Okay, I didn't realize that it already does that.
I'm not sure how feasible this is, but could there be a way to automatically load/append videos that get split into parts by stupid programs?
I've been recording using nVidia's Shadowplay, and due to a limitation in Win7 (and probably nVidia laziness) all of the files are broken up at the 3.8GB mark. The files are named like this:
Batman Arkham City 02.17.2015 -
Batman Arkham City 02.17.2015 -
Batman Arkham City 02.17.2015 -
etc etc
If I try to load a file and type a name with a wildcard at the end (Batman Arkham City 02.17.2015 -*) I'll get every video in the sequence. What I would like is a way (without commandline preferably) to have Yua automatically find all of the pieces and append them in sequence. For a 2 hour run I can have up to 10 chunks which get annoying to add manually (god forbid I choose the wrong video in the sequence). Even if I'd have to dump all of the corresponding pieces into a separate folder it would make things much easier.
I've been recording using nVidia's Shadowplay, and due to a limitation in Win7 (and probably nVidia laziness) all of the files are broken up at the 3.8GB mark. The files are named like this:
Batman Arkham City 02.17.2015 -
Batman Arkham City 02.17.2015 -
Batman Arkham City 02.17.2015 -
etc etc
If I try to load a file and type a name with a wildcard at the end (Batman Arkham City 02.17.2015 -*) I'll get every video in the sequence. What I would like is a way (without commandline preferably) to have Yua automatically find all of the pieces and append them in sequence. For a 2 hour run I can have up to 10 chunks which get annoying to add manually (god forbid I choose the wrong video in the sequence). Even if I'd have to dump all of the corresponding pieces into a separate folder it would make things much easier.