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kitty: 2015-01-15 10:04:58 am

I am planning to organise and hold an event in April. It will be based in Portsmouth which is easy enough to get to as there are two main train stations plus you can come by National Express. Any travel information and questions can go into the appropriate thread once I have made it, but if you would like to ask anything now then feel free to PM me.

The event is called EGGS, as the title shows, it stands for Easter Gathering of Gaming Speedsters. There is no set dates just yet as I'm trying to find and confirm a venue, I'm in talks with a few right now. I'm aiming for the first week of April ideally 4th - 8th. I'm trying to make it suitable for everyone but I know this isn't possible, I will do my best though. EGGS will mainly be speedruns but I am thinking of adding a casual/competitive touch to it. This will be in the form of multiplayer and party games whether CS:GO, Super Smash Bros, Guitar Hero/Rock Band etc. I don't know if these things will be streamed or not - either on bonus or second stream - or just for fun at the event. These are all ideas at the moment and depend on what we can do.

EGGS is a charity event but our goal isn't necessarily to raise money. Strange? Yes. Most events pick charities such as cancer or water. When I came up with this idea my immediate thought was for mental health. I feel this is something that is heavily over looked and can be just as lethal as cancer. Whether you suffer from simple panic/anxiety attacks or more severe complex issues like depression and BPD. This is something everyone can relate to. My aim is to raise awareness and help for people although of course we will still welcome donations as I'm sure everything will help Mind.

Unlike other marathon events, EGGS will not run 24/7. We wish to be different from the rest and make sure that everyone is fit and healthy. Having been to ESA a few times I have seen people with lack of sleep due to running the night shift or staying up hours on end to not miss anything. I feel that this will back up the whole idea and point of mental health as well. Therefore we plan to run from 9am - 9pm. This will give people time to eat and sleep or just chill and play games off stream.

If you have any questions about EGGS feel free to post below or send me a PM Smiley

Game submissions:

As I am still sorting out the venue I do not know prices yet nor accommodation but as soon as I do I will put up a thread about that as well.
Once I have confirmed information, I will post another thread for people to "sign up". I have started the form but require venue/cost information.

Please be patient Smiley
Thread title:  
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
Ah, by the looks of things, this will be on or really close to Easter. Contrary to what I said before, I won't make it then. Easter is too important a holiday for me. Sorry, Kitty .___.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Alko! This news has made me awfully sad Sad Does this mean you could never come to EGGS?
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
Well, yeah, depends on what plans you have for future Eggses. If it's just a five day event, three days of which are Easter Saturday, Sunday and Monday, then no. If it's a five day event starting Easter Monday then I could join in later. Or if the future Eggs happens a week-end later, I'm very likely in. But don't plan only for me Wink
Well it'll depend how well it goes and how popular it gets. This year I'm aiming for around 4 days but if we get more games offered then we'll make it longer if possible. As for future "Eggses", if its popular and gets even more attention then we'll make it the usual 7 day event like the rest, or longer if need be! I can try and switch it up a bit each year. I could change the dates to later in April if it's okay with people? Just seemed like most people preferred early/first week.
I like the date, reason being that it's when people in colleges/uni's get off for the holidays.
Oh really? That's handy then. For now the dates I'll try and get are 4th - 8th but if we get more popular and have more games submitted then I might look into making the event longer, maybe from 1st - 8th. But we'll see. Smiley
I'd love to come, provided work doesn't get in the way!
train kept rollin
The sooner you lock the dates down the sooner I will be able to tell If I can come or not.
Quote from Pootrain:
The sooner you lock the dates down the sooner I will be able to tell If I can come or not.

Absolutely. Looking forward to this!
Should games be submitted even if we're not 100% sure we can go?
Quote from PJC:
Should games be submitted even if we're not 100% sure we can go?

Yes. Submitting games isn't a final thing. It's just to get an idea of what games there will be and how many people might be going. I will stop accepting submissions either end of February or early March and make a schedule shortly after. I will attempt to accept as much as I possibly can, ideally at least 1 submission from each person. If you're not sure you can go but would like to and wish to submit, then go for it, but let me know nearer the time if you definitely can't go. If this is during the time I'm making or have made a schedule, it's not the end of the world, I'll just move things up/around.
Hello everyone.

I have some news. Not good news though. I'm very sorry but it looks like this might not be happening after all. I'm not having much luck with venues. Also, I have been in denial thinking this would happen, hoping it would happen. The truth is that it can't as we just don't have the tech for it. We have a gaming PC which is somewhat dying and not capable of heavy streaming such as the event. We don't have tech and capture things needed. We don't have audio and camera equipment. Josh feels like this is all on him as he's the tech guy and he doesn't know how to use anything like that. I wasn't expecting something as professional and as big as ESA or AGDQ, they've been running for years while we're new. But Josh is convinced that it can't happen. I guess I've just been in denial and hoping. I still want it to happen and a part of me wants to be determined but I guess I've come to face reality. I don't know what to say because I'm distraught over this, it has been a dream of mine for the past year and now I'm letting everyone down. You all thought it would happen and you've all been hyped and submitted games. I didn't want this to happen and all I've done the past 24-48 hours is cry. I can't apologise enough but I just don't know what to do. We're thinking of having a smaller event instead (called Mini EGGS, of course) but it would probably be invite only. We might be able to make a few exceptions but no guarantees. This version of the event should be okay as it would be more relaxed due to being run from our own flat therefore no venue problems, excellent internet, accommodation etc. I'm just hoping no one has booked travel yet, if you have please try and get it refunded, if you can't then talk to me and I will look into how I can try and refund it personally. I am so sorry and I'm terrified people will lose trust in me because of this. EGGS is something I want to happen but maybe it can't until 2016, which I hope people will still be interested in. I will keep all the information and if anyone wants to PM me then feel free to. Again, I simply can't apologise enough. This is a total disaster but I guess we expected it.

Just in case anyone was following or has alerts on how this thread, I wanted to point you towards this thread I started, which may give some UK speed runners a meeting opportunity later this year and possibly next year too: