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Here is the video for it!
Wake up and be awesome
For mission 2 when you have to do the vigilante mission, has anyone tried shooting the victim instead of hitting her with your car? It seems like it might be faster. Are maybe just shooting at all? 
Quote from HoboWithaShotgun:
Nice job with the videos  king flipsta, that's some interesting stuff. Would you mind breaking more of act 1 if possible?

Unfortunately there's no mission replay option, and for now I want to finish the game and see what I can find along the way. When I finish it I'll replay it again and see if I can find more things.

It really annoys me there's no mission replay. This game is made by Ubisoft Montreal, who also developed AC II, III and IV. AC II didn't have mission replay, but III and IV did. Why didn't they add it in this game? To me it seems like they're repeating a past mistake.

Quote from HoboWithaShotgun:
Alright, I was playing around with this game earlier, and apparently this game does some really weird things when you reload last autosave. For example, I think I mentioned this earlier in the thread, but when you reload last autosave after hacking into the ctOS tower in mission 3, you play the mission again, but this skips the entire cutscene with BadBoy. Also, reloading last autosave on mission 6 (the Damien one) after you take out all the enemies, you're put back at the alley and told to find the ctOS boxes, but the Damien marker also appears for meeting him. If you do the entire process again, then some weird things happen (I can't remember what.) I'm sure this can be used for other missions in Act 1, but that's just a thought.

Also, anyone having any luck with getting a fast Nicky call in mission 2 when your inside her house? Sometimes I can hack the phone immediately, other times I have to wait for her entire dialogue to finish before hacking her phone. Is this random?

Reloading autosaves can sometimes cause odd results. There's times you will despawn a set of enemies, but there's also times you spawn in a whole bunch more. For example (3:20 and onward):

I think it's worth it to try and reload autosave at every checkpoint to see if there's anything you can skip.
Quote from HoboWithaShotgun:
For mission 2 when you have to do the vigilante mission, has anyone tried shooting the victim instead of hitting her with your car? It seems like it might be faster. Are maybe just shooting at all? 

I did once but I still had to walk closer to get a better firing angle. And if you shoot at all people are more likely to call the cops. During an attempt I shot her and like three different people called the cops.
Wake up and be awesome
Thanks for answering my questions. I going to play around with the vigalante mission later and see if I can find anything interesting. And the no mission replay is retarded. Every time you want to do any practice, you have to play through all the damn missions before hand and sit through the opening cutscenes
Wake up and be awesome
Wait I just thought of something. Is the vigilante mission even required? I'm assuming you'll still have hack all those  people, but after that could you just drive away? You can do that with every other vigilante mission in the game, so why not this one? Sorry if I'm asking stupid questions, I'm going to be out of town until sometime tomorrow, so I can't break this game
Quote from HoboWithaShotgun:
Wait I just thought of something. Is the vigilante mission even required? I'm assuming you'll still have hack all those  people, but after that could you just drive away? You can do that with every other vigilante mission in the game, so why not this one? Sorry if I'm asking stupid questions, I'm going to be out of town until sometime tomorrow, so I can't break this game

I just tried it
You fail the mission unless you kill her or the criminal.
Wake up and be awesome
This game is so damn restrictive, I hope we can find some mission skips soon. The Racine skips can only hold up for so long
Quote from HoboWithaShotgun:
This game is so damn restrictive, I hope we can find some mission skips soon. The Racine skips can only hold up for so long

I wouldn't bank on it. Ubisoft games almost always require you to complete the previous mission for the next to show up, so unless you can trick the game into believing you completed the mission, good luck with that.
Wake up and be awesome
Yeah, I figured as much. That's the big problem with running Ubisoft games. No replay mission feature and very restrictive mission setup.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I told any this, but I got 1:03:xx yesterday morning, so close to sub 1 hour. I had watched both streetlights and jonese's runs the night before and I didn't do any practice with the timesavers they found sadly. I more or less was just doing a run on the fly and trying to combine certain strats I saw in there runs with my run, which kind of worked. I surprisingly only died twice. Once with Angelo tucci, I hate that mission, and once in the prison. I killed Angelo easily, it's escaping that's the problem. I should have just killed them, but I didn't practice it so I just did old strats. I spent about 3 minutes escaping before I died, then took me about 5 minutes to kill him and then get away. So I keep saying this, but sub 1 is so easily possible. Just watch streetlights run and correct some of the mistakes in that run and you'll easily have sub 1. Once I get home ill mess around with that reload last auto save thing. I have a theory that we might be able to skip the Damien call and the enemies in mission 6. Just a theory
I uploaded potential routes for act 2 mission 8 and 9 to my channel. These will probably be the last videos for a while, because I want to finish the game first. Restarting every checkpoint of every mission over 10 times makes for slow progress.

Here's the entire playlist:
I'm up to about thirty attempts for Act I.

I'm like this close to having every word of the opening cutscene memorized.
Just got sub 1 hour on Act 1. Lost two minutes on the final segment because of horrible fucking cops and a glaring oversight on one of the locks I was supposed to get.

New Act 1 time to beat is 58:57.39
Sum of best (and what I would have gotten if it weren't for those two minutes I lost) is 56:52.
Quote from HoboWithaShotgun:
Just found this on YouTube. This is what a very generic speedrun of missions 1 and 2 would look like. Both videos had big cuts since you can't skip cutscenes (great...) and I saw a lot of parts that could be improved. Expect to see individual mission runs by tomorrow and full game runs the next day, like I said

Edit: Just saw on Game FAQ's that someone supposedly beat the game in 3 hours 37 minutes. I'm calling BS on that one right now, but who knows? Maybe this game is short

I cant wait for the first speedrun for WD to get public Cheesy

I cant imagine anyone can beat this game below 4h.
Wake up and be awesome
Sadly I don't think sub 4 is possible. It takes almost an hour to beat act 1, and we haven't even touched act 2 yet (16 freakin missions?!?!?)
In act 2 mission II you can save almost a minute by loading an autosave. Normally you have 2 minutes to set up an ambush, but after you load an autosave you only get 1 minute. It is enough time to set up IEDs and push around a paint bucket to keep the battle short.

