>_> A little late for a reply, but to the person that said "speedrunning TWW is accepting tedium"...
How exactly is TWW tedious?
The current speedrun is over 6 hours. I have proven (on GameFAQs) that if you only do the required sailing, you sail for less than an hour (going iwth the wind obviously), and the most you will EVER sail at once is a little over five minutes, and that's going from Windfall to Outset. Everything else is either cutscenes (which luckily, there aren't as many long ones like in OoT) or action.
I can't see the tedium.
And of course, YouTube craps out on me right when there's a new video that gets good responses. >_>
pff, you don't need to sail for five minutes to get to Outset from Windfall Just sail to North Triangle Island and hope Cyclos drops you off at Outset.
Actually, the same applies for the reverse trip. Sail to Shark Island and hope to be dropped off at Windfall.
I remember I said that doing a SS would be boring.
pff, you don't need to sail for five minutes to get to Outset from Windfall Just sail to North Triangle Island and hope Cyclos drops you off at Outset.
Actually, the same applies for the reverse trip. Sail to Shark Island and hope to be dropped off at Windfall.
Wind Waker is an extremely boring game and it's not very good for speed runs either. I don't care whether you only do the required sailing or not; spending an hour sailing along doing absolutely nothing else is not fun, it's just plain boring. Cutscenes are unskippable (cutscenes are boring!) as well. And there are very few sequence breaks and timesavers that are interesting to pull off and see pulled off in a run.
Wind Waker is an extremely boring game and it's not very good for speed runs either. I don't care whether you only do the required sailing or not; spending an hour sailing along doing absolutely nothing else is not fun, it's just plain boring. Cutscenes are unskippable (cutscenes are boring!) as well. And there are very few sequence breaks and timesavers that are interesting to pull off and see pulled off in a run.
Says someone who worships TP.
Honestly... I'm the one running the game here and even I don't find the long text or sailing tedious... I'm ALWAYS focused on not messing up, so none of it really bothers me.
Oh, and I'm so sure a normal player would see slowly spinning around in a circle would be more exciting than sailing for five minutes.
I wonder what this means...maybe it's that you need better examples.
Honestly... I'm the one running the game here and even I don't find the long text or sailing tedious... I'm ALWAYS focused on not messing up, so none of it really bothers me.
Good, there's a lot I like about TWW too. The points made are still lame parts of the game anyway you look at it.
Edit: Let's focus more so on the speedrun itself rather then our opinions.
A while back I found a glitch that gets you into an unreachable area onto a pirate ship by hookshotting and jumpslashing. But I don't remember where I was, or if it was found before.
It was in the place where there were a bunch of un-lit torches around and you had to shoot fire arrows at every one, then something would happen. Could someone point out where that is? I'm pretty sure it was part of the "main quest" in wind waker. Or, if it's been found before, then don't worry about it.
It was in the place where there were a bunch of un-lit torches around and you had to shoot fire arrows at every one, then something would happen. Could someone point out where that is? I'm pretty sure it was part of the "main quest" in wind waker. Or, if it's been found before, then don't worry about it.
That place looks exactly the same, but there was a torch right where Kazooie was standing at 1:05. There weren't any pots there IIRC. I remember going to both that place and the one I'm talking about.
It's on Needle Rock Isle, under the ice crystal. I think there was originally more to the Ghost ship, but it was cut for time. Just read the stone in that cave to see why.
It's on Needle Rock Isle, under the ice crystal. I think there was originally more to the Ghost ship, but it was cut for time. Just read the stone in that cave to see why.
Thanks, It's all coming back to me now. Can I get to that place on a file that is at the final boss? or do I have to be at that part in the game.