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What Crash games would it be Jacques and do you run them already? Smiley
I'd also 100% be up for going and possibly running something! Again same as Jacques it would be Crash games. If this happens it would sure be sick!
Apparently a lot of interest in Crash Tongue Not sure how that'll work out if we end up with a lot of runners wanting to do them, depends on what games I guess and maybe we could do races or something?
Edit history:
Diamondaire: 2015-01-13 09:22:51 am
I think races would be a great idea!
You can never run enough games
I'd be interested in coming along, and there's quite a few games I can offer. Including Final Fantasy XIII, The Wonderful 101, Metroid Prime 3 and Ty the Tasmanian Tiger.
I'd also still be interested in this, both helping out and running some games. Crash 2, Simpsons: Hit & Run, or one of the wide variety of GTA games I run.
Definitely interested in coming along. I would be up for doing ctr/cnk and maybe Spyro 2 and maybe help out on the tech side if needed
Hi hello yes UK marathon. Been interested in a UK marathon since I heard talk about it this time last year. I could do some Spyro 2 100% if run suggestions are a thing here. Definitely interested in attending.
Excellent! I'm glad that this is getting some love. Could people send me a PM with a list of games they would like to offer including what it is on, whether they can bring it with them, what category, the estimates etc? Smiley
This sounds very exciting! Would love to attend and possibly run a game (Ultima Underworld, it's a bit old and obscure but has never been seen at a marathon). Depending on how many runs there are you could possibly have one stream for speedruns and one for casual/competitive games? If there aren't too many then you could just have a mix on one stream. Also as a side note, is there any way to confirm reliable, fast internet at the venue?
Hi Nin. Yeah I was thinking that - having two streams, one for speedruns and one for casual/competitive. I'm pretty sure the venue will have excellent internet due to the nature of it but I'll double check anyway Tongue
Maybe you should set up a Google Form for people's submissions? Would make it a lot easier to keep track of that stuff and have all the information in one place without you having to manually copy it over. I can help you do that if need be.
Some sort of submissions form and a spreadsheet with all the games, runners, estimates, etc would be really nice for organisation. Especially if this is getting some attention like it seems to be.
Yeah I'm in the process of sorting it all out now. Trying to get an email address and Twitch etc. I'll add what I already have to the spreadsheet before sharing.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ gibe gems
Hey again Kitty! It's great to see that this has been revived. Thanks for your effort into making this happen. I would love to help you as much as I can with getting this organised, so message me if you want/need any help.
Definitely interested in something like this, depending on work of course if I could attend.

As for games, I have a few lol.. Final Fantasy IX, Dark Cloud 2 (Chronicle for us brits), Styx: Master of Shadows, Shadow of Mordor.
Hey Unicorn! I'm trying my best to make it happen as it's something I want and I have a lot of people interested in it so I don't want to let them down. I have received your PM which I shall read and reply to in a moment Smiley

Awesome Acefrog! I have added you and your games to the list. What platforms are they on? What categories? Estimates? Smiley
Edit history:
kitty: 2015-01-14 04:32:22 pm
Okay so we need to work out when to hold this event. What days in April would be okay with people? Early April? Mid April? Late April? Weekdays or weekends?
I'm thinking early April since that's when Easter actually is. So maybe 1st - 5th or 4th - 8th? Let me know what people think.
You can never run enough games
For me personally, Early April is good, 4th/8th would be better for me slightly than 1st/5th
I think that the event should definitely cover a weekend, probably Fri-Mon inclusive would be the most useful for people allowing for work if people have it etc.
Having it over a weekend is a good idea. 3rd - 6th or around then would be fine with me.
I'm off uni from March 20th to April 17th, so if it's looking to be in April then any time up until the 17th (or that weekend) is good for me.
Edit history:
kitty: 2015-01-14 06:04:51 pm
Okay excellent! Well I have a weird thing about odd numbers... yes you can laugh and think I'm crazy XD So it'll probably be from 4th - 8th? Maybe have the 4th, 5th and 6th as the main streaming event, then 7th bonus and 8th final/leaving day? It really depends on how many games we run. We won't be a 24/7 event as we plan to run from 9am-9pm so that those at the event can eat and sleep plus just chill. We want to make sure everyone is fit and healthy both physically and mentally so we decided that it won't be 24/7 so people won't have to run games during the night or stay up hours on end so they don't miss things. Smiley
Quote from kitty:
Hi Nin. Yeah I was thinking that - having two streams, one for speedruns and one for casual/competitive.

1 stream is probably plenty.
Reminder that you can still play games without them having to be streamed Wink
Quote from Cereth:
Quote from kitty:
Hi Nin. Yeah I was thinking that - having two streams, one for speedruns and one for casual/competitive.

1 stream is probably plenty.
Reminder that you can still play games without them having to be streamed Wink

True. I don't know what we'll do to be honest. Maybe one stream, maybe two. I'm planning to have a place for casual/competitive but don't know whether to just keep it offline and event based or stream it. Maybe it could be stuff on the bonus stream or if we run out of games but still have time. Of course people could always stream it to their Twitch if they want to. They did that at ESA I think. It depends on how many PCs we can get, and if Josh's PC is strong enough :/
So long as there's a bit of notice then April is absolutely fine Smiley