My feelings on The Demon Rush
Game Page: Doesn't exist yet.
Philipp 'Stupid' H.'s runs of all 4 campaigns
Verifier Responses
Decision: Accept
Reason: With the exception of Human 5, good strategies and execution.
About AHK, I am only allowing it for two reasons:
1. The runner started his run when there was no ruling about it.
2. It makes no difference gameplay-wise (it's only used to skip cutscenes).
Philipp 'Stupid' H.'s runs of all 4 campaigns
Verifier Responses
- Video quality is fine. No cheating besides the AHK thing which is confirmed kosher.
- Planning and execution are consistently awesome. Clearly a hell of a lot of time and effort has gone into this run. Even on fiddly base building missions the details of force sizes and resource management seem to be handled optimally. Really, really impressive.
- I had a handful of doubts about routes for some missions but the more I try to pick holes in this run the more I realise that I'm several steps behind the runner and none of my 'improvements' actually work when tested. I appreciated the run more the more I attempted things myself.
- The only real improvements I'm aware of are the ones the runner has already mentioned; most notably, finishing March Of The Scourge by destroying the undead bases instead of waiting for the half hour timer to run out. I don't have the skill to pull it off, but I reckon the purple base can be destroyed relatively easily 10-15 minutes into the level by simply luring the entire undead force out of the base by attacking one of its buildings from over the trees to the north. I was almost able to destroy their town hall using this method on my first try, and my micro sucks and I didnt lure the purple force as far away as I could've, or try blocking their return with buildings to fuck up their AI which would probably work as a stalling tactic. Stupid should be able to rape the purple base using these methods. no idea how to tackle the green base, but I would guess it'll take under 10 minutes with enemy attacks halved and a horde of mortar teams already built up to take down purple - if you attacked green when their lich was busy attacking your base, I wonder whether things like the invisibility trick would even be needed. So I think stupid's minimum estimate of 5 minutes saved is actually pretty pessimistic. But I haven't researched this thoroughly so I may be wrong.
However despite this one mission being heavily flawed, over the whole run mistakes appear very few indeed for a game of this complexity and the execution is insane. I am in awe of the runner tbh. This is an easy accept.
- Planning and execution are consistently awesome. Clearly a hell of a lot of time and effort has gone into this run. Even on fiddly base building missions the details of force sizes and resource management seem to be handled optimally. Really, really impressive.
- I had a handful of doubts about routes for some missions but the more I try to pick holes in this run the more I realise that I'm several steps behind the runner and none of my 'improvements' actually work when tested. I appreciated the run more the more I attempted things myself.
- The only real improvements I'm aware of are the ones the runner has already mentioned; most notably, finishing March Of The Scourge by destroying the undead bases instead of waiting for the half hour timer to run out. I don't have the skill to pull it off, but I reckon the purple base can be destroyed relatively easily 10-15 minutes into the level by simply luring the entire undead force out of the base by attacking one of its buildings from over the trees to the north. I was almost able to destroy their town hall using this method on my first try, and my micro sucks and I didnt lure the purple force as far away as I could've, or try blocking their return with buildings to fuck up their AI which would probably work as a stalling tactic. Stupid should be able to rape the purple base using these methods. no idea how to tackle the green base, but I would guess it'll take under 10 minutes with enemy attacks halved and a horde of mortar teams already built up to take down purple - if you attacked green when their lich was busy attacking your base, I wonder whether things like the invisibility trick would even be needed. So I think stupid's minimum estimate of 5 minutes saved is actually pretty pessimistic. But I haven't researched this thoroughly so I may be wrong.
However despite this one mission being heavily flawed, over the whole run mistakes appear very few indeed for a game of this complexity and the execution is insane. I am in awe of the runner tbh. This is an easy accept.
Prologue 1 - (the audio is way too loud in this video)
Prologue 2 - (and this one)
Human 2 - bad luck with boss
Human 5 - waiting for the timeout and giving the excuse "it's hard to do it the other, faster way" doesn't satisfy me
Undead 3 - bad movement near elfgate, not overly serious
Undead 7 - I imagine this was extremely annoying to do but losing Kel'Thuzad at the end is a bit silly
Undead 8 - (might need encoding at a higher bitrate than usual, this one is much blurrier than the others)
Orc 3 - uh, the kodo beast died, surely that is a very bad thing?
