle 3 and payed more than the average, so I got the games from the second one as well, and I'm having a lot of fun with those, and Bastion looks awesome so I'll probably get that if it runs on my computer. I'll try to get more done than I did on holiday in the coming weeks though.

There are pictures of what the other redstone things do here
that was the best thing i aver played