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Edit history:
SDAVerification: 2014-09-25 11:35:22 am
UraniumAnchor: 2014-09-20 12:02:29 am
Game Page:

Tomba 2 (Any %) (Single Segment)

Decision: Accept

Reason: There's a bit of blurriness, but it's only small parts of the video, so it's alright this time.

Congratulations to Dylan 'CavemanDCJ' Jock!
Thread title:  
Run Information

Tomba 2 (Any %) (Single Segment)

Verification Files

Please refer to the Verification Guidelines before posting. Verifications are due by Sept. 21, 2014.

Please post your opinions about the run and be certain to conclude your post with a verdict (Accept/Reject). This is not a contest where the majority wins - I will judge each verification on its content. Please keep your verification brief unless you have a good reason otherwise.

After 2 weeks I will read all of the verifications and move this thread to the main verification board and post my verdict.
Edit history:
chris_x: 2014-09-17 12:16:21 pm
First of all: Isn't this a single segment run?

Second: Accept!

Reason: A/V quality is good. The run is 9 1/2 minutes faster than my run and it's single segment (mine is segmented into 18 parts). All in all it's very impressive.
The runner uses the weapon boost and collects the turbo shorts which saves time.
He uses my route except for the last part (where the time is stopped) and in the following parts: Deaths in the pipe area, getting hit by the two ice pigs, direct flight back to the summit shed, magic wings in laughing/crying forrest, death in water temple. These new tricks are very effective.

I started watching this, but found some video issues near the beginning. I think it would be good have a decision before watching the rest. See the attached file. The thing is that only some parts of the video have this problem (20%?). I've compared with the run on site and could see that it's not part of the game, but has to do with the recording and/or encoding.

Quote from ktwo:
I started watching this, but found some video issues near the beginning. I think it would be good have a decision before watching the rest. See the attached file. The thing is that only some parts of the video have this problem (20%?). I've compared with the run on site and could see that it's not part of the game, but has to do with the recording and/or encoding.

I watched the whole run (HQ version) and didn't detect such issues.
Which quality did you watch?
I watched HQ as well. The screenshot was from 6:18. That whole area is similar. The area before and after look fine. Maybe the segmentation was done there and some settings were different in the recording of that part? It's not super disturbing when just watching (just a bit blurry at times) and I'm personally fine with it, especially since it's only a few sections. However, I think someone that's more into the video requirements here should have a look as well.
Not a walrus
If it's only in small doses then it's fine, though I'll probably still ask the runner if he has a better copy anyway.
Edit history:
Kewne: 2014-09-19 01:52:53 am
This is a clear ACCEPT for me. I didn't notice the video issue until I went back and rewatched that part so for me it's not a problem. Worst mistake I could notice was having to use the wheelbarrow an extra time and a bit of a hiccup on the final pig, otherwise minor mistakes here and there only adding up to seconds over the whole run.

@chris_x: Would those route changes save almost 10 min in your run as well? I thought that this was a NTSC run and therefore most of the time saved was due to that. And I also think this should be single segment.
Quote from Kewne:
This is a clear ACCEPT for me. I didn't notice the video issue until I went back and rewatched that part so for me it's not a problem. Worst mistake I could notice was having to use the wheelbarrow an extra time and a bit of a hiccup on the final pig, otherwise minor mistakes here and there only adding up to seconds over the whole run.

@chris_x: Would those route changes save almost 10 min in your run as well? I thought that this was a NTSC run and therefore most of the time saved was due to that. And I also think this should be single segment.

You're right: Most of the time saved is due to the NTSC version. I would say 70/30.
Decision posted.
Totally Radical Awesome Game
So my comments are not on the game page.
To help this problem I have put them here >
Not a walrus
Hmm, there's no comments attached to the run at all, but I'll pass it on to moooh.