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Dude, you're a machine! Congrats on bringing it below 44:40. (And sorry I didn't really help at all.)

I'm not familiar with speedrunning lingo, but would SS runs mean just beating the game (unlocking Hatate) as quickly as possible? If so, I think that would be very cool to see. A slight qualm I have with speedrunning individual scenes is that the ease with which you can retry them quickly leads to a dependence extremely risky strategies, and you end up crossing your fingers a lot. Running the whole game would put some emphasis back on balancing speed and survival.
Quote from Zil:
I'm not familiar with speedrunning lingo, but would SS runs mean just beating the game (unlocking Hatate) as quickly as possible?

Yeah, single segment runs for StB and DS would involve real time attacks to beat the games as fast as possible. Since both games lack something along the lines of an endgame credit scroll, the only real category here would be an all scene clear.

I look forward to seeing SS runs of these games, good luck.
Welcome HELL
Thanks Zil, this wouldn't be at the place it is without everyone helping out, and it will never truly be finished.

Quote from bjw:
Quote from Zil:
I'm not familiar with speedrunning lingo, but would SS runs mean just beating the game (unlocking Hatate) as quickly as possible?

Yeah, single segment runs for StB and DS would involve real time attacks to beat the games as fast as possible. Since both games lack something along the lines of an endgame credit scroll, the only real category here would be an all scene clear.

I look forward to seeing SS runs of these games, good luck.

Cool, I was thinking of "Hatate unlocked" as an any%, since everything in the game is open to you then, and you even get a congratulations screen upon finishing it. 100% could either be 108/108 Aya or Tengu Master screen in DS, but I think a 3 hour speedrun (or whatever would be a reasonable time for that) would be quite taxing.

Anyway, unlocking Hatate seems like the most interesting thing from my perspective, since there's a lot of freedom in what scenes you play, and in the current IL's there some strategies to pick from that could make the difference if the category reaches no misses status (which isn't unreasonable, I think (although I'd probably settle for a 5 miss run)).

There is a single segment run of StB, (VERY impressive, 56:51 final time).
Obscure games ftw
I would agree with unlocking Hatate as any% and 108 scene as 100%.
All scenes with both Aya and Hatate would be suicidal.  All scenes with just Aya is honestly pretty suicidal as I haven't managed to beat my 2:27:30ish time bad Tongue
Quote from ARF:
Cool, I was thinking of "Hatate unlocked" as an any%, since everything in the game is open to you then, and you even get a congratulations screen upon finishing it.

Haha, it's been far too long since I've played Double Spoiler, I completely forgot that that screen existed. If that's the case, then yeah, that can certainly be treated as any%. This sounds great too because, as both you and I have no name stated, all scene runs of these games are... difficult, to say the least.
welcome to the machine
shoot the bullet:
1-3 w/ 46.10 remaining
5-8 w/ 64.95 remaining
Welcome HELL
I've started practicing some DS any% RTA's now, seems like sub 30 minutes could be the real goal at this point, my best is 38 minutes now, but I do an ungodly amount of mistakes (around 6-7 minutes worth of wasted photos, the rest is just sloppy execution). At least I have a route now, and I'm pretty happy with the speedy strategies I'm going for on certain scenes.

1-3, 46.35

5-8, 65.57

6-1, 96.40
Third photo is the real bottleneck, staying as close to the boss as possible is important there.

7-4, 96.19
Edit history:
ARF: 2013-03-09 03:45:56 pm
ARF: 2013-03-09 03:45:29 pm
ARF: 2013-03-02 12:19:56 pm
ARF: 2013-03-02 11:31:49 am
ARF: 2013-03-02 08:22:24 am
ARF: 2013-03-02 05:30:09 am
ARF: 2013-03-01 10:38:37 am
ARF: 2013-03-01 10:36:15 am
ARF: 2013-03-01 07:57:51 am
ARF: 2013-03-01 07:56:18 am
Welcome HELL
Rejoice, for the IL's for StB just got accepted!

StB 2-3, 68.04
Seriously doubt a second could possibly come off of this, but staying closer to Cirno should yield some results.

StB 3-2, 59.72
Reading the verifier responses really got me excited about trying new things, and I set off to look through some scenes, this was one of them. Seeing how it was supposedly the fastest 5 shotter made me wonder how on earth I managed it since it was also one of the earliest scenes I finished a speedrun for (I was a lot worse back then). Turns out it was either a typo or I misread the timer on the end, and it wasn't a near unbeatable 59.98, but a scruffy 58.98!!! Anyway, this was the best I managed until I realized that something was fishy, lol.