Night Elf 1 - love this strategy, though it wasn't executed perfectly
Pretty much good enough. Although some earlier missions could be redone for a few seconds... the game is continuous, but as long as hero xp/items matches up, there's no problem. My biggest gripe is with Human 5. If he redoes this I'll definitely say yes.
Prologue 2 - (and this one)
Human 2 - bad luck with boss
Human 5 - waiting for the timeout and giving the excuse "it's hard to do it the other, faster way" doesn't satisfy me
Undead 3 - bad movement near elfgate, not overly serious
Undead 7 - I imagine this was extremely annoying to do but losing Kel'Thuzad at the end is a bit silly
Undead 8 - (might need encoding at a higher bitrate than usual, this one is much blurrier than the others)
Orc 3 - uh, the kodo beast died, surely that is a very bad thing?
Night Elf 1 - love this strategy, though it wasn't executed perfectly
Pretty much good enough. Although some earlier missions could be redone for a few seconds... the game is continuous, but as long as hero xp/items matches up, there's no problem. My biggest gripe is with Human 5. If he redoes this I'll definitely say yes.
Video and audio quality are fine. I'm hoping there's a higher quality video available when it's posted, but it's still quite watchable in medium quality.
No cheating. The only thing would be the auto-hotkey script. I really don't think this gives a huge advantage. It can be allowed in future runs with a grandfather clause, and it's not like I really wanted to see the .16 seconds of cutscene while he manually spammed the esc key. Also, he said he removed the movies from his installation directory. This doesn't make any difference in the time as far as I know.
All the items are consistent between levels.
Overall this run is very impressive. There is some slight room for improvement, but nothing major. I never thought some of these levels could be completed as fast as they did.
Level by level summary here:
Prologue 1 - Probably the fastest it can be done.
Prologue 2 - There's quite a bit of unavoidable downtime. Buildings and units are built as quickly as they possibly can. If you really want a flaw, the shaman may have been able to stay alive to help with the towers. I think on hard mode the towers would focus on the weaker units, so shaman would go down anyways if they were close enough to the towers to attack.
Human 1 - Can't see it being done much quicker. A footman may have been able to go recruit the civilians in the southern town to have an extra two footmen for the last fight.
Human 2 - Extremely well done. I think the rifleman that he killed could have helped with the grunts and died from enemy damage in time to let the barracks continue producing footmen. Maybe save a second. Everything else is so well microed and timed.
Human 3 - Wow. That must have taken a lot of attempts. Any important character has to not get blocked or netted. The mortar team manages to stay alive and the warehouse went down FAST.
Human 4 - Lol... incredible. Skips the entire level just by running past it.
Human 5 - This one I was a bit disappointed with. I know (through codes) that destroying the enemy undead bases will cause victory. I know it's very hard, but I've seen this guy's performance. I'm sure he could have figured something out. I'm not sure why the plague caravan stopped at the second town. Usually it will go to the other bases and eventually start sending regular waves of zombies and ghouls. But really the time is the same whether he needed to make a few extra towers or not.
Human 6 - Heh, wow. I didn't even think of stealing Mal'Ganis's zombies. With ungodly micro it could have been faster, but I don't expect to see anything short of a TAS be faster.
Human 7 - Uh nice. Everything is perfect up to the siege. Sieging bases is very difficult on hard mode. Enemies have unlimited money, build units faster than normal, and they rebuild lost structures. A (1) mortar team died that shouldn't have. Considering that mortar teams are automatic targets on hard mode, it's not bad. I saw at least 3 VERY nice saves. The two that died at the end are irrelevant, it took two volleys to blow up the altar of heroes whether there were 7 or 5 mortar teams.
Human 8 - Heh, I had actually done this level before by trying to run past enemies.
I really can't see this being done any faster. Saving boots of speed for this level is brilliant. For those wondering, he bought two ogre magi because the murlocs would net one of them. Both would be netted (presumably), but he storm hammered the other murloc with the spell. Arthas drew fire from the frost dragons because their breath has a slowing effect. Very well done, pretty much perfect.
