How urgent is this? I recently ebay-d one because my trading post topic did not provoke any offers, which I assume will be the same for yours. If you're willing to wait until I record the two runs I need it for (which will be about a month I guess) , and assuming you want it to record a run for SDA, I can probably get you mine super cheap (S/H plus a tiny bit). On ebay, expect to pay ~25 bucks for one. Not done. Personal stuff and so on, I am making a little progress but...not nearly as much as you or I would like. My offer still stands, but I have no estimate how much longer it will take. Sorry if this exchange made me seem a little douchy, it was not my intent but I suppose it did sort of come off that way. I apologize.
I'm incredibly sorry that this is taking so damn long. On the Game boy, I could have already finished these runs, maybe twice over. But as is...using the damn game cube controller, I can barely even play on a normal level, none the less do a great speed run. These runs are a secondary priority to school right now, but I am at least making progress...and golden sun is much more manageable than Goku.
Honestly, I would recommend looking elsewhere. I really hate to do this to you, and of course my offer still stands but...I'm seriously sucking at this. The damn controllers are unmanageable.
If the gamecube controllers are causing you that much grief, I'd recommend looking into a GCN -> GBA cable, so that you can use your gameboy advance as the controller.
Another idea (this is what I use) is to get a PS2 to GC controller converter. I like using that setup better. On mine, L2/R2 become the L/R buttons, L1/R1 is Z, and Triangle/Circle is select (by the default controls, since select and L/R are changeable on the GB Player).
Yeah . You can use a GBA cable that connects from your GBA to your GC and you can use that to control the game.
That's what I was going to do with my games. Otherwise I wouldn't even THINK about speedrunning. I'd just mess around and record nonspeedy runs for YouTube.
While i haven't bought this yet, I am planning on buying this the next time I make an order from DealExtreme. I seriously would never consider doing anything speed-running related with the Gamecube's D-pad, which is certainly the worst aspect of the GC's controller.