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My twitch channel: ! I don't really stream because my quality is really poor, my stream crashs a lot too.

I stream when I want to help a friend to glitch a game etc. (I removed the videos when I am finished, didn't do it last time though, it is about an infinite jump in Ninja Blade D:)
Hey if you are free I can try to show you the OOBs via my stream. Though I think I don't have a save near the first one...
sorry about the electricity, that does stink.  hopefully it will be resolved soon.

L0rdy... or uh, Aphox... if you are around tonight and have access to the mumble server (goobi could probably help you out if you dont), you are more then welcome to join in on a call on the stream.  I think when I stream TR, I'll have that up in case others want to join in.
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-03-26 03:55:38 pm
It looks back! Showed the short flying glitch to L0rdy. He is investigating.

Edit: Said it was back... 10 minutes later > BZZZ, no more electricity.
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-03-26 04:26:10 pm
Pewable: 2013-03-26 04:24:53 pm
Oh yeaaah new cutscene skip. As soon as the unskippable cutscene where Mathias kills one of his crewmate begins (before you have to run on the bridge towards the chopper) , go to the main menu and go back to the game, cutscene will be skipped Smiley !
dang! i need to start documenting these or something for the stream tonight.  there's a good number of things I'm missing from my runs now.  y'all are awesome!

What have I done?

If someone knows somewhere else where the camera becomes crazy, tell me! I found that by mistake one week ago... or two.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!

3 left. Smiley Also boo uploading short videos Sad
Also know as L0rdy
Here a small technic I found, couldnt think of a use on top of my head but still worth documenting here imo:

Nice, I will keep it in mind. Can't see where we can use it though... There is always a rope to go back from high place without dying.
Also know as L0rdy
Yeah doesnt think its useful, however you never know if it will become useful in the future ^^.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!

- Still no Pewable Exterior Clip. I'm lazy sorry I'll learn it ;_;
- Dicked around for 2 minutes in Monastery. Oops, forgot that I learned the skip with the Pick Melee >_> In the end I saved 2 seconds on Monastery...
- Pewables Shanty skip is really where the time saving started. Amazing Shanty Town to say the least. Good caverns and fortress (we aren't meant to have the ability to do Friendship Skip in any% are we?
- Awesome first try Bunker Skip, really rare for me Tongue
- TERRIBLE Stronghold Battle, I mean TERRIBLE.
- 1 minute lost to Finale Skip (though 30 seconds gained due to not restarting any more) :3

I'm tempted to learn the remaining like I dunno, 4 or so minutes worth of skips to see if I can improve this, but new skips coming out every day L0rdy tellin me about this short flying glitch like damn :/

Still focusing on the 100 route regardless. I want to get these last few out so I am free to pick and choose Cheesy
L0rdy told me yesterday than because of my fight skip, we don't have enough XP to have the ability to do Friendship Skip. Very nice anyways!
Hey guys! PS3 player here..

Just thought I'd post a little skip I found a couple of minutes ago:

I guess it saves a couple of seconds heh Cheesy
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-03-27 08:56:23 am
Pewable: 2013-03-27 08:54:58 am
Love you.

Wonder how I missed that when I was finding things here. Errr, must be because this rope is like invisible too me, never used it. You can go up there faster too.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
Hey a PS3 player, welcome ^_^

Funky skip. Smiley

Yay more players and skips! Cheesy
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-03-27 12:29:47 pm
I will try a run on twitch, 'cause I don't want to upaload it to youtube if it is ok. It's a nightmare. Sure I am going to give up after 20 minutes though, or if my stream crashs.

Prepare yourself Cryptic... or not :< .

