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My purpose here is not to try and improve Allantois's easy mode run, but to do another one on unreal (hardest) skill. Because you take 100% self-damage in that mode (25% on easy), little rocket jumping will be possible; besides, creatures will be tougher and therefore, harder to skip through. This means a different style of gameplay, new/different tricks and solid ammo/health management.

The main issue here is that demo recording in Unreal doesn't work properly. It was only included from version 224 on (retail version was 200). In 224 you can play demos, but with limited functionality (no first-person view with HUD, only free look or chase camera) and lots of glitches (glitchy sound, movers disappearing, no music, etc.) The lack of HUD also means that health/ammo status cannot be verified, and I could be cheating for all you know.

In subsequent versions, including 226f (final), the game just crashes when you try to play a demo.

I can't rely on Fraps either, it slows down my computer to the point that the playability of the game is dramatically affected.

Long story short: I can't record my run in Unreal 1, period. I have another option, though, and this is where I'm going to be needing opinions:
brickmasterradix (20:12:14): i suggest you make a thread on the forum to see what people who actually know the game think

Plan B is to use the Oldskool mod and record the whole thing in Unreal Tournament.

What's Oldskool? A nifty thing that lets you play Unreal-style single-player in UT. Which includes the original Unreal episode, with the original gameplay (weapons, speed, air control, etc.) That, and demo recording/playback that just works.

You only need to copy the Unreal 1 maps and music into the UT directory; the Oldskool mod will let you run them from UT exactly as if you were playing Unreal.

However, considering it's not exactly the original game, there's a grey area. Would such a run be accepted on SDA? Maybe in a separate category, like the Half-Life runs using the HLSP Bunny mod? "Ask Radix", you will say; but he told me to ask you. :p

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MMAN: 2005-08-31 08:19:47 pm
IMO it should be allowed, as other than potential mutator abuse the cheats etc are the same as in Unreal 1, and the only main changes are slightly better visuals (permanent decals and S3TC) interface changes (which probably wouldn't affect the run anyway), and a slightly different view bob. You can enable a UT style air control (which I think is easier), but you can change that anyway (and it would probably be easy to see if it had been done). At worst it should be a separate category.
${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
You need a mod for that?

I read about playing Unreal with the UT engine once in a game magazine and they wrote that you only have to copy your files into the UT dir and do some weird stuff on the console to play the game. They said nothing about a mod. Would be nice if you could investigate this issue before you start. It will be official emulation like GBP then.

Still if there's physics changes it wil/should be a different category unless noone can name anything that's different.

I also have no problem with the demo recording since it was already used in the UT thread. Since the timing is very rough it will be another manual timing job for Radix though...
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Tub: 2005-08-31 11:50:18 pm
I remember playing Unreal on the UT engine by just copying files and telling the engine to use the Unreal.ini instead of UnrealTournament.ini (or something.. that was long ago).

What exactly does the mod do?
providing a link to the mod's homepage had been a nice thing to do btw.
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Face: 2005-09-01 12:44:25 am
You need a mod for that?

I read about playing Unreal with the UT engine once in a game magazine and they wrote that you only have to copy your files into the UT dir and do some weird stuff on the console to play the game. They said nothing about a mod. Would be nice if you could investigate this issue before you start. It will be official emulation like GBP then.

Yeah, also been considering that.

open vortex2?game=unreali.vrikersgame?difficulty=3 << seems to do the job, but with a couple issues:
- UT physics (longer dodges and better air control). Can probably be solved by using an Unreal 1 model but I'm not sure how to do that.
- permanent "vrikers game". vrikers game is a single-player mode that was designed solely for the first level, where you start lying on the ground with 12 health. When you use that command the same mode is used in subsequent maps, and thus you have to undergo the "getting up" animation (a few seconds long) at the start of every level. I guess it could be easily cut out of the final videos since they're going to be manually timed, but it still feels unnatural.

Telling the game to use Unreal.ini as has been suggested might solve either (or both) issues, but I don't know how to do that.

Bottom line: oldskool isn't necessary per se, but it's a nifty way of getting around several minor issues such as these.

What exactly does the mod do?
providing a link to the mod's homepage had been a nice thing to do btw.

My bad.

Oldskool is a mod for Unreal Tournament designed so that users can do everything in UT that they could in Unreal. Some have called it the "Unreal Final Patch" mod, as it makes Unreal use all the Unreal Tournament enhancements (decals, better rendering, A3D/EAX. UWindows, networking, etc.) For more detail on specific features, select a catagory under "About" on the left NavBar.

SinglePlayer does not refer to UnrealTournament SinglePlayer, where the player wonders around a level fragging bots. It refers to the Single Player game in Unreal where the player explores an intricate enviorment, while fighting monsers and reading translator messages. Cheesy Oldskool completely allows the user to play the Unreal SP game UT. In addition additional features have been thrown in:
-A scoreboard (hit F1) to view information on the current map, score and kill statistics.
-New UWindows Menus for starting a new game, saving, and loading
-The New Game menu allows the user to select various "map packs" or simply an individual custom map. At installation, the following MapPacks are supported:
Unreal I Game
2113: Peril on Mars
The Ballad Of Ash
The Illhaven Saga
Invasion (Xerania's Fall - part 2)
Shimigami Pack 1
Tower of Shrakith'a

The above likely can be found at the UnrealSP Vault Making mappack plugins for Oldskool is very easy (The SDK describes how). The following map packs created after Oldskool's release can be selected as Map Packs, once installed.
Déjà Vu - Gryphon Revisited
Operation Na Pali
Xidia Gold

-Save game amount has been extended to 20 on a per map pack basis.
-Full co-op support
-Decals added to all Unreal weapons and Projectiles.
-Fully configurable options to convert Unreal weapons to UT ones.
-Configurable option to have permanent decals and permanent carcasses.
-Various Unreal I bugs fixed.
Telling the game to use Unreal.ini as has been suggested might solve either (or both) issues, but I don't know how to do that.

I just googled.
UT.exe INI=Unreal.ini

-Various Unreal I bugs fixed.

details on this might be interesting. Care to write the mod authors an email about this issue? They should know if using the mod gives you any unfair advantages or disadvantages over the original Unreal that make seperate tracking required.
Yeah, I was looking for a list of these too, but if I can't find one I'll just contact him. He's still active in the Unreal community so getting answers shouldn't be an issue.

But that will have to wait until I get some sleep. @_@
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Allantois: 2005-09-11 02:31:29 am
The Unreal Authority.
what are your computer specs???
Unreal is such an old game that running fraps with it shouldnt be a problem. Thats how I recorded my runs.

And... What version of Fraps? It makes a difference.
Heavy/Death-MeT aL 4 ever - With Full Force
in UT would be the old unreal more funny as everywhere.. nice idea.. where i can download it?
This thread is old but has anyone asked Usaar (the maker of Oldskool) about the "bug fixes" yet?