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im looking for a new RGP to play and i dont know wich one to buy :|

im looking in this list

secret of mana
secret of evermore
mario RPG

thx for ur support Smiley

( btw dont say other game then those one, there is a good chance tha ti lareayd own them )
Thread title:  
EarthBound. It's the best of 'em, hands down. Followed by Mario RPG and then Final Fantasy. Mana and Evermore sucks.
I say Mario RPG.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I've never played Earthbound, but I've beaten the others.

FF3 is awesome.  It's one of my favorite games, sometimes even topping the list, depending on my mood.  You've played other Final Fantasy games, so you have an idea of what to expect.  It's my favorite of the series.

SMRPG is very good, but I never play it anymore.  It has a lot of timing tricks- hit a button at the right time to critical hit, or to chain hits, or to defend.  (Much like Vagrant Story, if you've played that).  It also has a huge amount of extra stuff you can do with sub-games and reaching non plot-related goals for a game of its era.

Secret of Mana is most memorable for having the worst AI in the history of video games.  Not only do your other party members immediately walk up to the first enemy in every dungeon and proceed to get pummeled to death, but even after they're dead, they STILL slow your progress by getting stuck on every wall you try to pass, so that you have to go back and move your character around until they come unstuck.  The hit detection is as bad as I've seen in any game.  The boss fights are pretty bad, since any idiot can figure out how to time spells so that the boss is continuously in "being hit" animation, and never gets an attack off.  I got used to these things, and I enjoyed the game.  But when I try to go back and play it again, it just annoys me.

Secret of Evermore is much like Secret of Mana, except that they fixed all of the problems I listed.  It has a unique magic system that annoys many people.  It has a very un-serious story line full of bad movie cliches that also annoys many people.  If you think story line and character development are important in an RPG, Evermore isn't for you.  If you're more concerned with game play, though, it's worth a try, because it really is a fun game.
Secret of Mana!!! Believe me it can change your life. Earthbound sucks!!
${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
Secret of Mana if you are young or not used to action rpgs (very unlikely ;)) or like to play games when drunk (more likely ::)). It's not very complex, it's fun, and if you do not have to play the crime of german translation it has even something like atmosphere.

Secret of Evermore if you start to get annoyed by the ever same japanese-colourful-mystic-stuff-with-huge-moral setting and don't care about logic (pepper for telekinesis?).

Final Fantasy 3 for you if you look for a nice story that for a change is not about one single soon-to-be hero but about a bunch of completely different people who all for they own reasons are heroes. You'll also have to accept same minor flaws in the enemies coolness, but hey, not every boss can be sephiroth.

Mario RPG if you like Mario (d'oh) and like looooong fights.

(I never heard of the last one... will have to look it up...)
Edit history:
Molotov: 2005-04-20 06:35:51 pm
Hey. If you have the money, and can find it, Final Fantasy III (because it's awesome).

Other than that, go with Secret of Mana. Lots of things to love about running around beating the crap out of everything.

The AI (of your party) is terrible, but, you can change their strategy on enemies. That helps quite a bit if you're in a hurry (by telling them to keep away).

If you would have mentioned Japanese games, I would have said Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu...but I'm getting off-topic.
i would so get mario RPG... but thats just me

then Earthbound... good game... but i never finished so it couldnt be that good...

woot 1st post with a real name (<--- sry bout that couldnt resist)
Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean are probably the two best RPGs of the SNES range. Don't worry.. you probably don't own them - they never left Japan. Both have emu translation patches, though.

From the ones you listed, they're all a bit "meh".
i dont want a emu version :|, i want to play on my snes Wink
hmm... well ok, but why do you insist on having the cartridge?
Hey. Well, you could still use the cartridge to play those games (like I did with my Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu), but make sure to play an english translation to death or learn Japanese first.

If you don't, you'll probably have a hard memorization process ahead of you.

Just track the cartridge down on eBay or something, then do the modifications needed (listed on GameFAQs).
dinosaur from the past
Personally, I think SMRPG has a crap-tastical battle system, as from about Bowyer on you can do the same damn thing the entire game, even to bosses.
i finaly bought ff3 ^.^