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Meh, I'm a sucker for things that take practice. I'm just saying-- I think the game deserves at least a SS, if not a 100% (which seems... impossible  :-/).
By all means it's possible. Louischou has a WW 100% run on youtube. But a WW 100% is far too long.It would be too long of a video for SDA. Over 20 hours is my estimate.
By all means it's possible. Louischou has a WW 100% run on youtube. But a WW 100% is far too long.It would be too long of a video for SDA. Over 20 hours is my estimate.

Well I wonder if figurines would count.
I should hope not. Without them, it wouldn't take nearly as long.
MrGrunz is a guay

When I finish my any%, I don't think doing a SS would be too bad an idea. I might look into doing it.

Aww I wana do an SS  Sad
Working on that boss key early trick for three hours really made me get bored of TWW.

Working on my boss key early for 3 minutes made me like it more  Smiley lol
That doesn't mean that you can't do a SS ZFG. And if I never posted my Boss key video, you never would have thought of that sequence break.
MrGrunz is a guay
That doesn't mean that you can't do a SS ZFG. And if I never posted my Boss key video, you never would have thought of that sequence break.

Hhhmmm maybe I will do a SS then.I'll try to practice some of the harder glitches until I fully master 'em then if I get a capture card for my birthday I might do it.And ya your right I wouldn't have found it without your vid but does that mean I have to give you partial credit?
Just thank me Wink
Well I wonder if figurines would count.

Considering how other games in the series does skip things in 100% runs, I am sure a decent argument could be made for them not being required.

Maps and compass are not needed as has been mentioned before several times in 100% runs.  More relevantly perhaps is the arrow and bomb upgrades for 'A Link tot he Past.'

Requirements for 100% are getting all items...  except the bomb and arrow upgrades. The reason is that Radix never gave a damn about them when he played the game casually for "getting everything".

I think the figurines should be treated the same way.  They are pointless, even more so than those upgrades.

I kind of see them in the same vein as the scans in the Metroid Prime series.  Both involve stopping fighting and taking a picture for a few tibits of infomation and some pretty pictures.  Not required in MP so why here?

To put it simply I highly doupt that if they are needed a 100% run is not going to be done. It be stopped by a long simple pointless sidequest that I am guessing most do not want to see anyway.

Wow, that seems far to much like a rant against the site for a ruling it has not even made yet.
My opinion is that the figurines are indeed too much trouble for any sort of run, especially since there is no reward. The Tingle Statues are a different story, though. You get a huge boost in rupees from those, and you need said rupees so tingle will translate your maps, so it is worth the time to get them. Getting all the blue chu jelly for the potion guy is not a good option, though, especially with the Elixir Soup trick. Then we move onto the quest for getting all the sea charts and your map filled out entirely...only getting the ones that give you a piece of heart is good enough, and the map itself doesn't need that much attention anyway, seeing as good runners will know exactly which island is which. Then there are the big octos...the piece of heart and double magic meter are all you need. And voila! We've already gotten rid of at least 2 hour's worth of work for stuff that ain't worth crap!
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I know you guys have probably seen this already, and known it ever since your first playthrough (as have I), but here's the best strategy for Ganon for when you get to him. Obviously, you won't have the Magic Armor, but then again, I don't get hit.

I searched after The Wind Waker but didnt find anything so i make a new topic. So.. this topic is all about Legend of Zelda : The Wind Waker. Ask about somheting... talk about run if anyone doing and so on..

A question i have : Can anyone find a map with all the Heart Pieces? I would really apreciate that..

sorry if this is too late... found one lol

click here
MrGrunz is a guay
I know you guys have probably seen this already, and known it ever since your first playthrough (as have I), but here's the best strategy for Ganon for when you get to him. Obviously, you won't have the Magic Armor, but then again, I don't get hit.

Wow its really a shame how easy ganondorf is in this game
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
<_< Not necessarily easy, just fast when you KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING.

Anyway, Ganon/dorf is easy in EVERY game he's in (except Event 29).
I know you guys have probably seen this already, and known it ever since your first playthrough (as have I), but here's the best strategy for Ganon for when you get to him. Obviously, you won't have the Magic Armor, but then again, I don't get hit.

No offence, but the best strategy (that I've found) is;

1. At the start of the battle, back off a bit and Ganondorf will jump between Link and Zelda, whom will hit him with a Light Arrow.
2. Quickspin him 3 times while he is stunned.
3. After he recovers, attack him until you get a parry, then ignore him.
4. Talk to Zelda - This will make her fire her next arrow sooner.
5. Watch the ensuing cut-scene (listen to the music, if it changes immediately, you’re close to optimum).
6. Parry, quick spin twice, parry, quick spin once, then move away (this triggers Zelda's awakening)
7. Talk to Zelda.
8. Deflect arrow (you can deflect it without being locked onto Ganondorf, which skips the deflection cutscene, but this is hard to do and doesn't save any considerable amount of time), stab Ganondorf.
9. Victory in less than 40 seconds!

This is without the soup BTW - just hit him less if you have it.

I would’ve made a video, but I lack the means to do so.

I also have this rather spiffy Puppet Ganon strategy if anyone is interested.
Edit history:
peteyboo: 2007-07-23 10:49:01 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Hmm... Maybe I'll try that strategy next. I haven't made a YouTube video in a long time...

Now all I need to do is get used to quickspinning with the crappy third-party controller.

Edit: But uhh... What do you mean when you say "back off" at the beginning? Like what exactly do you do?
<_< Not necessarily easy, just fast when you KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING.