Human 9 - Really well done. This is another siege mission. The player uses siege tanks rather than mortars this time, which is probably because mortars would never be able to survive the attack. It's very quick. I think having Arthas help out with building destruction would have been a good idea, as Frostmourne does chaos damage. Other than that it looks great.
Undead 1 - Heh, very nice. Looks like a good route, and never got stuck or slowed down. He even picked up unholy aura for the increased speed.
undead 2 - The first quest is insane. He does it quickly, and without losing a single meat wagon or ghoul.He loses two meat wagons later on but eh, what can you do. They aren't incredibly useful, as direct hits on enemies will hurt your own troops. They also take up quite a bit of food. He uses the one remaining meat wagon to lure over the next paladin, very nicely done. He proceeds to kill Uther in a single divine shield cooldown. Not an easy feat. Very well done, this is a hard level to do fast.
Undead 3 - Hmm, it's definitely fast. I think with some incredible micro it could be done faster. There are some very nice tricks, like using meat wagons to kill creeps that you'd normally not see. There's some very good map memorization and the strategy seems pretty solid. I think it would be possible to take out the first base a little sooner, and save some time. It would take someone a lot more skilled than me to pull it off though.
Undead 4 - Heh, wow. I expected this level to be one of the longest ones in the run. He makes great use of unsummoning buildings that are no longer needed, and kills creeps for bonus cash. Using sappers to blow up the altar is fantastic. Everything is so well timed. I can't imagine how many practice runs it took to memorize everything combined with actually being able to pull it off. Dropping 4 meat wagons in the middle of an enemy base and keeping them all alive long enough to destroy the altar is astounding. Probably my favorite level so far.
Undead 5 - Lol wtf. And I always thought that I took out Sylvanis's base quickly. Crypt fiends are ideal to kill the guardians because of their piercing damage. Arthas nearly dies at the end, but somehow he stays up. Incredible time, but probably some slight room for improvement.
Undead 6 - He really goes all out to gain cash. Sells items that drop from creeps, and more unsummoning of buildings he doesn't need. He sure likes letting his lich come a few HP from dying. He spends very little time building an army before he attacks, which is very nice to see. This level is very difficult on hard mode, as the red base constantly makes red dragons. A few units die that didn't really need to, but the meat wagons are the only ones that really matter. Superb strategy and very good execution.
Undead 7 - ... I blinked and missed it. Definitely not what Blizzard intended. Maybe a second or two wasted while the heroes wait to kill the first archmage, but that one has to die or you'll never be alive long enough to kill Antonidus (I tried). Jaw-dropping performance.
Undead 8 - It's very nice to see that he took out the enemy bases in a survival map. Normally this would take a full 30 minutes. There were a few things that weren't as polished as his other levels. Felhounds and their chaos damage weren't utilized to destroy buildings like they should have. In fact it seems like he didn't notice his first set of fel hounds. I'm 99% sure they can be healed with death coil, but he let one get low HP and die. Meat wagons died that didn't really need to. Instead of focusing on production buildings, he just gave a general attack order. So while his meat wagons would blow up a farm or lumber mill, mortar teams and knights would be produced and kill meat wagons and make the rest of his troops focus on them instead of buildings. He should have given his base a bit more attention during the siege of the first base. He could have made his northern towers focus fire earlier, and probably not had to deal with wasting felhounds and crypt fiends to keep them off Kel'Thuzad.
Now, on the plus side, it was very quick. The goblin land mines made a huge difference, and he was selling items from other levels to get some instant cash. He did more unsummoning, so he did get his base and army built as quick as it could be done. The execution of this one fell short compared to the others.
Orc 1 - Fast as it can be done I'm sure. Well microed.
Orc 2 - Lost some units that didn't need to die, but it had absolutely no effect on the time. Unless someone finds a major glitch, this level can be done no faster.