StB 3-3, 69.61

StB 3-7, 67.06
Ha ha, seems like a 1.5 second improvement was lurking here. Cutting the redundant stuff and prayed for boss movement luck. Apparently canceling the falling leftover dolls from the end of the first cycle gives recharge, in this attempt I manage to catch 2 (you notice from the rainbow bullet cancel dust), which makes me happy (they are worth almost nothing, actually).

StB 5-1, 67.40
Managed to cut one cycle out of this scene, over 2 seconds saved!

StB 5-3, 69.56
Super sloppy, but great boss movements.

StB 5-5, 63.30
1 second gained, realized that dashing all the way to the top corner was a bit excessive. Execution is still rather iffy, mainly the misdirect before the last photo Sad

StB 6-4, 74.94
Cleaned this up quite a bit, even though it is only 0.02 seconds faster I eliminated most of the camera zooming to speed it up in real-time as well. It wouldn't surprise me if this is frame-perfect now.

StB 9-7, 87.14
I knew about this strategy before, but I couldn't make it work; too delicate. This is my first clear using this method, so I expect that about half a second more could come off.

StB 10-5, 107.93
~0.5 second improvement. There is some depth in this scene regarding positioning, ideally you'd make a quick restream motion after the first photo, to stream towards the center, as you would on average get ~2% higher recharge from bullets there, on the second and third photo. I stopped going for it since it gets me killed most of the time. Also, streaming slightly lower seems to be profitable in terms of recharge, I started going quite a bit higher at the beginning of this session, but as I settled to do it lower (but still within instant range of Komachi) I got slightly higher recharge, especially for the fourth and fifth photo, since you grab more coins from the last aimed line. Just pointing it out since it struck me as counter-intuitive at first. Anyway, I'll probably keep trying for the 108.xx here.

StB EX-3, 97.86
More optimized now, still some way to go though. I toyed with the idea of passing the opposing laser walls with unfocused dashing, not sure if viable/possible.
Edit history:
ARF: 2013-04-21 07:34:53 pm
ARF: 2013-04-14 12:55:19 pm
ARF: 2013-04-08 06:01:31 pm
Welcome HELL
And now DS IL table got accepted.

Bumping this in case anyone seeing the verification thread feels like jumping into this and contributing... and also:
DS EX-8, 177.75
After banging my head against this scene for a few days trying to make Marisa stop on the screen after the seventh cycle, I only managed to get this 0.25 second improvement.

DS 11-4, 176.02
Finally got the 176.xx for this scene. kept experimenting with different camera alignments and positioning until I got this. I really like this scene.

DS EX-5, 175.85
Brushing up on this since it was a first successful execution of the strategy type of deal before. Seems like a high 176.xx is attainable "quite easily" if you manage to survive after getting less familiars in the first photo of every phase due to the significantly higher charge regain in the following shots.

DS 6-2, 96.65
Jumped the gun on the very last photo, probably lost something like 0.15 or so. But with that great cancel on the second to last photo and overall very good performance this still beat out the previous time with almost a third of a second.

DS 6-8, 83.44
Played around some in the downtime :p

DS 8-7, 130.07
130.xx was my goal here, and I'm happy with this attempt. I suppose the completely optimized time on this scene would come down to when Orin's hitbox re-enters the screen boundary before the last photo there?


I'm also pretty happy about seeing the StB table published.
Edit history:
ARF: 2013-11-27 09:40:18 am
ARF: 2013-11-20 09:34:15 am
ARF: 2013-11-20 08:30:16 am
ARF: 2013-10-11 05:33:51 am
ARF: 2013-10-04 11:53:36 am
ARF: 2013-10-04 11:53:08 am
ARF: 2013-10-03 06:19:20 pm
ARF: 2013-10-03 08:21:55 am
ARF: 2013-10-02 04:25:32 pm
ARF: 2013-10-02 04:24:52 pm
ARF: 2013-10-02 03:35:45 pm
ARF: 2013-10-02 03:09:50 pm
ARF: 2013-09-30 10:19:44 am
ARF: 2013-09-30 10:15:20 am
ARF: 2013-09-29 04:27:17 pm
ARF: 2013-09-29 01:03:01 am
ARF: 2013-09-28 04:45:36 pm
ARF: 2013-09-10 04:48:16 am
ARF: 2013-09-09 10:45:29 am
ARF: 2013-09-09 10:42:24 am
ARF: 2013-09-08 03:07:16 am
ARF: 2013-06-22 05:42:55 pm
Welcome HELL
Bumping this because I started playing again (not sure how long I'll keep at it though).

