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Quit your belly aching Solder!
The black box has already been found as well... and I don't believe you need AR for it either. MXrules made a video:

Though apparently the one he founs was empty.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
That's the second box I was talking about.
I know there's another black box to the north of Kakariko village in the Hyrule field as well, I seen a video back then.

This one is in a different location and has people in it. Wink

You might be able to ride to this location as well, as long as it let's you go this low without acting like you fell.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I found another interesting glitch (doesn't involve a speedrun).
Just to let you know if you cross a border where an area is supposed to be within the Twilight Realm, but you go around the border you will get a mix of enemies.
At this same time, you will be able to call Epona.

I have no idea yet what would happen if you rode Epona while being next to the missing bridge. Normally your forced to warp, but what if your on Epona?

Anyways, I used the Spinner to get to the area where the enemy starts the fire and your supposed to jump in the lake. (I'm not using my horse)
Well I used my Spinner and moved as fast as I can to get to Hyrule Field.
I managed to not die by the fire, and this area was now covered in Twilight.

Not only that, I found a NPC spirit flame. When I used my senses, there was no NPC. I'm going to assume it was the mail man since there's no other NPC's in that area.
NPC = People.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Here's an old video that got me thinking a bit

I'm wondering if he first of all can ride out of bounds.
If so, this is one way to ride out of bounds without map glitching or CD resetting.

Assuming there was a spot we could get out of bounds with Epona, would it give us an advantage some how.

BTW even if your on Epona and you kill the three dark creatures you still warp. I had a feeling you would.
Life is a glitch, then you die...
hey guys, I uploaded a few more segments of my run, check out my YT channel, and dont forget to sign in ZSR Wink
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Once Zelda Wii hit shelves it makes we wonder how fast someone will try to start a speed run topic for that game (a few days,a week, or a month) and how dead this topic will get compared to now.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I'm trying to find this glitch video where Link rides around and around. Then Epona or Link ends up going through a wall if I remember right. It's done near hyrule field near the gate. It's also near the bridge that is on fire and you have to jump off.
Life is a glitch, then you die...
Quote from KingOfHeart:
I'm trying to find this glitch video where Link rides around and around. Then Epona or Link ends up going through a wall if I remember right. It's done near hyrule field near the gate. It's also near the bridge that is on fire and you have to jump off.
That was a fiercelinkmaster's video, but since he deleted his account the video is not there anymore
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Awe too bad, he might of discovered a trick for getting through a wall.
Maybe if you get Epona to go fast enough on an edge of a step, you can get through it. (Can't remember who got through though)
Life is a glitch, then you die...
Quote from KingOfHeart:
Awe too bad, he might of discovered a trick for getting through a wall.
Maybe if you get Epona to go fast enough on an edge of a step, you can get through it. (Can't remember who got through though)
The place is Hyrule field of Lanayru, you enter there from the castle area way to Lake Hylia bridge, when you enter CD-stream it, then run and in the curv try to make epona run really close to the wall, then dismount and Link falls through the unplayable area
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I see, well CD streaming is no good then for something official, but still fun to try otherwise.

Well I did some testing and found a dead-end for this one theory.
The theory was to use the bug enemy to get out the forest early.
Well with AR, I left the forest early. The I entered the second area, and killed the three twilight beasts.
When I did that it warped me back to the forest.
So right there, we would be stuck back in the forest until we beat the first temple.
However, there's another problem. When you collect all the bugs and turn the forest area back into the light, your still a wolf.
So now your really screwed, because you can't warp the bridge until you beat the first temple.

So it's pointless to try to use the bug because it will just screw you over in the end.
The best way for this glitch to work is to do the BITE glitch and find some way to either cross the bridge backwards, or kill all three beasts from the other side.
Bumping this thread due to a huge breakthrough in Windwaker called... The Zombie Hover. It allows one to hover almost ANYWHERE IN THE GAME. To do it, you just get 1 hit away from Game Over, get hit in a way that knocks you back, then do a jump attack as you get up, and continue to spam B to continue the jump attack.

So far, no one has gotten it to work in Twilight Princess though.
that certainly is an annoying sound.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Cool find.
I kind of doubt it will work in Twilight Princess though.
It doesn't work in TP. Been tested. I don't see why it was posted here.
Quit your belly aching Solder!
Quote from KingOfHeart:
I'm trying to find this glitch video where Link rides around and around. Then Epona or Link ends up going through a wall if I remember right. It's done near hyrule field near the gate. It's also near the bridge that is on fire and you have to jump off.

I think I remember that video. I tried to do it, but realized that I was in the worng spot. The next day, the video was gone when I tried to actually get it.

Another thing:
There is a VERY tiny hole in the intersection of the right wall (GC) once you first enter hyrule field. I have been able to get an enemy through it only once by Jump Attacking it. Though it if it were to be tested someone would have to be able to get it continually. It is incredibly small and you have to be precise. I honestly am still confused as to where it was that the enemy went through. I wish I was recording when it happened...
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Well if this is true then this would be the second spot where you can have an enemy fall through.
So if this can be found, then maybe there's many more spots where this can be done.

I see no advantage here unless if Link can use it combined with the map glitch to somehow skip something.
Like arbiter grounds. There's a spot where you can use map glitch to get the cut scene to start but it's a little slow compared to some other methods.
It's been a while since I last checked this thread, any major breakthroughs been made?
Best Ike In My City!
Are the Hawk Eyes needed for 100%?
Get 'er Done!
Quote from KingOfHeart:
Well if this is true then this would be the second spot where you can have an enemy fall through.
So if this can be found, then maybe there's many more spots where this can be done.

I see no advantage here unless if Link can use it combined with the map glitch to somehow skip something.
Like arbiter grounds. There's a spot where you can use map glitch to get the cut scene to start but it's a little slow compared to some other methods.

Well, if it can be found, I'm sure you could find something to do with it. I believe I used the boomerang to stun a guy, killed the other guy then about to get hit so jump attacked the now not stunned purple dude and he flew over the right side on GC version. I even think it was near a certain jutting out part of it. Like this: \/ (but not so Vish, just a little outcropping.)

Quote from ComboKing:
Are the Hawk Eyes needed for 100%?

I believe so. I know you get a heart piece from the game that you obviously need.
(user is banned)
Yes Mario Riding A Pole
anyone know of progress on a 100% run?
dem tokay
Quote from 13013:
anyone know of progress on a 100% run?

I've quit out of sheer boredom.  Not sure about Paraxade though.
Aside from lack of interest I can't even continue it if I wanted anymore. I don't have the raw files for the segments I've done anymore since getting a new computer (I noticed they weren't there shortly after wiping everything off my old computer, which is strange because I could've sworn I did copy them over... oh well :/). If I did 100% I'd need to completely start over.
I'm just going to add that it is possible (unless you did a secure wipe, which is always bad) to recover deleted files. It sucks to lose stuff, so regardless of whether you continue the run or not, I am going to wish you luck in trying to recover those segments.
If you didn't write a lot after wiping it, then there is a good chance of recovery. There are free recovery tools available, such as Recuva.
I don't want to continue the run either way so it doesn't matter.