Orc 3 - Does a great job of starting his base even before the human one is destroyed. Once again shows great macro, spending his gold as soon as he can get it. Unfortunately, his micro was not the quality I saw in the other levels. Several headhunters die when they didn't need to, and he loses his kodo beast. The kodo beast can swallow an enemy and provides a damage buff to all nearby friendly units. A real shame to lose him, it almost warrants a restart. Still, very fast. I liked the burrow near the goblin workshop so he could bring the zeppelins "to his base" quicker.
Orc 4 - Looks very optimized. He got started right away, and had a peon build a town hall even while under fire from archers. He uses ensnare very nicely to trap creeps when they are trying to reset. Gets some free kills like that. Pillage is used well, and the shredders are a great way to get lumber. I'm pretty sure that you can kill the furbolg chieftain first, then go to the shredder place and have access to it with no cutscenes. I can't remember if it screws you out of the two free shredders though. The only thing that could be improved easily would be bringing his shredders back to the mill quicker, since he ended up with about 500 extra lumber. I'm guessing it's a matter of better safe than sorry, cause it would be awful to ruin an entire great run if you fell short a few lumber. Very clean.
Orc 5 - Very nice, orc warlocks do some sick damage. I thought some time was wasted when he was waiting by the health pool, but I realize it was to wait on his bladestorm cooldown. Very nice, I see no flaws.
Orc 6 - Has to build quite a bit here, so it starts off slow. He does a lot of creeping to increase his cash flow. He ends up saving the wyverns, even though it's an optional quest. I don't think it slowed him down any, and who can say no to free units on a base siege? He built some towers in a very interesting spot, and the gryphon attack ends up flying into them. He loses some units on the base siege, but he keeps all his catapults alive. He takes out the key buildings to complete the quest and is done fast. Very nice work.
Orc 7 - Very quick. He cuts it a little close with the 44 HP left on thrall. He also picked up a necklace of spell immunity that I had no idea existed.
Orc 8 - What the crap... this must have taken forever to pull off. The spell immunity necklace saves thrall from getting mana burned, fire bolted, stomped, and crippled as he runs through everything. Incredible. He even uses his peons to draw fire! Even more jaw-dropping than the Undead 7.
Night Elf 1 - Very nice. He goes and rescues the furbolgs while he gets his base going. Lol nice job on on capturing that paladin. That isn't as easy as he makes it look. Uh... and I guess he doesn't have to make 5 archers after all.
Night Elf 2 - Wow, I don't know how he manages to avoid cripple, but he does. Runs past everything, pretty much as quick as this could be done.
Night Elf 3 - Creeping for gold, and also sells items from previous levels. Takes advantage of the level's hidden items and creeps. Kills off his wisps for food. Very optimized play. He let a lot of his units die at the last fight... oh snap scroll of resurrection.
Night Elf 4 - This level is one that really starves you for gold. He does a lot of creeping, and doesn't even need to move bases. The undead forest slows him down a lot, but I don't think the ballistae would survive a mad dash through. Looks very solid.
Night Elf 5 - Another where he runs past everything. Looks very good, nice Boots of Speed swap. And of course more goblin land mine abuse.
Night Elf 6 - Good use of the goblin shop to sell unneeded items for some early cash. Wow, digs a hole in the trees to let his ballistae destroy the demon gate. He would have otherwise had to dig through a lot of pretty tough demons to get to it. After that Illidan is a beast, and he has him solo Tichondrius with some careful placement and buffs. Amazing work.
Night Elf 7 - Not really much to say here. The time is going to be (almost) the same no matter what you do here.
I give this a resounding accept. The time spent on this plus the skill of the runner would be enough for an accept. Throw in the incredible tricks and glitches all used with speed in mind and it exceeds expectations. To the runner, I'm sure a lot of my suggestions you've already tried and they didn't work for whatever reason. Don't think that I wasn't absolutely amazed with your skill just because I saw some possible flaws.
A note: Unlike Starcraft, submissions for Warcraft 3 would have to be by campaign (All 8 chapters of the Undead Campaign, for example) because hero levels and items persist between levels. Orc 7 could have been quicker, but he needed items to be able to complete Orc 8 as fast as he did.
No cheating. The only thing would be the auto-hotkey script. I really don't think this gives a huge advantage. It can be allowed in future runs with a grandfather clause, and it's not like I really wanted to see the .16 seconds of cutscene while he manually spammed the esc key. Also, he said he removed the movies from his installation directory. This doesn't make any difference in the time as far as I know.
All the items are consistent between levels.
Overall this run is very impressive. There is some slight room for improvement, but nothing major. I never thought some of these levels could be completed as fast as they did.
Level by level summary here:
Prologue 1 - Probably the fastest it can be done.
Prologue 2 - There's quite a bit of unavoidable downtime. Buildings and units are built as quickly as they possibly can. If you really want a flaw, the shaman may have been able to stay alive to help with the towers. I think on hard mode the towers would focus on the weaker units, so shaman would go down anyways if they were close enough to the towers to attack.
Human 1 - Can't see it being done much quicker. A footman may have been able to go recruit the civilians in the southern town to have an extra two footmen for the last fight.
Human 2 - Extremely well done. I think the rifleman that he killed could have helped with the grunts and died from enemy damage in time to let the barracks continue producing footmen. Maybe save a second. Everything else is so well microed and timed.
Human 3 - Wow. That must have taken a lot of attempts. Any important character has to not get blocked or netted. The mortar team manages to stay alive and the warehouse went down FAST.
Human 4 - Lol... incredible. Skips the entire level just by running past it.
Human 5 - This one I was a bit disappointed with. I know (through codes) that destroying the enemy undead bases will cause victory. I know it's very hard, but I've seen this guy's performance. I'm sure he could have figured something out. I'm not sure why the plague caravan stopped at the second town. Usually it will go to the other bases and eventually start sending regular waves of zombies and ghouls. But really the time is the same whether he needed to make a few extra towers or not.
Human 6 - Heh, wow. I didn't even think of stealing Mal'Ganis's zombies. With ungodly micro it could have been faster, but I don't expect to see anything short of a TAS be faster.
Human 7 - Uh nice. Everything is perfect up to the siege. Sieging bases is very difficult on hard mode. Enemies have unlimited money, build units faster than normal, and they rebuild lost structures. A (1) mortar team died that shouldn't have. Considering that mortar teams are automatic targets on hard mode, it's not bad. I saw at least 3 VERY nice saves. The two that died at the end are irrelevant, it took two volleys to blow up the altar of heroes whether there were 7 or 5 mortar teams.
Human 8 - Heh, I had actually done this level before by trying to run past enemies.
I really can't see this being done any faster. Saving boots of speed for this level is brilliant. For those wondering, he bought two ogre magi because the murlocs would net one of them. Both would be netted (presumably), but he storm hammered the other murloc with the spell. Arthas drew fire from the frost dragons because their breath has a slowing effect. Very well done, pretty much perfect.
Human 9 - Really well done. This is another siege mission. The player uses siege tanks rather than mortars this time, which is probably because mortars would never be able to survive the attack. It's very quick. I think having Arthas help out with building destruction would have been a good idea, as Frostmourne does chaos damage. Other than that it looks great.
Undead 1 - Heh, very nice. Looks like a good route, and never got stuck or slowed down. He even picked up unholy aura for the increased speed.
undead 2 - The first quest is insane. He does it quickly, and without losing a single meat wagon or ghoul.He loses two meat wagons later on but eh, what can you do. They aren't incredibly useful, as direct hits on enemies will hurt your own troops. They also take up quite a bit of food. He uses the one remaining meat wagon to lure over the next paladin, very nicely done. He proceeds to kill Uther in a single divine shield cooldown. Not an easy feat. Very well done, this is a hard level to do fast.
Undead 3 - Hmm, it's definitely fast. I think with some incredible micro it could be done faster. There are some very nice tricks, like using meat wagons to kill creeps that you'd normally not see. There's some very good map memorization and the strategy seems pretty solid. I think it would be possible to take out the first base a little sooner, and save some time. It would take someone a lot more skilled than me to pull it off though.
Undead 4 - Heh, wow. I expected this level to be one of the longest ones in the run. He makes great use of unsummoning buildings that are no longer needed, and kills creeps for bonus cash. Using sappers to blow up the altar is fantastic. Everything is so well timed. I can't imagine how many practice runs it took to memorize everything combined with actually being able to pull it off. Dropping 4 meat wagons in the middle of an enemy base and keeping them all alive long enough to destroy the altar is astounding. Probably my favorite level so far.
Undead 5 - Lol wtf. And I always thought that I took out Sylvanis's base quickly. Crypt fiends are ideal to kill the guardians because of their piercing damage. Arthas nearly dies at the end, but somehow he stays up. Incredible time, but probably some slight room for improvement.
Undead 6 - He really goes all out to gain cash. Sells items that drop from creeps, and more unsummoning of buildings he doesn't need. He sure likes letting his lich come a few HP from dying. He spends very little time building an army before he attacks, which is very nice to see. This level is very difficult on hard mode, as the red base constantly makes red dragons. A few units die that didn't really need to, but the meat wagons are the only ones that really matter. Superb strategy and very good execution.
Undead 7 - ... I blinked and missed it. Definitely not what Blizzard intended. Maybe a second or two wasted while the heroes wait to kill the first archmage, but that one has to die or you'll never be alive long enough to kill Antonidus (I tried). Jaw-dropping performance.
Undead 8 - It's very nice to see that he took out the enemy bases in a survival map. Normally this would take a full 30 minutes. There were a few things that weren't as polished as his other levels. Felhounds and their chaos damage weren't utilized to destroy buildings like they should have. In fact it seems like he didn't notice his first set of fel hounds. I'm 99% sure they can be healed with death coil, but he let one get low HP and die. Meat wagons died that didn't really need to. Instead of focusing on production buildings, he just gave a general attack order. So while his meat wagons would blow up a farm or lumber mill, mortar teams and knights would be produced and kill meat wagons and make the rest of his troops focus on them instead of buildings. He should have given his base a bit more attention during the siege of the first base. He could have made his northern towers focus fire earlier, and probably not had to deal with wasting felhounds and crypt fiends to keep them off Kel'Thuzad.
Now, on the plus side, it was very quick. The goblin land mines made a huge difference, and he was selling items from other levels to get some instant cash. He did more unsummoning, so he did get his base and army built as quick as it could be done. The execution of this one fell short compared to the others.
Orc 1 - Fast as it can be done I'm sure. Well microed.
Orc 2 - Lost some units that didn't need to die, but it had absolutely no effect on the time. Unless someone finds a major glitch, this level can be done no faster.
Orc 3 - Does a great job of starting his base even before the human one is destroyed. Once again shows great macro, spending his gold as soon as he can get it. Unfortunately, his micro was not the quality I saw in the other levels. Several headhunters die when they didn't need to, and he loses his kodo beast. The kodo beast can swallow an enemy and provides a damage buff to all nearby friendly units. A real shame to lose him, it almost warrants a restart. Still, very fast. I liked the burrow near the goblin workshop so he could bring the zeppelins "to his base" quicker.
Orc 4 - Looks very optimized. He got started right away, and had a peon build a town hall even while under fire from archers. He uses ensnare very nicely to trap creeps when they are trying to reset. Gets some free kills like that. Pillage is used well, and the shredders are a great way to get lumber. I'm pretty sure that you can kill the furbolg chieftain first, then go to the shredder place and have access to it with no cutscenes. I can't remember if it screws you out of the two free shredders though. The only thing that could be improved easily would be bringing his shredders back to the mill quicker, since he ended up with about 500 extra lumber. I'm guessing it's a matter of better safe than sorry, cause it would be awful to ruin an entire great run if you fell short a few lumber. Very clean.
Orc 5 - Very nice, orc warlocks do some sick damage. I thought some time was wasted when he was waiting by the health pool, but I realize it was to wait on his bladestorm cooldown. Very nice, I see no flaws.
Orc 6 - Has to build quite a bit here, so it starts off slow. He does a lot of creeping to increase his cash flow. He ends up saving the wyverns, even though it's an optional quest. I don't think it slowed him down any, and who can say no to free units on a base siege? He built some towers in a very interesting spot, and the gryphon attack ends up flying into them. He loses some units on the base siege, but he keeps all his catapults alive. He takes out the key buildings to complete the quest and is done fast. Very nice work.
