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Recently, my controller that I use for nearly all of my games, broke.
So now, I'm left to wait for 4-5 days for my new ones, and it had me thinking.
What is YOUR favorite Gamepad?
Mine personally is the SNES controller.
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dballin: 2013-10-08 09:11:44 pm
Balls jerky
Sega Saturn controller is the best ever made. An improvement on the Genesis 6-button pad, at least the US 'model 2' or Japanese 'only model because fuck america'. It's so good that Sony licensed the design for the PS2 and you can get a Saturn style PS2 controller which I kinda wish I owned for select games. At the same time my least favorite controller I've ever used is probably the Saturn 3D controller. That giant monstrosity of a controller is an affront on so many levels. Then it became the Dreamcast controller which is a bad controller for a great console. Then it was the Xbox controller which needed to be redesigned because it sucked and was huge. I still hate the offset left stick of the xbox. PS symmetry plz.
It's hard to say categorically that anyone has a favorite controller. Would you use a SNES controller for a 360 game - or a 360 controller for a SNES game. Each controller is made for it's own console.

When it comes down to old school - the SNES pad really worked. It was sleek, had enough buttons to fulfill almost any function, and it was accessible. Genesis and Saturn controllers have to come in second though. So many buttons - and it didn't ever feel clunky.

For modern days - the PS3 pad is my favorite. I don't get the hype with 360 pads - as was said, the offset D-pad is just peculiar. (Although at the moment I do use a 360 pad for PC was cheaper all right!)
Edit history:
dballin: 2013-10-08 09:08:24 pm
dballin: 2013-10-08 09:04:49 pm
Balls jerky
I'm dumb and actually meant the analog stick, but it's still jarring. My thumb isn't used to going that high to control stuff. PlayStation fanboy for life I guess. Go '95!

Apparently the Dualshock wasn't introduced until 1998??? Damn yo
Depends on the game. Only the NES D Pad is good enough for Legend of Zelda speed runs.  All others are inferior.

For other games, SNES is fine, as well as knockoffs/refinements like Dual Shock, Classic Controller, and Classic Controller Pro.
Gamecube and Xbox 360, very similar both are godly.
There are several criteria for me that make a good gamepad:
-Good D-Pad (having grown up with NES/SNES)
-Comfort (can I play with it for long periods of time without discomfort)
-General Feel

For me, I've had the most pleasure with the following:

1 - SNES
2 - Classic Controller (v1, not Pro)
3 - PSX
4 - Dualshock 2 (never played much with original Dualshock, but I do remember it weighing noticeably more than the DS2)
5 - Sidewinder (only some of them though, the build wasn't consistent)

I play a lot of fighting games on pad, and find that the crosshair D-Pad (for me) is the most consistent, with the SNES having the best one.  The PSX and DS2 D-pads are close behind, but are stiff when new and need to be worked in a bit.  The CC pad is a little too loose for my liking, but is still more than useable.  The Sidewinder D-pad isn't cross-shaped, but still functions extremely well (if you didn't get one that had issues registering down, I had 2 out of 3 that did this).

The reason for the top two choices though, is that due to the lack of prongs, I find my right hand does not cramp up when using a claw grip (mainly for Megaman X style games).  I also find that the left analog stick on the DS2 is a little too close to the D-Pad for my liking.

The other thing that keeps the CC from attaining SNES levels of goodness are the buttons.  The face buttons on the CC have a slightly sharper edge than the original SNES buttons (or PS controller buttons), and this occasionally causes discomfort on my right index finger in claw grip.  The L/R triggers on the CC are also analog buttons, so require more pressure to use than the old SNES L/R buttons. 
I am a walrus
I don't even have an Xbox360 controller but its the most comfortable to use, The D pad is shit but you don't need it for anything precise when playing modern console stuff.

NES controller brings memories and feels simple but efficient + the D pad is accurate (if its not broken due to age).
On a side note the games on NES (and snes) Feel so responsive compared to modern console stuff. Pressing a button instantly moves, jumps or attacks instead of starting a 40 frame animation.
Stickless controls would be 3 button Genesis and then SNES. 3 Button had enough buttons to do complicated things, but simple enough that the rest of the family could use it and not go "wheres this button"

Sticked would probably go to the original fat Xbox controller. The 360 and the Dualshock 3 both felt I could snap it in half if I put an extra ounce of pressure.
Something witty
While I'm more of a PC gamer and prefer a keyboard and mouse, I do love the original Gamecube controllers. Every time I see one, it makes me mad that I have a crappy 3rd-party controller that's slightly larger and requires more force to activate than the original.
Freelance slacker
2D Games - SNES Controller
3D Games - Gamecube Controller (360 is a close second)

As an aside: I used a SNES controller with a USB adapter to speedrun a NES game on emulator. I finally got a console to do a run for SDA, but I'm struggling with the NES controller a little bit. Whenever I solidly press a button, it registers without fail. The trouble comes when I try to tap the jump button to do a short jump. Sometimes it doesn't register. It also almost never registers if I press a button from the side when my thumb is off center. I opened it up and cleaned the rubber contacts with a pencil eraser, and the board contacts with some rubbing alcohol and Q-tips. The problem persists (the contacts didn't look very dirty anyway).

