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Pewable: 2013-03-26 07:42:12 am
Pewable: 2013-03-26 07:41:32 am
Brassmaster starts the timer as soon as he selects the difficulty and stops it as soon as the last bullet kills Mathias.

Running the game with no glitch hmmm the only glitch we are using in the run is the Monastery Skip, right? Bunker Skip is not a glitch... Right? It's a shortcut. When I reload after a checkpoint, can't say it is a glitch too. The Final Boss Skip? A glitch too? Errr. It's a mistake from the developers so it is indeed a glitch... But come on, it's not like we are walking out of bounds or I don't know. I will do a video later with 2 OOBs. Breaking Bioshock Infinite at the moment :x ...
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
Start time when you select difficulty, stop time when Mathias' death cutscene starts. Easy enough.

Also this.

RB uploading now.
right now, everyone is running the game on Normal difficulty.  from my 1 or 2 runs on easy, there really isn't much difference (really only 2 maps will be much easier that I can think of).  as for timing, we are timing it from difficulty select to final shot on Mathias, although I believe SDA will time it from first move.  Glad to see another runner here, so welcome!
(warning: crappy english incoming) While we are speaking about it, I never really run a game etc you know, I don't know how you guys are doing when someone wants to submit a run to SDA. Are you like "I want to submit a run!" then somebody else says "No, I'll beat you in 2 weeks so wait a little!" , then again "Screw consoles, pc rules! I'll do it." etc? Someone explains to me how you do!
typically I would submit when a recorded run looks fantastic and with very few mistakes or deaths.  I would vote against anyone submitting for this game yet though.  so many things are constantly being discovered.
Ok I understand a little how it works. Yeah, sure, the game needs to be more glitched! Did you try my last skip? The one you don't likeee.
haven't yet... might do a speedrun practice stream tonight since my last 4 runs were within a minute of each other
Ok, will help you with the start of the Monastery Skip if you have trouble with it. It sure saves a lot of time if it's not messed up.
yeah, i'll definitely need a hand with that one.
Also know as L0rdy
Yeah but I would say we run RTA atm so I like to start the timer when we select difficulty.

Also yeah thats the main issue what I dont like about glitchless categories, its really hard to define what is a glitch. Because in "glitchless" shortcuts would be allowed as long as they dont use a glitch. However skipping the whole last fight looks like a glitch somehow since it skips so much... however we use only game mechanics which are intended... so techincally it should not be called a glitch. Also the monastery skip is not that easily a glitch either, ofc it uses the attack on slopes, but who can tell if that was intended or not? Maybe there were some mayor issues with that attack that they had to do it this way : x.

For Pewables question, usually you wait until there havent been new skips found in a while so the route is set and stable. Then you'll try really hard to get the best run you can and submit that. I would advise to ask other runners for their opinion on your runs as well if you feel unsure.

@Brassmaster I would love to join you as well, when is "tonight" for you? ^^ I am from germany so I guess it will be to late for me : (.
yeah, it'll be late for you, I'm in central US.  I'll probably start between 7 and 8. so it'll be like 1 or 2 in the morning in germany.
Ok L0rdy, don't worry I will not do anything before asking you guys! Last time I saw Brassmaster's stream, it was from 3 am to 5 am... Late.

And I am speaking about the glitch where you go to the Bell Puzzle by going at the top of the map, not the one where you don't save your friends.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
@Pewable Speaking of helping, sure would like to know the secret I'm missing to the Radio Tower clip ^^'
@Brassmaster I'm going to guess tonight for you is within the next 12 hours, so I'll be asleep :3

First try Elevator Skip Hype!

Chasm Shrine is already uploading. I'm done for the night after that I swear!
Also know as L0rdy
I was talking about the same skip. I guess for you being oob is a glitch in itself. The way I thought about it is, I never used a glitch just jumps to get there. For me OOB is more a location then a glitch, if I find a way there without clipping through walls or using a glitch, I would still call that glitchless : P. But I wouldnt have a problem if you'd want to ban that one in a glitchless run.

Also we maybe want to actually start doing tutorial videos, I didnt knew there there still were issues with skip lol ^^. I hope most of them wont be to different to execute on PC vs Console... else we have to make 2 tutorials for each lol...
I started doing a tutorial about Grim Skip but it turned out bad with my poor limited english.