There was some discussion about photo technique on IRC the other day and it turns out that I've probably been using a suboptimal method (release shift->shot as explained in the opening posts) in the StB IL's. I don't really know how to test this other than just playing and observing my results though. So I'll try beating my old times with the DS technique and see how I manage.

StB 5-6, 69.61
This felt quite easy to improve using the DS technique.

StB 6-1, 97.05
Great boss movement, though I lost 2% charge from the first photo... and I'm feeling rusty.

- months later -

Looks like DS will get featured in the coming AGDQ, that's pretty hype!

I've been doing some scoring (getting a few IL third places on the Japanese scoreboards, and reaching the top spot with Hatate on the western scoreboards) and I picked up this method of doing EX-4 in the process.

DS EX-4, 183.23


DS 12-3, 174.80
Oh yes, a juicy improvement in addition to the new radical entertainment strategy before the first photo!

DS 10-3, 168.12
Mostly good RNG.

DS 11-8, 178.01
Silly oversights...

DS 1-5, 70.44
New strats, while taking 0.4 seconds longer to set up, seems to give around 15% more charge refill over the old approach resulting in a 0.05 second gain.

DS 11-6, 174.66
Huge improvement.

DS 8-6, 94.29
Diagonal tilt is OP.


Saved over a second by going through some early scenes. Only 3 seconds more now until the next arbitrary benchmark.

DS 4-2, 96.80

DS 4-3, 95.34

DS 5-2, 97.45

DS 5-8, 96.55

DS 3-2, 100.43

DS 3-5, 95.10

DS 3-6. 100.99
Significant improvement. Less than 2 seconds until sub 44:30

DS 3-7, 104.15
Well, it's a bit less buffering for you guys. This scene is much harder than 6-4 from StB so I'm not going to try getting anything frame perfect here. Nice to see this much time come off, though. I was really bad at this game back when I first started running.

DS 3-8, 96.22
Beating one of the longest standing times. I figured out a more reliable way to get more umbrellas, surprisingly! There's a pattern to how the umbrellas spawn, center, left, right, center, left etc. by positioning yourself slightly to the right and making a dash to the left to tilt the camera, it becomes much more common to get 4+ umbrellas in every shot. I was able to get 5 in the second photo quite a few times. I believe that this scene can be pushed beyond 97.xx but it's obviously still very RNG dependent, even after realizing this.


DS 9-7, 187.70

DS 9-6, 231.20
Second IL done on stream. I guess i should do this more often.

DS 9-8, 196,41
Whopping 0.1s improvement.

DS 9-5, 103.50
0.05 second improvement, which feels pretty significant in a scene like this.
Goddamn ARF, I checked here to see how much scenes Random still had and you own this board now. Props to you for crushing pretty much everyone else who worked on it. <_<
Edit history:
ARF: 2014-02-10 12:54:06 pm
ARF: 2014-02-10 10:48:17 am
Welcome HELL
Thanks, but eh.. people just stopped going for this, I don't know why Sad

DS EX-8, 178.01
Trying yet again to figure out a way to make Marisa stop on screen after the seventh cycle, I didn't succeed, but the time is just about getting limited by recharge speed anyway at this point, so this is probably close to optimal.


Played some StB casually and beat several IL's, I felt like some of them were far too easy to beat.

StB 1-1, 37.57

StB 3-1, 59.40

StB 3-4, 83.12

StB 3-5, 59.04
New strat.

StB 3-6, 81.04

StB 3-8, 63.76

StB 4-2, 95.06
Nice, but a few slow photos.

StB 4-3, 69.51

Stb 4-8, 65.48

StB 10-2, 95.24
Welcome HELL
A player called LET posted some impressive stuff recently: A really good RTA of StB beating all the scenes in 54:18 and an StB any% run in 36:43!

He even beats an IL time in this run! He also has IL replay bundles for both games posted here. I hope he does an RTA of DS at some point.

Maybe starting a thread where we gather some RTA's and resources for the other official touhou games would be valuable, I know at least some people casually speedrun the other games from time to time (myself included) disregarding how silly it is.
Come to think of it, maybe we could start making an IL table for Impossible Spell Card.

Though....some scenes are extremely silly to speedrun with the Lantern as main item and the Decoy Doll as sub-item (notably 6-7 (note that the Lantern is at max level in this replay)).

And yeah, the StB all scenes RTA was a treat to watch.
Vanilla H is mai waifu
no 14.3 ?