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That's weird Potato... I... I need to do it... I really  need to do it! But I am always in a fight when I reach this fire camp so I really don't understand. I will see what you did before...

Too bad it is not useful Mooxxii Sad ... I will try it anyways.
Hello good people. I dont know where else to ask so I do it here. What are the current WRs on PS3, Xbox and PC? Is it possible to make an updateable list that everyone can access? or maybe it already exists but i dont know where..

/!\ Tomb Raider (2013) /!\ | Any% World Records: 

2:11:09(PC)(Normal) by CrypticJacknife
2:09:36 (Console)(Normal) by Pewpewpewable

100% World Records:  3:02:51 (PC)(Normal) by CrypticJacknife
Can the 100% run of CrypticJacknife be downloaded somewhere? Is it on Youtube?
The current records are updated on the IRC channel #tombraider on SRL.

I'm fairly certain Cryptic did not record his run.  some of the routes are in this thread though.
26 not 36 :> !

I think this time I really reach all my ideas. I tried to find another way of doing Monastery Skip with the new glitch but no result so far because of the invisible wall.

Took the time to highlight a thing I think useless (or it's because it's too hard for me) :
couple of highlights I thought I'd share. nothing new or game breaking.
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Potato Handle: 2013-04-16 05:29:18 pm
Plays games quickly. Eventually.
I'm a little bit behind on current skip developments so sorry if this is old news; but I practiced the Alex skip a couple of days ago, and managed to get it to work with the axe skill. As a matter of fact, I found it much easier this way. (It took me a while to get it in the video, but I prolly screwed up about 4 chances just because I still suck.)

Speaking of still sucking, try not to pay attention to that horrible time. Tongue
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brassmaster: 2013-04-18 10:02:09 am
I couldn't manage to do it with the secondary melee attack (aka when tier 2 skills are unlocked).  if it's easier for you that way then by all means go for it!  That'll enable you to get CA earlier.
New PC WR SS any% 2:09:05 ^__^
Nice. Looks like I will have to stop being raped on Street fighter to take back my WR.

Quote of the day: "1 second of video if fucking retarded and pointless" - a dude on one of my TR videos
New small skip found in cooperation with Elajjaz inc. It is incredibly easy to do at the beginning of the weather station.
Oooh how did I miss that? Nice guys.
Hey guys! For everyone having trouble doing the bunker skip: Here is a safe way:
and here is an even safer way:
EDIT: Since youre shooting the generator and barrel anyways you only need to kill the 4 guys on top with the bow!
Have fun Smiley
I have no idea why this skip isn't here already^^. (Or I just haven't seen it)
Wow, I havent been able to do that one before.  as for the bunker skips, very interesting.  for the 2nd method, instead of shooting out that pillar, shoot the platform twice and it'll swing back further making it easier to grab.
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Pewable: 2013-04-23 05:21:12 am
I know about this one but I wasn't aware that it skips the second talkie walkie... Nice Smiley ! Breaking the pillar to go to the elevator thing is no cool Sad !
Well when I said that I was bad at that jump I meant that I am really really really super uber bad at it Smiley

  2nd Grim Skip--> I don't know if this works on console because of the aiming

Works way way better for me than the normal way!
TheArtisticBallistic if you get shot by an arrow you will skywalk, too. Just hold forward.
Quote from cookieforu:
TheArtisticBallistic if you get shot by an arrow you will skywalk, too. Just hold forward.

cookieフォル My respect for you was a 10 but now I don't even know the meaning of "respect for you" anymore
EDIT: I think if that arrow thing actually worked regularly the grim2 skip would never have been a problem at all.
With my limited english knowledge, I cant tell if thats a good thing or not =F
Edit history:
cookieforu: 2013-04-24 10:09:59 am
cookieforu: 2013-04-24 10:09:46 am
cookieforu: 2013-04-24 10:02:29 am
Found out that you can skip the door next to the elevator, in the Research Base with the same trick you would skip radio tower and after killing the deer. Its just an optional thing, if you don't have a grenade left.
Is there a difference between other language versions, when it comes to timing for walki talki's or cut scenes ?
I don't think so. Even for the walkie talkie.
There is a grenade crate on the way to the research so you should always have grenades for that door.

did a run last night, was on pace for a WR until the bunker and the run died.