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Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness (Any %) (Single Segment)

Decision: Accept

Congratulations to Paul 'Lag.Com' Davies!
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Run Information

Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness (Any %) (Single Segment)

Verification Files

Please refer to the Verification Guidelines before posting. Verifications are due by Sept. 5, 2014.

Please post your opinions about the run and be certain to conclude your post with a verdict (Accept/Reject). This is not a contest where the majority wins - I will judge each verification on its content. Please keep your verification brief unless you have a good reason otherwise.

After 2 weeks I will read all of the verifications and move this thread to the main verification board and post my verdict.
Heh, this ultima's like any other, until the  point when you're boarding a space shuttle. Smiley

The recording seems fine.  Cropped correctly, just game audio.

I do n't know the specifics of this game but the route *seems* sound.  Most of the time is spent grinding, saving princesses, or becoming a Space Ace.

That seems right.

Edit history:
MatrixTN: 2014-08-23 01:38:54 am
You got a deletion wish?
I time at 36:19 (start of game when outside map appears to death blow of Mondain)

You don't have to be directly in front of the merchant to transact, just on the opp. side of the counter.

The key you get from the jester is random, only way to know if you have the correct one is trying to unlock the cell (in the original Apple II version, you could check Ztats to see which one you got, this was taken out of the other versions including the A2 enhanced re-release).  Checking the other cell first avoids fighting another guard if its the wrong key (pointed out in his other run on YT).  Quadruple-trolled going around the block after completing the dungeon quests.

Boosting of Agi & Int is because both landmarks are the closest and boosting Int reduces the chance of a spell failing (and its not a sure thing even if maxed, I've been trolled with Ladder Up/Down occasionally).  Visiting them alternatively is because you can't visit the same one more than once in succession (no effect on subsequent visits until you visit another).

Placement of some dungeon walls/doors are random in this version.  Dungeon layout is different on other versions (don't know how extensive as I've only played the DOS, original Apple II & enhanced Apple II versions).  Morbid Adventure has the ladders on every other level on top of each other which makes the dungeon stomping a breeze (with assist of Ladder spells to get to the next pair).

Sir Lagsalot has Reported Thy Feat and I Accept!
Edit history:
Elren: 2014-09-01 10:07:43 pm
A/V is too good

It's obvious what an RNG monster this run is. The streak of 4 bad keys is a bit sad but the optimisation of luck manipulation is incredible. Route looks solid.  Accept.

-Has 6955Exp + "I'm just below the 7000 experience necessary for this to happen (alien ships give experience when destroyed, and I was hoping to have enough by now), so I have to rescue two princesses" + "Leading the princess out of the castle has her give you 500 HP, coins and experience"
Is there a typo in the comments? It somehow doesnt add up.
You got a deletion wish?
Quote from Elren:
-Has 6955Exp + "I'm just below the 7000 experience necessary for this to happen (alien ships give experience when destroyed, and I was hoping to have enough by now), so I have to rescue two princesses" + "Leading the princess out of the castle has her give you 500 HP, coins and experience"
Is there a typo in the comments? It somehow doesnt add up.

6955 XP < 7000 needed to trigger time machine for Mondain.  You have to be at least level 8 (7000 XP) when you rescue a princess otherwise she doesn't reveal the time machine.  Since he was short at the time, he had to rescue another to get it.  This is correct.
okay, thanks for the quick answer.
Decision posted.
sda loyalist
\o| |o| |o/ I GOT A RUN WHICH ISN'T UNDER A MINUTE UP! \o| |o| |o/
A Serious Noob
congrats thumbsup
Waiting hurts my soul...
oo~~ nice. I need to watch this.
You got a deletion wish?
Heh, I'm trying to beat the original Apple II version and can't seem to hit the fighters for beans - even when I've got him dead center! Beaten the rerelease & DOS versions though not after I watched the run when he had it on YT.