Downup did one ... but I never posted it because ... well I dont remember the exact reason, but I think it was because some of the levels didn't record right so he had to redo them and capture with some weird program, and he ended up with videos that included exteral music and not correctly synched ammo and stuff. Or maybe that was his opposing force run.
What I've always thought would be intresting would be sven coop runs with like 2-5 players working together for the best time, probably single segment style. Speaking of which, I'd love to see more coop-runs on quake.
There are many, many coop runs on quake. However, there is no 'entire of ID' coop RUN yet... I hope I can rectify this myself (wishful thinking), if I get another UK player who wants to try. There is however both an EH2 and an EH4 (that's 2 player 100% and 4 player 100%, for the laymen) coop run up, which makes for some nice viewing. Although the EH4 is... much slower than the EH2.
Erm. That was a lot of stuff about Quake in a Half Life topic. Argh!
I did a Marathon run, recording with GameCamLite as i played. I can't bunnyhop to save my life so it took me 51 minutes (46 minutes fighting time) but at least it has one new trick :-).
I think I'm gonna buy both Opposing Force and Blueshift. When I get Blueshift, it'll be easy to improve on that 36 minutes I'm sure. Now, the difficulty is... I just need a job o_O;