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boxie: 2007-05-19 03:29:53 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
i noticed that there is no topic for two worlds.

anyway, i found a glitch in this game that made me believe that it is good for a speed run.

the person who gives the main quests, gandohar, causes the game to end when he dies.

he's supposed to be killed off at the end of the main quest, but i was able to kill him off before starting the main quest.

he has a lot of life, 5000-7000hp.

i killed him with a sword that gave me +11 bersek, + magic shield + bless. with that combo i was dealing ~ 2kdmg per hit.

i was also able to kill him with pants that gave me +12 fire spells, overpower + metor. it was a one hit kill of over 10k dmg.

these are extremes, and there is probably a very quick to get set of items/spells that will make killing him in under an hour possible.

i just tried some more tests. with overpower, magic shield, and firebolt at level 15 (the shield could be at level 6, it wouldn't matter) i was able to beat him very easily. i stripped off all of my armor and weapons too.

it took 5-9 overpowered firebolts to kill him.

with this low level combo, it may be possible to kill him at level 6. as soon as magic shield can be learned. the other 2 spells are level 1.
Thread title:  
Speed is everything!
I would be interested!
And welcome at SDA!
The game looks really nice...
Edit history:
boxie: 2007-05-18 03:48:12 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
i found a way to beat gandohar at level 1.

if i throw a firebolt at him at the beginning of the game, he'll chase after me and throw some fireballs at me. i was able to position myself so that one of his fireballs hit someone from the first town. then the whole town attacked him. it took about 5-10 minutes for the town to kill him. it takes about 5 minutes to get to town. so the game can be finished in less than 15 minutes.

all that is left for me to do is record.
Excellent !!!

Can't wait to see it. Good luck.
Is the game supposed to look 5 years old, or am I just using the options menu wrong?

The textures/world looks dull and flat and the animations seem to lack some frames :S Waste of money so far.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
maybe you have an older video card.
also, the 1.2 patch solves problems with some radeon cards.
Heyyy... wait.. i don't know you. Don't confuse me
This game need a fairly good system to run smooth AND good looking.

On my sys (AMD 3200+, 2 Gigs Ram, GForce 6600GT) i get around 15-20 fps and i set the quality pretty low.

Turn up the quality, AA and stuff if you system can handle it, and it will look just fine.
Nah, my 8800 GTS handles the game smooth with every detail on max. Maybe I just expected too much, but wouldn't it be reasonable if the game was at least on pair, if not prettier, than the 2 years old Oblivion?
Edit history:
boxie: 2007-05-19 03:40:01 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
my speed run is done. at least the first one.

video duration is 6:48.
my game time is ~5:21 or 5:33 depending on when counting starts.

it should be possible to cut off a minute or so with a bit of luck.
Akuma ma ta ta, what a wonderful phrase!
Oblivion is not two years old, it's only one year and a half approximatly, and i think oblivion is still one of the best looking game out (i don't compare with crysis, etc... 'cause they ain't out yet)
Boxie, that looked nice. A very nice find!
Heyyy... wait.. i don't know you. Don't confuse me
*gg* nice one.

Would that one be counted as "with glitches" or without?
very nice and so fast... I mean this game was released only some days ago...
Speed is everything!
LoL very nice done! Grin
Great work!
Are you going to submit it?
Akuma ma ta ta, what a wonderful phrase!
yeah this was funny, i haven't play the game yet, so i didn't watch the movie when the guy died, but still it was funny to see the power of the mob
i think some games' AI are too crazy, i mean the people killed the man just because he threw a fireball to one of them, their behavior is irrational, i don't want to live there...
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
this was the first run that i did. i'm going to make a shorter one. my aim is below 4 minutes.

i'll look into the submission process as well. i actually don't know the procedure yet. this is the first game that i've done a run for.

i hope that you guys like it, i found it pretty funny.
There is no victory without combat
This is really cool, I like to know if its intended by the programmers. How is the game made, more of these sloppy glitches or is the Game overall well made (which would clearly make this glitch even more funny)?
Heyyy... wait.. i don't know you. Don't confuse me
Well, he isn't immortal (you have to kill him either way ^^) and if someone throws a fireball at you, you would be mad too (i would be) ^^
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Doesn't seem like a glitch to me more like an over sight on the programmers part.  Probably didn't think that someone would use an angry mob to kill the intended end boss.  I just watched it and it was very funny how those peasants killed him mercilessly.

Can't wait to see you submit this.  The quality of the video doesn't do this justice.
The newest patch fixed this.
Heyyy... wait.. i don't know you. Don't confuse me
Then let's make this run an "Old School" Run ^^
Wow, this run was hilarious. Good job
Woa, awesome find.
Though with these much npc involved i imagine that perfecting the time must be tough...

Really loved the line at 6:14  Grin ... Someone needs to lower her expectations  Roll Eyes Nice ending to an hilarious run!
Shocked I killed him just for fun with my Heavy Club at level 17 then revived him with a resurrection spell... Way to easy to kill him!!!! Tongue That sucked. Hit him 15 times and then he died..
Then the End movie shoved up!? WTF this is a Big problem!!!
Like a Bug. I don't like It at all! :-[
Shocked I killed him just for fun with my Heavy Club at level 17 then revived him with a resurrection spell... Way to easy to kill him!!!! Tongue That sucked. Hit him 15 times and then he died..
Then the End movie shoved up!? WTF this is a Big problem!!!
Like a Bug. I don't like It at all! :-[