Orc 7 - Very quick. He cuts it a little close with the 44 HP left on thrall. He also picked up a necklace of spell immunity that I had no idea existed.
Orc 8 - What the crap... this must have taken forever to pull off. The spell immunity necklace saves thrall from getting mana burned, fire bolted, stomped, and crippled as he runs through everything. Incredible. He even uses his peons to draw fire! Even more jaw-dropping than the Undead 7.
Night Elf 1 - Very nice. He goes and rescues the furbolgs while he gets his base going. Lol nice job on on capturing that paladin. That isn't as easy as he makes it look. Uh... and I guess he doesn't have to make 5 archers after all.
Night Elf 2 - Wow, I don't know how he manages to avoid cripple, but he does. Runs past everything, pretty much as quick as this could be done.
Night Elf 3 - Creeping for gold, and also sells items from previous levels. Takes advantage of the level's hidden items and creeps. Kills off his wisps for food. Very optimized play. He let a lot of his units die at the last fight... oh snap scroll of resurrection.
Night Elf 4 - This level is one that really starves you for gold. He does a lot of creeping, and doesn't even need to move bases. The undead forest slows him down a lot, but I don't think the ballistae would survive a mad dash through. Looks very solid.
Night Elf 5 - Another where he runs past everything. Looks very good, nice Boots of Speed swap. And of course more goblin land mine abuse.
Night Elf 6 - Good use of the goblin shop to sell unneeded items for some early cash. Wow, digs a hole in the trees to let his ballistae destroy the demon gate. He would have otherwise had to dig through a lot of pretty tough demons to get to it. After that Illidan is a beast, and he has him solo Tichondrius with some careful placement and buffs. Amazing work.
Night Elf 7 - Not really much to say here. The time is going to be (almost) the same no matter what you do here.
I give this a resounding accept. The time spent on this plus the skill of the runner would be enough for an accept. Throw in the incredible tricks and glitches all used with speed in mind and it exceeds expectations. To the runner, I'm sure a lot of my suggestions you've already tried and they didn't work for whatever reason. Don't think that I wasn't absolutely amazed with your skill just because I saw some possible flaws.
A note: Unlike Starcraft, submissions for Warcraft 3 would have to be by campaign (All 8 chapters of the Undead Campaign, for example) because hero levels and items persist between levels. Orc 7 could have been quicker, but he needed items to be able to complete Orc 8 as fast as he did.
There were no issues with audio, video, syncing, or cheating.
This is a good run. The planning was obviously very well thought out. For the most part, the movements and execution were well done, too.
From what I could tell, there were no serious flaws in the run.
Recommendation: Accept
This is a good run. The planning was obviously very well thought out. For the most part, the movements and execution were well done, too.
From what I could tell, there were no serious flaws in the run.
Recommendation: Accept
My notes...
Video and Audio quality is very good for a verification copy. There is some video lag, but it's small, so acceptable.
No cheating detected.
There is an odd glitch in Human 5 where the caravan never reaches the third town that I couldn't reproduce and the runner didn't know what caused it, so I'll chalk it up to some random glitch that may or may not have helped him survive the final conflict.
Everything was spot on using the best strategies I could find used by other people, and execution is better than reported in other threads. Good use of items throughout the entire run.
Video and Audio quality is very good for a verification copy. There is some video lag, but it's small, so acceptable.
No cheating detected.
There is an odd glitch in Human 5 where the caravan never reaches the third town that I couldn't reproduce and the runner didn't know what caused it, so I'll chalk it up to some random glitch that may or may not have helped him survive the final conflict.
Everything was spot on using the best strategies I could find used by other people, and execution is better than reported in other threads. Good use of items throughout the entire run.
Decision: Accept
Reason: With the exception of Human 5, good strategies and execution.
About AHK, I am only allowing it for two reasons:
1. The runner started his run when there was no ruling about it.
2. It makes no difference gameplay-wise (it's only used to skip cutscenes).
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