Quote from HoboWithaShotgun:
For mission 2 when you have to do the vigilante mission, has anyone tried shooting the victim instead of hitting her with your car? It seems like it might be faster. Are maybe just shooting at all? 

With a car just ram her and explode the wall thingy behind the purp
and drive away, ive done its lots and no one calls the cops
Wake up and be awesome
Yeah swifty, we know about the driving trick for the vigilante trick. Nice find king flipsta, too bad that won't save as much  time on console do to loading screen times Sad
Wake up and be awesome
Alright, got to finally sit down at do some serious looking at the beginning mission for act 1 and I already found some neat improvements
Mission 1) Nothing major here. I knocked out one of the cops which gave me pistol ammo. I tried killing the next cop to see if I could skip something, but firing a weapon at all in the stadium will fail the mission. The only timesaver I discovered is with the first set of cops. When one of them makes the comment about why they can't play in their own backyard, you can sneak around the cop and run to the next point which saves maybe a second or two

Mission 2) You can shoot the person whose phone you hack into for the crime to start, and the crime is instantly placed on the map. I doubt this saves any time though. Also it is possible to kill some people before the cutscene for the criminal mission starts and fail it immediately. I did have someone call the cops, but I discovered that if you drive close to them, the call will end.

I may have found a consistent way of getting to hack Nicky's call on the second line of dialogue in the call. Enter her room, and run at the door. Keep running and all three times I tried it, it worked

Also, Act 1 now has a skip! I call it the creepy man skip, as it skips having to chase the creepy caller. How this works is you go outside and find him like usual. But once you get control of your character, run towards the creepy guy's car, and shoot him with focus. It's a LOT harder than it sounds, and I only got it once in 20 or so minutes of trying. I recommend switching to the non silenced pistol, as it has less recoil. You still have to hack his phone, but now you can take him out before he leaves the neighborhood. Unless someone can find a reliable way of preforming this skip, I say we just stick to chasing him the normal way

Mission 3) When going to the gun store, pull out your gun and fire a few shots. This causes everyone to leave. Some one did call the cops, but I took care of them before they finished the call. What this does is the game gives you the mission of going to the gun store but you immediately fail it, and the ctOS campaign marker pops up afterwards. Don't worry about not getting the 416. The first time you'll really need it is in mission 7, and they end up giving you one when you need it.

That's all I could find

Edit: i just thought of something. For mission 4, do you need to open the profiler to kill the "online" hacker? Could you just kill him immediately? I already past this point, so I can't test it
Wake up and be awesome
By the way, Angelo Tucci? Anyone having problems with him? Well now he's a joke! I figured out an incredibly reliable strategy for this mission. It requires picking up a sniper beforehand. Now you may be saying, but I thought we didn't have enough money to buy a sniper. Well you don't at the beginning of the run, but once you beat mission 4 (or 5, can't remember) you're awarded $3000 dollars, and somehow you also have an extra $1000 dollars before that. So now you need to go to the gun shop. Once you complete mission 6, you'll have to head back to the graveyard. While on the way there, go to the gun shop you previously went to in the beginning of the run, and buy a sniper there. It's probably the best place to buy a sniper without going too far out of your way to go to a gun shop. Now when mission 8 rolls around, get on the highway, and wait. Once you get a clear view of the second car, use your sniper and your focus (I'm assuming you've gotten it by now, it's super useful) and take out BOTH guys in the second car. The reason why both a required is that sometimes a weird glitch can happen where even though Angelo is dead (the game even says this) the car will still drive away if the passenger is alive. I have no idea why this happens, it just does. Now just deal with the rest of the guards, as killing them is faster then running away. Do this by either hiding behind a car, or hiding behind the highway barriers. If done fast enough, back up won't arrive. Simple.

Edit: I tried playing around with the reload autosave thing in act 1, and nothing came up. It is useful however, when you've escaped a chase from the police or something, and even though they aren't searching for you anymore, if you go near their cars, they have a chance of starting the pursuit again. If this happens after you've completed the mission, simply reload last autosave
Just finished my first run of Act I, got a 1:15:52. I was still figuring things out and experimenting a bit. I died 3 times I think, had to play most of mission 5 twice because I accidentally hit restart mission instead of reload last autosave.

I've figured out a few strats that I think may be a bit faster, but rather than trying to explain them in writing I'll probably just stream a run tomorrow at some point.

I got skype, feel free to add me on there and/or on steam. My name is the same as it is here on skype, steam, twitch, pretty much everywhere in fact.
Wake up and be awesome
Damn, we really should have a race at some point. Not a streamed race, just a race over skype, nothing insane. I think it'd be fun, considering how the top 3 times are only a couple of minutes away from each other and Darkodion should have his time down easily. Anyway, I possibly discovered newer strats for mission 7 that I like to call Bike Strats #2. I might post a video on it tomorrow, as it skips ever having to deal with the water
I also have bike strats for mission 7. It'll be interesting to see if yours are the same as mine.
Edit history:
jonese1234: 2014-06-02 07:00:34 am
New PB so bad at the end

Congratulations Jonese!

Act 2, mission 10 route is now complete:

You can skip the chase by reversing the car into the guy before he enters his car. You have to save and reload for the car to be there (seen at 3:10). I have no clue how much time this saves, since I never tested how long an actual chase would take. My guess is at least 20 seconds.