Do a wall jump against the wall, try to go as close as possible to the wall and the step:

Then Lara will be "stuck" here like 0.5 second, do right + jump as soon as you can. Lara will hop the step. If she doesn't go through the wall, do it again but more like up/right + jump than right + jump... See? Good luck.
Maybe while I stream tonight (in about 10-11 hours) I'll do a practice speed run stream and do tutorials and highlight them.
well ok thx to all i keep all your comments in mind.
it's sure that the difference between skip and glitched skip is hard to see in this game, but i still think oob, flying or clipping i've seen here won't be in my runs for now.
i'll try to catch twitch channel for those who have one, and still be on this forum everyday.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
The final collectables Smiley

All that remains now is:
- Base Exterior (Will do once I understand the clip, thanks for the advice Pewable Smiley )
- Shipwreck Beach 1 (Giant pain in the ass segment)
- Cliffside Bunker (Bunker Skip fun)
- Shipwreck Beach 2 (Easy. Really short segment.)

Done for night -.-
Edit history:
Aphox: 2013-03-26 09:10:12 am
Aphox: 2013-03-26 09:09:58 am
Aphox: 2013-03-26 09:09:27 am
Also know as L0rdy
Just as a test I did a small tutorial video (for the Base Exterior skip so I can show Cryptic how I do it on PC).

Would be nice if you guys just throw in what you dont like and what informations are missing in that video.
First point I dont like about this tutorial is that I didnt think what I'd say after finishing the skip so I had to make stuff up on the spot and I feel you can easily notice that : P. (This is just a first version I think we should do a better tutorial of this skip eventually)

EDIT: Just rewatched this and yeah I am left-right handycapped lol.. when I say go right I meant left : P
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Pewable: 2013-03-26 09:49:38 am
Yeah not the first time you said right when it's left. No problem though, don't worry.

Nice tutorial, I have to try your way of doing it! Nice voice too, very understandable for a non native english speaker.

Edit: Wait wait wait, and you are from germany? Nice english accent, unlike me who have the worst english accent on earth.
Also know as L0rdy
Haha, I have talked a lot of english since I started speedrunning... but I dont agree I still dont enjoy my english that much ^^.
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meb: 2013-03-26 01:23:01 pm
very nice tutorial, thanks
(I'll try it soon. We'll see if you are a good teacher :p )

edit : I can do the trick. Many thanks to you
Also know as L0rdy
No problem meb!

Just finished a run btw 2:15:25, I think I still didnt do a few small skips I saw in other runners videos, but thats mostly because my muscle memory just executed and I was like oh shit there was this thing I should do etc. Got fucked a few times by stuff I couldnt forsee because I never did it, like pewables new figth skip I didnt knew you had to actually reload and it would be faster, I was just wondering why are all the enemys here and not in the video ^^ and then lets try reload : P. Also right after that skip I tried to jump over a gap before Lara would grap the radio and answer however she did so in mid air and I lost most of the momentum in the middle of the jump -> died had to listen to all of it again rofl... but main issue was the last area, died in the big fight at the end (the one you actually have to do) and fucked up my last skip a lot, sadly I could have had it at 2nd try :/.. should have trained it a little before doing a full run after a week of not playing : P. Overall I think 3-4 minutes lost in last area T_T. But anyway its an improvement for now, Cryptic should grab it back soon ;).

If people are interested I could upload it, would take me another 10 hours or so to upload tho ^^.
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-03-26 02:02:06 pm
Pewable: 2013-03-26 02:00:28 pm
My town is having electricity issue so I don't know if I will be able to see your stream Brass' hm... Electricity is up, then down, then up... We can see the stars ~ ...

Haha L0rdy, yes I think you can't jump at the other side of the bridge when she speaks to Roth, she loses all her momentum... I was uploading my clips but because internet is off every 10 minutes it will be hard!

Also, I don't think uploading it is needed.
Also know as L0rdy
Sorry to hear that with your electricity : /, hope it'll work again soon. Btw Pewable do you stream somewhere? Havent seen your livestreams at all : P.

I might stay up for brass's stream, would be fun if we are all around ^^.

And yeah I wont upload it, 10h of uploading for a run which will be beaten most likely really soon.... not worth it ^^.