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ZZT > *
I've been considering doing a run for this old Sega Master System game. For those who never saw it:
(Wikipedia stub)

Basically, it's a platformer rpg in the loosest sense of the acronym RPG. (i.e. you buy stuff to upgrade your character). The difficulties that would come up in speedrunning this game (for me) are:

1. Controllers.
I gave away my original master system controller years ago, and only have 3rd party controllers. Of those, one of them has a dying button 2, and both have turbo fire. The master system has its pause button on the console itself, which is used to access equipment menus similar to Zelda's subscreens in OOT. The developers of Dragon's Trap realised this, and set all directions on the D-Pad of controller 2 to bring up the pause menu. What I intend to do is build myself a custom controller using momentary pushbuttons, for which I can tape myself playing (if required - would make the vid look a lot worse) and provide pictures of this controller - while this game would not benefit from turbo hugely, I can show that there are no circuits that would do such a thing in it). The turbofire on my working controller is bad anyway (to the order of one push every second or so).

2. The Tasmanian/Kashmir sword.
This sword is hidden in a secret shop in the path to the Lion Man's dungeon. It allows the player to switch between forms outside of the normal transformation rooms and is not required to complete the game. The transformation is undocumented in the manual and is activated by pressing button 1 on pad 1 and button 2 on pad 2 simultaneously while in midair. It allows the player to switch to forms that cannot be normally acheived at that point in the game (the player acquires a new form on completion of a dungeon) and allows the skipping of at least one, but possibly 2 dungeons. I am unsure if it is intended as a cheat or not, since the sword itself is weaker than the ones normally collected at that point in the game. (It is listed down the right hand column of the weapons menu, and all 'magical' weapons are listed in this column: form-specific shields, lava-proof armor, Hades armor, Lucky sword (Improved gold drops), Thunder and magical saber (as spelled in game). It also allows the character to return to Human form, which is not possible normally.

3. The Hades armor bug.
The Hades armor has the feature that if you die while wearing it, your life gets completely refilled and the armor is destroyed. However, the bug is that you can die again and still get revived if you do not change your equipped armor.

4. Speedrunning choices
A 100% run for this game would be, in a word, boring. Basically, it would involve running back and forth collecting gold to buy all the swords/shields/armor, and no combat or skilled evasion that would make a run worth watching.

The choices that come up in an any% run, therefore, are ones of budgeting. Which treasure rooms to raid? What weapons/armor/shields to buy? Stop and collect gold from monsters or keep running?

For comparison's sake, I completed a lazy unrecorded run timed from the point where you press 'new game' until you collide with the salamander cross (thus switching the game into endgame-cutscene mode) as 1h:08min (forgot to stop timing for a phone call, I think < 1hr is easily possible with the Tasmanian sword). I skipped one dungeon with the Tasmanian sword, and only used the Hades armor once (I can only see this glitch invalidating a run if it activates a second time, which is easy to tell - did the player 'die' with no potions and get refilled twice?).

For those doing a segmented run, I would time until you entered the church (the door closes), and keep a clear view of the password on screen, then start recording the input on the password screen (shows that the run is being continued), but start timing once the cursor is over the "END" option.

My plan would be to run any% single segment.

What I'm looking for here, is:

Would a run of this game be accepted?


What 'features' are allowed/disallowed, regarding the Hades armor and Tasmanian sword?

Thanks for reading, and hope this is coherent enough.
Thread title:  
Angered Me, You have!
I would really loooove to see this run or any run related to Wonderboy since its by far one of Segas old classic games ever made so I see no reason why it shouldnt be accepted. Good Luck!
Edit history:
#endgame: 2005-10-12 09:04:35 am
ZZT &gt; *
I have made it to the final dungeon (skipping the captain dragon and damiyo dragons) with 4 hearts. The final dungeon will be difficult in this instance (my earlier run did not skip the captain dragon and had 2 extra hearts, and the hades armor).

Here's how the sequence break works:
After you get the thunder saber, collect the magical saber. (I also get the samurai armor and the lucky sword now, but it is not directly relevant to the break).

Switch back to mouse man, and head into the water underneath the breakable blocks (in town), as though collecting the magical saber again.

Instead of using the mouse blocks on the ceiling, drop down the 3rd pipe from the right, and head down lion man's path.

Proceed until you get to the shop with the tasmainian sword. Buy it and switch to lion man.

Once you get to the edge of the castle, switch to hawk man and fly straight up to the room where the hades armor shop is.


All that's left is to collect the legendary equipment (unless you're uberskilled and can get through the vampier dragon's castle with 4 hearts and subpar equipment) and then run the last dungeon to get the salamander cross.
Edit history:
AngerFist: 2005-10-12 09:24:46 am
Angered Me, You have!
Wow so we can expect you to be finished pretty soon eh? Soooo Looking Forward To Your RUN!
ZZT &gt; *
It's not wise to start speedrunning this close to exams. I usually just do 1 run of a morning.

I need confirmation about various aspects of the game (custom controller, hades armor, tasmanian sword) from someone in charge, presumably Radix.
ZZT &gt; *
I'm sorry about this necromancy.

Is the interest level in this game so low that there's no point for me to run it and send it in?

Should I make a best attempt at a run and send it in, to see if it gets accepted?
Angered Me, You have!
I'm sorry about this necromancy.

Is the interest level in this game so low that there's no point for me to run it and send it in?

