BTW, I'm currently doing some experimenting with the idea of a Tomb Raider 2 run (I've given myself some "training" and think I can deal with the giant spiders now). I also think a sub 3 hour run of TR 3 is perfectly possible, but if I decide to I will do TR2 first before I decide to do that.
I currently think TR2 will be quite a bit harder as there are tons of gun toting enemies and other "goons", I'm also not sure about medikit and ammo provision etc yet (health could be a lot more luck based).
Edit: Here's a practice run of the first level in TR2, I had the "sound not recording" FRAPS bug (I just got a new version which is supposed to fix that), and the beginning is unwatchable (I deleted the "source" video before watching this and therefore didn't realise, plus I didn't care much for the quality as this is just a practice run and the sound bug happened), but it becomes fine after that.