Anyway, Ganon/dorf is easy in EVERY game he's in (except Event 29).

god i hated that
But uhh... What do you mean when you say "back off" at the beginning? Like what exactly do you do?

Simply turn around and walk a few steps towards the camera. If you don't do this, Ganondorf will allways land in front of Zelda, thereby dodging her arrow and wasting time.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Ah, I thought you meant backwalk or something.

All I know is that every single one of my controllers suck and I can't quickspin without doing a jump attack first, and even THAT is difficult because the timing is screwed up by Ganon's body.
No offence, but the best strategy (that I've found) is;

1. At the start of the battle, back off a bit and Ganondorf will jump between Link and Zelda, whom will hit him with a Light Arrow.
2. Quickspin him 3 times while he is stunned.
3. After he recovers, attack him until you get a parry, then ignore him.
4. Talk to Zelda - This will make her fire her next arrow sooner.
5. Watch the ensuing cut-scene (listen to the music, if it changes immediately, you’re close to optimum).
6. Parry, quick spin twice, parry, quick spin once, then move away (this triggers Zelda's awakening)
7. Talk to Zelda.
8. Deflect arrow (you can deflect it without being locked onto Ganondorf, which skips the deflection cutscene, but this is hard to do and doesn't save any considerable amount of time), stab Ganondorf.
9. Victory in less than 40 seconds!

This is without the soup BTW - just hit him less if you have it.

I would’ve made a video, but I lack the means to do so.

I also have this rather spiffy Puppet Ganon strategy if anyone is interested.

Please tell your Puppet Ganon strategy.
No offence, but the best strategy (that I've found) is;

1. At the start of the battle, back off a bit and Ganondorf will jump between Link and Zelda, whom will hit him with a Light Arrow.
2. Quickspin him 3 times while he is stunned.
3. After he recovers, attack him until you get a parry, then ignore him.
4. Talk to Zelda - This will make her fire her next arrow sooner.
5. Watch the ensuing cut-scene (listen to the music, if it changes immediately, you’re close to optimum).
6. Parry, quick spin twice, parry, quick spin once, then move away (this triggers Zelda's awakening)
7. Talk to Zelda.
8. Deflect arrow (you can deflect it without being locked onto Ganondorf, which skips the deflection cutscene, but this is hard to do and doesn't save any considerable amount of time), stab Ganondorf.
9. Victory in less than 40 seconds!

This is without the soup BTW - just hit him less if you have it.

I would’ve made a video, but I lack the means to do so.

I also have this rather spiffy Puppet Ganon strategy if anyone is interested.

Someone want to record this to see if it really saves good time?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
No offence, but the best strategy (that I've found) is;

1. At the start of the battle, back off a bit and Ganondorf will jump between Link and Zelda, whom will hit him with a Light Arrow.
2. Quickspin him 3 times while he is stunned.
3. After he recovers, attack him until you get a parry, then ignore him.
4. Talk to Zelda - This will make her fire her next arrow sooner.
5. Watch the ensuing cut-scene (listen to the music, if it changes immediately, you’re close to optimum).
6. Parry, quick spin twice, parry, quick spin once, then move away (this triggers Zelda's awakening)
7. Talk to Zelda.
8. Deflect arrow (you can deflect it without being locked onto Ganondorf, which skips the deflection cutscene, but this is hard to do and doesn't save any considerable amount of time), stab Ganondorf.
9. Victory in less than 40 seconds!

This is without the soup BTW - just hit him less if you have it.

I would’ve made a video, but I lack the means to do so.

I also have this rather spiffy Puppet Ganon strategy if anyone is interested.

Something is wrong with this... Everytime I attack Ganon until I get a parry and am able to talk to Zelda in a reasonable amount of time, she can STILL never get an arrow out before Ganon gets back up and dodges it.
Something is wrong with this... Everytime I attack Ganon until I get a parry and am able to talk to Zelda in a reasonable amount of time, she can STILL never get an arrow out before Ganon gets back up and dodges it.

Huh? You're not supposed to stun him or anything - Ganondorf always dodges an arrow if it doesn't hit him in the back. After you damage him enough (three spin attacks), talk to Zelda and then run away so that Ganondorf has his back turned against her.

Anyway, I just made an attempt using the Elixir Soup and got a time of 46 seconds... Which is slightly higher than I remembered, but still saves over 20 seconds compared to peteyboo's video. I think that's a sizeable improvement to a one minute fight, personally.

As for my Puppet Ganon strategy:

Phase one:

1. Shoot down the string attached to his tail - Don't bother with the other ones.
2. Shot his tail, then back off a fair bit and align yourself in a straight line with his body as he rises to the sealing.
3. As he comes back down spinning, shoot his tail again. (he will make two passes, use the first one to see where the ball will be, then time your shot to hit it on the next pass) If you're lucky, you will also hit the string, saving one boomerang throw later. When you hit him, Puppet Ganon will stop momentarily, then start attacking.
4. Bring down his tail again and shoot it to end the fight.

Phase two:

You could do this the intended way, but you can also shoot him as he is falling down on you, saving a second or two. I only do it the first time, then I use the second one to refill my magic (the bats won't appear if you shoot him in the air), the last time is not worth the risk.

Note; you can hit both forms while he rests up in the sealing, but that's more of a TAS thing. The spider is easier though, and if it kills him, he will die up there, and the snake will appear out of nowhere. Pretty funny.

Phase three: Just stand in one spot and shoot him. It's easy to hit him when he spins around in one spot. Again, look where the ball is, then time your arrow to hit it. I’m sure this is what any decent runner would do, but I don’t want anyone doing it like TSA because that fight just sucked.
That last post was me, BTW.