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wise fwom yo gwave
Just wanted to let you know that I am a huuuuuuuuuuuge wonderboy fan and really looking forward to the run. There are not enough master system runs on the site!
ZZT &gt; *
I've done some more testing and the glitch isn't useful to me, because I simply won't have enough money to be able to afford the Legendary Shield at that point in the game. I might have enough to buy it if I don't buy the Samurai Armor and the Lucky Sword (although I haven't check the charm points required), however I'd certainly not have enough money to buy the Tasmanian Sword later (which is kind of important).

I think I'll stick with the route I've got worked out - if I don't have to buy the Dragon Mail, I should have enough money for everything I need. It _usually_ drops from one of the blue fire-ant-lions in Piranha-Man's stage, but it didn't on the run through I did this morning. Odd... hope it doesn't happen too often when recording.

Everything's now in place to record. Let's see what happens.
Boards of Canada!
good luck!!
ZZT &gt; *
It's done.

My tentative, unofficial timing is 0:55:48 and I'm currently making a backup for myself. Next, it's a matter of getting the submission machinery in motion.
great news #endgame ! that's a nice gift you brought us all Wink thanks and see ya soon !
This Game is awesome i remember playing it but i also remember that i didn't beated the last Boss if i remember right. I really would like to see a Speedrun. is there any info if it is gonna be shared in here???
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

I read the whole topic and still no speed run!!

I havent played the game in ages but can share some of my memories to help you. I used to play this game a lot when a kid and still own it but dont play anymore.

_ there's a lots of hidden rooms and most of them are only accessible with hawk man. I remember a shop selling charms and another one selling thunderbolts. one of these shops is over town on the way to go to the door that leads to the path to pyramid. before accessing the door, there is some plateforms you have to jump on. well under one of these platforms, there is a shop. the others I cant remember.

_ prince armor increases drop of charms if I remember correctly.

more info to come if I can recall some stuff. good job!
Videogame Master
Soon, I will begin to work here, finally I got to buy the cartridge!!! Cheesy
ZZT &gt; *
The tape's been posted, as far as I know. I'm on the other side of the world, and I know that I asked my parents to post it.

The trouble with the secret shops is the amount of money required to get use out of it - you can't buy thunderbolts until you have 99 charm and the legendary armour, and that's going to be too slow for the benefit IMHO.

Also, see here:
Edit history:
SXL: 2007-03-26 11:21:13 pm
your run was in the verification topic for months, but it was removed. I guess it was either rejected (which I doubt, you would have had a message telling you), or waiting to be published.

while waiting, you can watch the TAS demo run, which unfortunately is emulated through GBA via DrSMS, so cannot be published.
Edit history:
nate: 2007-03-27 06:21:50 am
last night, i had a dream, and in it i was told this run would be posted before the end of the week.
WMIII is one of my favorite games every made (if not my favorite)! I would love to see a run done on the game. If I had a Master System, I'd do a run myself. Heck, I've been contemplating doing an emulator recording and posting it on the web (like Google Video) just for the hell of it.
wise fwom yo gwave
First off, this run could use a lot of improvements, but is ok for the most part:

1. why are you not jumping over enemies consistently in this game?
2. Why did you end up with so much gold at the end of the game?
3. I have specific problems with some of your boss battles, especially after watching testing out some of them myself.
4. Your menu movements could be a lot faster.
100% runs=great to watch
Overall, it was a good run to watch.  More Wonderboy on SDA = Good Times.
ZZT &gt; *
1. why are you not jumping over enemies consistently in this game?
2. Why did you end up with so much gold at the end of the game?
3. I have specific problems with some of your boss battles, especially after watching testing out some of them myself.
4. Your menu movements could be a lot faster.

1. Some of the enemies are always jump just as you do (giant cobras at any point after the intro sequence, for example)
3. Can you be more specific?
wise fwom yo gwave
I know some of the enemies jump. But I know there are enemies you can jump over.

You had like 450 gold to end the game, right? Isn't that a bit much over?

Anyhow, I did approve the run mostly based on your sequence break and route planning. I thought those 2 were your strong points.
Anyone else noticed the game runs slower than normal? Maybe it's just the video file or my comp?
wise fwom yo gwave
So the PAL version of the game runs slightly slower than the others? Boy, that blows.
wise fwom yo gwave
The pal system does, not the pal game. I have the pal version for some reason (can tell because the manual has 50 languages) and it runs at normal speed. If i ran it in pal land, it would run at 5/6 speed, like most old pal games.
Talk to the Hand
This was a pretty fun run to watch, even if I wasn't familiar with the game prior to this. I may have to reevaluate my "Phantasy Star is the only good SMS game" stance. I guess my cousin just has a bunch of crappy games with his for some reason..
wise fwom yo gwave
Good games for sms (you can get these all on emulator of course):
Psycho fox
Captain silver
Golden axe warrior
Sonic's (arguably)
Zillion 1 and 2
Alex kidd series
Wonderboy series
shinobi (better then NES version at least)
Ghouls n ghosts
ninja gaiden
fantasy zone 1 and 2

The difference is that it has been spread among the internet/last 20 years that only shitty games came out for the sms. Basically, if you take only the shitty NES games and show them to people (which is usually what happens), they would think the NES sucked too.
Boards of Canada!
Congrats with your run m8. I think you did 1 hell of a job there! Very pleasant run to watch and another run for the SMS on this site :).
dinosaur from the past
Meanwhile, in strange coincidence news, the TG-16 version of this game came out for VC today!

I think the run was rough in some spots, but the route planning was alright. I'm not sure whether all that power moneying could be avoided, and if the stuff you get is worth it, but I didn't test this stuff.
ZZT &gt; *
Meanwhile, in strange coincidence news, the TG-16 version of this game came out for VC today!

I think the run was rough in some spots, but the route planning was alright. I'm not sure whether all that power moneying could be avoided, and if the stuff you get is worth it, but I didn't test this stuff.

Some of it could have:
- The Dragon Mail didn't drop from an enemy in the Lava stage (piranha-man)
- I forgot the cost of the legendary shield and grabbed a few hundred gold too much.