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Lips Sealed
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Pewable: 2013-04-05 07:26:02 am
Pewable: 2013-04-05 07:05:50 am
Pewable: 2013-04-05 07:02:35 am
Pewable: 2013-04-05 07:01:19 am
Pewable: 2013-04-05 06:45:24 am
Where you are skipping the intro of the game, we can see Lara stand somewhere (after swimming to the island I think) ... Then we have the cutscene where she is swimming to the island... Maybe there is a way to "play" between the 2 cutscenes?

Also it is possible to make the cutscene unskippable is you use the xbox menu somewhere before the cutscene starts...

I have to do something with this intro :< !

What we can see between the cutscenes:

Oh and new WEIRD glitch Smiley ...

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brassmaster: 2013-04-05 11:58:06 pm
Alex Skip tutorial

Also, doing the deer door clip, my game freezes at the camp where you upgrade your axe.  it still happens if I visit the camp after the 3 wolves... quite sad...
My game also freezes on me at that part.. but it never happened to me before when i clipped the door. It just started happening :s
Edit history:
Potato Handle: 2013-04-06 07:21:59 am
Potato Handle: 2013-04-06 07:20:03 am
Plays games quickly. Eventually.
I'm so confused, I practiced the Alex skip; got it a bunch of times, convinced myself that It was really easy, and now I can't do it at all anymore. I seriously got it like 4-5 times pretty much in a row while testing, when during the run and subsequent practices, I barely even got close after prolly more than an hour of attempts. I'm pretty sure I was using the Axe when it worked too. I have a vague idea that maybe I was in 720p when I tried it the first time so I'm gunna try that again tomorrow, but I'm really angry that whatever had that was working has stopped.

In other news I have a silly contribution, no time saving, just a weird glitch to try; If you hold up while climbing the radio tower during all the cutscenes where she climbs by herself, Lara will be slightly higher than normal and will adjust the radio from the wrong spot. I haven't tried other directions yet. Fair warning you'll have to do the minigame by ear if you try this, hehe.

EDIT: This was on 360 using the pause buffer to get through the door, if that's relevant.
EDIT2: Oh and I can confirm the freeze as well, comes good after a reload though, so still worth it.
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Pewable: 2013-04-06 07:37:21 am
Potato: What you said about Radio Toward happened a lot to me. Is it not a little random?
            Brass' did like 7 times yesterday on his stream, it's not about being in 720p etc seriously... It's about finding the good spot that's all.

Brass' : Hm... Maybe we have to upgrade then reload. Will need to try.
            (Oh yesterday my pc froze again :< ... Watching the "stream" right now. About Warp: I will try to run it a bit later maybe!)

Maybe. Very weird tricky camera angle of the dead.
and we thought you were done with the game XD... glad to see a new skip!! I'm excited again (after my constant freezing last night).  I upgraded at the camp after the wolves, so yeah, maybe we should reload there? I'll try it on my next run... but I want to see this new skip first haha.
I can trigger Reyes's walkie talkie after Research Base but Lara doesn't want to grab the rope... hm... Trying to find how to resolve this. I am gonna stream if someone wants to help!
here's my fog glitch video... really weird

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Pewable: 2013-04-06 04:05:22 pm
Pewable: 2013-04-06 04:05:12 pm
(Wow I streamed for a very long time and my computer doesn't crash... Maybe I will do a stream run tonight if I see my computer is ok and doesn't lag a lot)

Fog glitch is the best glitch.

Edit: Will stream in like 20 minutes, come to my channel if you want to watch me fail Smiley !
I'll be watching! Smiley
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Pewable: 2013-04-07 09:11:10 am
I'm AGAIN on something new, guys! Don't find something useful with it yet though...

Harder than Alex Skip, Lara changes of direction are weider... :<
New Xbox WR! 02:11:14

Don't watch the end for your own safety. It's the worst  one.

My next time will be sub 02:10 or I am not Pewable!
pewable just can't stand me being within 10 minutes of him ;).

good job Pewable.  next thing is, who'll be the first to sub 2 hours SS?
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Pewable: 2013-04-07 04:06:34 pm
I have a question about segmented run (because I don't like it so... hm) ... Does it have to start from the beginning until the end? Like, I have to have the same amount of bullets than the previous checkpoint right?
yes, bullets, health, weapons, etc. need to match between segments
Ok... And let's say I want to redo one of the segment, I have to finish it so it matchs with the next one right?
that is correct.  with a game like this, it's a pain in the ass the redo segments.  but yes, you can redo segments as long as you have a backup of the save and everything matches going into the next segment
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Pewable: 2013-04-07 07:22:49 pm
Guess I will quickly do a segmented run until someone destroys my time then.

So... How the hell are we segmenting it? It is always troubling me. As soon as a TR appears (not EVERY TR of course, 80 segments is retarded) ?

I think my first segment will be = beginning of the game > end of the cutscene where Lara picks up walkie talkie... Damn segmented run.
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brassmaster: 2013-04-07 07:27:19 pm
you dont HAVE to do it pewable.  See mine and Youkai's Gears of War runs for references.  This game will work the same way.  Some checkpoints, like the Grim Fight 2 skip or the Alex skip you'll just do one checkpoint.  Others you'll go for a several checkpoints.  and it's really up to you.  number of segments do not matter.

also, going to do a run... up for a race again?
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Pewable: 2013-04-07 10:18:24 pm
I will see how I do then... I will just called it "the perfect speed run I want" :p !

Hey ok let's do it! Tired? I was half asleep? Never!

Edit: New WR, 02:09:26 yaaay.

It's too bad I can't speak during the race, even with my crappy english accent.
I can stream a skype call if you want to be able to speak during the races, that's not a problem.
Mooxxii found a way to give to Reyes her tools without going to the ship, using the checkpoint after Bunker Skip but without falling on the floor... But we don't have the ascender so it's useless. Very sad.

Brass' : The problem is that I can't make any noise at niiight. Have to be sileeent.
Hello !
I've just uploaded a video of this oob. Too bad we can't use it. Pretty easy skip...

Edit history:
Potato Handle: 2013-04-09 06:34:51 am
Plays games quickly. Eventually.
I'll just leave this here, haha. I think it was caused by me still being in combat when I reached the campsite. Not sure how useful it will be, but funny either way, haha. Maybe reproducible in more useful areas? I'll play around with it more tomorrow.

There's a patch available for the 360 version, so I decided to do a quick run with the patch to test all the skips up until the Radio Tower and they all still work fine.