Fake; often, there won't be any fire while it "conveniently" connects just before the note gets passed the guideline (no clue how it's called). And ewww, MySpace.
Edit: actually, the thing with the fire might just be the poor quality of the video or the fact that it can only be on one note at a time.
No way he used stock lives on that game though. Not as impressive to beat something 1cc that no one else has if you adjust how many lives you start with
I took a look at those street fighter II vids... and originally I was really pissed at the first match because it was nothing but fireballs for about 5 minutes. But then that last video with the 3rd strike... wow, that first round comeback was amazing.
I took a look at those street fighter II vids... and originally I was really pissed at the first match because it was nothing but fireballs for about 5 minutes.
Interesting thread you got there, but a few things.
First off, I wasn't saying the "nothing but fireballs" should be illegal, I was just saying it was boring to watch, when the purpose of the thread was for cool videos (the comeback at the end of that one was pretty cool, but nothing that was a must see, IMO).
Second, that article wasn't dead on about everything. A game that DOES know about "being cheap" is Smash bros, where you lose something like 5000 points for using the same move over and over again. A tournament where you get points for being creative, original, and pulling difficult moves? DDR freestyle tournies. And 98% of the time, if you steal a freestyle move from someone else, you will get deducted for it. (Granted, this isn't the GAME judging you, it's people, but you get the idea).
Still, the 3rd strike video was amazing, especially to see everyone go as crazy as Torontonians did when Joe Carter hit the walkoff in '93.