Edit: Worst run ever, the bow was a troll.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
Aw man sucks your run ended up going nasty :<

Side note, although if notable this is actually kind of important. 360 analog control allows you to solve the Radio Tower puzzle almost instantly, where with keys you stick your thumb in your ass holding D for a good 6 or 7 seconds. As it is completely something that the game is cool with, are YOU guys cool with the idea of me playing with keys and swapping to the 360 pad at the opportune moments? No pausing occurs, the game can swap between both control schemes amazingly fast, so you will likely barely notice it. Regardless, thought I'd flag it past y'all here first.
I don't mind if you do that. Are you doing L0rdy's way of doing it?
Edit history:
Potato Handle: 2013-03-27 11:58:30 pm
Plays games quickly. Eventually.
Ahoy there fellas! I've been looking for a shorter game to run for a while, and I really enjoyed TR, so I'm looking to start running it. I did a test run, but didn't have enough time to finish, but I made a good amount of progress in 2 and a half hours, and really enjoyed it. I'm just sorta gunna keep playing naturally for a while until I stop making silly mistakes during the "normal" route, then I'll start looking at some of those crazy skips you guys have been finding.

Couple of quick questions for my next test run:

- Is there an agreed upon "fastest" way to move around? I've seen some people jumping everywhere and some rolling everywhere. It'd be good to know before I start timing runs, so I don't get into any bad habits, hehe.
- Are there any decided upon skills/upgrades that are generally picked up for speedruns? I remember there being one that increases climbing speed in tier 2, which if you picked up ASAP might pay for itself in time, allowing you to pick up five T1 skills for convenience.
- How much slower are the console versions likely to be over PC counterparts? I'll prolly end up getting the PC version, but if the 360 version will give me reasonably close times, I'll wait for it to get cheaper on PC first.
PC has about a 4-5 minute advantage I'd say... skills are actually being debated due to new skips.  arrow retrieval, then later (after exiting the top of the mountain village) getting scavenging (ammo retrieval) and pain tolerance are pretty much confirmed for most of us ( i think pewable just gets the pain tolerance).  There is a saving friends skip in the caverns, but tier 2 needs to be unlocked, but due to a new skip that skips the final fight in shantytown, you can't get tier 2 in time for that skip.

as for movement, I dont think anyone really timed what is the fastest movement speed.  I think it is with climbers agility to jump then roll, but that takes time to get and I'm thinking we can skip that and just roll everywhere, but scramble and jump is an option used as well.  so this does need to be timed.  I will say that certain points lara can NOT roll, so jumping is almost always the way to go.

since these are still in debate, I wont confirm anything, but would certainly like to hear other runners ideas.  also Potato Handle, welcome to running the game, we are glad you are here.
I took a timer and made some tests (It can't be very precise or optimal, especially with the jump-roll : I suxx with it. Average value)
I don't do any test without climbers agility : I should restart a new game to do it. But it can be interesting.
(same thing when lara is injured)

flat ground, with a normal run in 9'70 :
jump everywhere : 7'25
roll everywhere : 6'98
jump-roll : 6'49

rising ground, when you go up, normal run in 11'11 :
jump everywhere : 8'32
roll everywhere : 8'43
jump-roll : 7'55 (I suxx very much with it, but it's still faster)
(the difference between the full-roll and the full-jump is unimportant with this lack of precision)

when you go down, normal run in 11'11 :
jump everywhere : 8'58
roll everywhere : 7'75
jump-roll : 7'34

The full-roll seems a little faster than the full-jump.
The jump-roll can be much faster (I must train a lot more)
Welcome Sam... Or is it Max?

Dirty tricks is a must now!

Do a roll towards a script where Lara will use her walkie talkie then do Dirty Tricks (the sand, you know) . Lara will slide, you can fly a little with it but nothing useful is known at the moment. BUT she is faster so do that and as soon as she stops using it, aim, then she will stop sliding.

I like to do roll then jump a lot D: ... Thank you for your trouble Meb!
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-03-28 11:32:20 am
Pewable: 2013-03-28 10:18:33 am
Pewable: 2013-03-28 10:17:58 am
Pewable: 2013-03-28 10:15:59 am
NO MORE MONASTERY! I'll explain everything later. Playin' a little more to see if a problem will occur.

Aaand it's useless. We need the shotgun to break the scraps at the waterfall. Screw this game.
damn! I guess the skip is before the monastery? so no chance of grabbing the shotgun and leaving?... that's unfortunate...  might be worth posting just in case someone else finds a way around the waterfall.