Can anyone confirm that the buttons on a NES pad simply need to be pressed a little further to register compared to a SNES pad? It's something I could learn to adjust to but it'd be nice if I could just get another controller that works better.
SNES controller will always be my favorite (though Sony's dualshock is a close second)

@mithical87 You can actually use a snes controller on a nes with a fairly simple pin-to-pin converter (link).
It's weather time!
For me it depends on the individual game. I grew up using a keyboard and that is by far what I'm most comfortable with (playing piano also helps).

As far as controllers, though, I've always had a fondness for the original PlayStation controller (yes, the one without analog sticks), the Wavebird (wireless Gamecube controller) and the SNES controller. But then again I hold every controller similarly to how Feasle holds his NES controller so maybe my view is a bit eschewed in that regard.
I hate the SNES d-pad. It doesn't feel as responsive to me, like you need to press it down further. I like the NES d-pad much better.

My favorite controller of all time is probably the Dual Shock 2. It's very comfortable, no concave buttons, and better L2/R2 than the PS3.

I also really like the Genesis 3-button controller. Great d-pad, comfortable to hold, and big, easy to hit buttons.
Would definitely have to be the Gamecube controller.

The D-Pad is a bit garbage but luckily there aren't many games on the system that absolutely require use of it for much more than just a quick tap.

The staggered analogs make it comfortable enough to play games that utilize them fully as such. (i.e. Metal Arms) The pressure sensitive triggers are also great.
Takahashi Meijin
Not necessarily the best, but the Wii-U Pro controller feels real nice and is good for mashing. Good weight. D-pad is too slippery but otherwise reliable. 80+ hours of battery life is also a plus.

Noteable mention goes to the rock band portable drum kit pad. Great replacement for the garbage pad and has a classic form factor.
I speedrun Shank 2
Tie between gamecube and Xbox 360 controller.
My 360 controller is going to crap though, the left analog stick is terrible.
The POWER GLOVE!.....jk
Might have to go with the PS3, it feels just right to me.
I'm simple
Depends on the generation of consoles. Atari's joystick is very basic. Just a joystick and a button. Xbox 360's button layout is the best in my opinion other than the Gamecube. However, I wished Xbox 360 analog sticks like Sony's DUALSHOCK. Not in terms of layout, but stiffness of the sticks.
regular nes pad
torch slug since 2006
ofcourse it depends on the game, i mean i wouldnt wanna play gta v with a n64 controller, but in general i think n64 controller is my favorite. as much as i hate how easy the stick gets worn out, playing sm64 & zelda with it is sooooooo comfortable.
Edit history:
Yagamoth: 2013-10-28 04:29:41 am
I generally prefer Keyboard whenever possible - at least for platformers. It simply feels more precise.

But actual gamepad... Generally speaking, I have only little experience playing in recent time. Most of my experience is from... quite some time ago (except snes)
- xbox 360: It lies nicely in my hands, but the buttons and the d-pad are meh. I only use it when I need an analog stick
- snes: The D-pad is really nice, buttons are nice to press, compact format.. I like it (Not sure if it's simply the controllers I have, but PAL is considerably better than NTSC)
- NES : It's a square.. If they didn't have the cable attached, those would stack nicely in a box. Buttons are fairly nice though
- Playstation: Probably my favorite D-pad. The whole form isn't what I like, but it's ok. Buttons are really nice too
- N64: Overall not my favorite pad, but I really like the options you have with it. Also, everything except the analog stick is really good
- Gamecube: It's... ok. About average
- Wii: ... I don't like motion controls. I never had a classic gamepad

So... Optimally I'd like to have a snes gamepad with playstation-buttons for me please. Other than that, snes gamepad will do ^^
fast video games

Everthing about it feels perfect
I like the N64 one over the SNES one for d-pad games, because it's so much like a SNES controller but with more buttons. Smiley This does depend on whether you can tolerate the C-buttons being smaller and closer together, though.
no one left behind....
snes have a best choice for 16bit but xbox 360 design are the best for all