Should I make a best attempt at a run and send it in, to see if it gets accepted?

I sincerely hope others are interested in this game and it would be extremely sad to see if you wouldnt send it to Radix due to low interest  :-[ I've said it before, I would love to see this run and I've seen much worse games being published at various sites, as this game is obviously one of Segas greatest games ever made, back in the good ol' days  Smiley
Boards of Canada!
I would love to see a run, and I'm sure there are alot more people around here who would like to see it but just didn't post.
Speedrun of Wonder Boy III?! I LOVE that game. Maybe I should get a tv just for playing Sega. The last time I played it, I didn't think about speedrunning it but later I have.... I just don't have a tv and emulators don't give the right touch.

The next time I can play it I will try speedrun and also trying to complete the game with ivory sword, shield and armor.
Speed is the key.
and emulators don't give the right touch.

And you can´t use them for speedrunning.
ZZT &gt; *
...trying to complete the game with ivory sword, shield and armor.

Now that would be something worth seeing. Dragon fights would take ages though.
100% runs=great to watch
Count me as somebody who would also like to see runs of this game up for enjoyment.  Classic games need love too.
ZZT &gt; *
For those who remember this game, to get the thunder saber (sic), you need to buy the dragon mail somewhere from a shop along the way. But sometimes... an enemy drops it. Anyone knows what triggers this.

Similarly, the hades armor drops in the Damiyo Dragon's castle. Anyone know what triggers that?

NahkahiiR: Are you going to collect heart containers? If not : :o. If you've found a way to avoid collecting the thunder saber (sic) and magical saber (sic), I'd be interested to know how you did it.
FF8 &amp; FF12.. Long awaited runs.
Another show of interest here.
ZZT &gt; *
For those familiar with the game:

Remember the part where you collect the magical saber (sic) as mouse man, just after getting the thunder saber (sic)? You can proceed down lion man's path. Buying the tasmanian sword, you can then morph to hawk man and fly out, skipping captain dragon and the damiyo dragon.

If that's not allowed, I'll have to look at doing the damiyo dragon's castle as mouse man.

I'm going on holiday for a couple of weeks as of Thursday, and will not have access to my SMS whilst away. I'll start serious work mid January, when I get back.
dinosaur from the past
IIRC the Tasmanian sword is on a little side path and to finish the main path you do need to be Lion Man. (I was always really annoyed that the different forms (at least before Lion Man) had different stat strengths and weakness and stuff, yet the game design gives you no choice at all on what form to use.)

It's gonna be hard ruling on the sword since it's clearly worthless without that power and it's in the "magic" side, but the power seems very "debug"-ey especially since you can switch to human. Guessing the programmers' intentions is never easy, and it doesn't help that Radix probably has no clue what this game is. (I was lucky that my cousin had a SMS when I visted him in Colorado that one time.)
ZZT &gt; *
You remember correctly, it is on a side track, but worthless? No. It's a significant improvement over the lucky sword (which is the best I can get at the time, and bugeting constraints mean I can't get enough cash to get a good armor to get enough charm to get the Muramasa Blade (sp?) as Lion Man). When I tested the route, I don't think I ever upgraded the shield past shogun.

I'll have to put on the WE5T 0NE cheat and see if I can make that jump at the end as mouse man. It'd be quite a timesaver if I could.

And another point for the debug argument (with the tasmainian sword) - if you switch to Lizard-Man, the fireballs he spits look like garbled sword pieces - bug or debug hack that wasn't intended for the real game?
If that's not allowed, I'll have to look at doing the damiyo dragon's castle as mouse man.

I once went through the Damiyo castle as mouse man but the Damiyo itself was impossible to beat because mouse man's sword couldn't hit his face. It's too high. Maybe with suberb use of items... (I ran out of them)
ZZT &gt; *

I once went through the Damiyo castle as mouse man but the Damiyo itself was impossible to beat because mouse man's sword couldn't hit his face. It's too high. Maybe with suberb use of items... (I ran out of them)

I'll have to look at that when I get back home from holidays, but that would then require stockpiling of items all though the rest of the game - not that much of an alternative.
just registered to say that there's some interest here too to see this great game done quickly.
really eager to see this, some divx of your work in progress would be nice, but I think I can wait for your run to be added here.
Edit history:
Creuil MS6: 2006-01-07 12:36:06 am
Heaven or Hell! Let's Rock!
When you wear the Hades armor you are invincible but i don't know where you can find it!
ZZT &gt; *
You find the hades armor in a shop. Fly straight up as soon as you get Hawk-Man. It's not supposed to refill your health more than once, that's actually a bug.
You find the hades armor in a shop. Fly straight up as soon as you get Hawk-Man. It's not supposed to refill your health more than once, that's actually a bug.

It is possible to get the armor in Hawk-Man's stage. Some creature drops it as an item. I don't know if it's a bug or what but using Hades armor sometimes makes Legendary armor to disappear. I found some mysteries with other armors. Prince armor gives you more small hearts dropped by enemies. There was something with Heavenly shield too but I don't remember what it was...
Hmm... or did a creature drop it in Lion-Man's stage? It has been a long time since I played the game last time so things keep getting a haze of bad memory around them. When the Hades armor is drained you can find it from the shop again.
Both times I've played through the game in recent times, the Hades armor was been dropped by enemies in Lion-Man's stage (I didn't even know there was another way to recieve it.).