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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Any %) (Individual Level)

Verifier Responses

OK, all I'm going to do is post the times. This run has a bunch of tricks and sequence breaks I never expected.

Post this run, watch this run. The old run adheres to standard gameplay, but this new run will be very impressive for anyone who's had difficulty getting a grip on this game like I did my first couple of playthroughs.

Unfortunately, I have no way of measuring framecount since these are in .mp4, but I can give you timestamps from VLC, from gaining control to losing control.

Stage 1 - Training: 1:35 - 7:30 (5:55)
Stage 2 - Police Station: 0:06 - 4:44 (4:38)
Stage 3 - Ministry of Defense: 0:06 - 6:51 (6:45)
Stage 4 - Oil Rig: 0:05 - 5:51 (5:46)
Stage 5 - CIA HQ: 0:08 - 6:35 (6:27)
Stage 6 - Kalinatek: 0:05 - 6:25 (6:20)
Stage 7 - Chinese Embassy: 0:07 - 5:58 (5:51)
Stage 8 - Abbatoir: 0:06 - 4:36 (4:30)
Stage 9 - Chinese Embassy: 0:06 - 6:50 (6:46)
Stage 10 - Presidential Palace: 0:06 - 7:43 (7:37)
DLC 1 - Kola Cell: 0:03 - 5:00 (4:57)
DLC 2 - Vselka Infiltration: 0:05 - 3:50 (3:45)
DLC 3 - Vselka Submarine: 0:04 - 2:41 (2:37)

Main game total: 1:00:35
DLC total: 0:11:19

These are rough estimates, all will be less if you factor out load times.

Runner, whoever you are, good fucking job.

Up to Kalinatek I was a bit concerned about the runner's accuracy, but that mission sure restored my faith. Sweet sequence breaks, sweet platforming, nice AI manipulation.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't it be possible to input keypad codes with the numpad instead of the mouse? If it is, then that's about the only slight I can find in this run.

A/V all good.


A/V good, no cheating

Impressive use of AI, great shortcuts, sequence breaks I'd never guess existed, and hardly any hesitation in the execution. The runner obviously learned the stages inside and out, knowing exactly the path to run through sufficient shadows even when playing with nightvision perpetually enabled, and perfectly circumventing guards. Like another verifier said, the biggest weaknesses in this run have to do with mouse accuracy. A fair few missed shots with the pistol and sometimes slow keypad bits. It's only a matter of a few seconds though, not enough to push the run time under an hour or anything like that, and the runner's accuracy greatly improves upon getting the SC-20K. I find it a bit odd as I don't remember the pistol being THAT much worse, but again, doesn't really matter.

Definitive accept

OK, all I'm going to do is post the times. This run has a bunch of tricks and sequence breaks I never expected.

Post this run, watch this run. The old run adheres to standard gameplay, but this new run will be very impressive for anyone who's had difficulty getting a grip on this game like I did my first couple of playthroughs.

Unfortunately, I have no way of measuring framecount since these are in .mp4, but I can give you timestamps from VLC, from gaining control to losing control.

Stage 1 - Training: 1:35 - 7:30 (5:55)
Stage 2 - Police Station: 0:06 - 4:44 (4:38)
Stage 3 - Ministry of Defense: 0:06 - 6:51 (6:45)
Stage 4 - Oil Rig: 0:05 - 5:51 (5:46)
Stage 5 - CIA HQ: 0:08 - 6:35 (6:27)
Stage 6 - Kalinatek: 0:05 - 6:25 (6:20)
Stage 7 - Chinese Embassy: 0:07 - 5:58 (5:51)
Stage 8 - Abbatoir: 0:06 - 4:36 (4:30)
Stage 9 - Chinese Embassy: 0:06 - 6:50 (6:46)
Stage 10 - Presidential Palace: 0:06 - 7:43 (7:37)
DLC 1 - Kola Cell: 0:03 - 5:00 (4:57)
DLC 2 - Vselka Infiltration: 0:05 - 3:50 (3:45)
DLC 3 - Vselka Submarine: 0:04 - 2:41 (2:37)

Main game total: 1:00:35
DLC total: 0:11:19

These are rough estimates, all will be less if you factor out load times.

Runner, whoever you are, good fucking job.

nothing to add.

this is an almost flawless run and very enjoyable to watch. i've never expected to see this game beaten so fast.
very nice.


Decision: Accept

Congratulations to Michael 'CotySA!'
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Edit history:
CotySA: 2013-06-06 10:52:47 am
CotySA: 2013-06-06 10:09:16 am
Thanks to the verifiers and the SDA team!

Unfortunately it´s not possible to input the keypad codes with your keyboard in SC 1. You have to do it with your mouse AND you have to delay the inputs, because otherwise the game won´t react to the last input, if you do it too fast. Also the mouse feels really "unsmooth" when you move it on the keypad, it´s really annoying. Smiley

They fixed this in the following SC games, where you are able to input the codes on the numpad.
Splinter Cell probably has some kind of Mouse Acceleration in that case, if it feels uncomfortable to move.

I'm happy this run happened, I was wondering if someone would improve the old PC times.

Now someone just needs to do an SS.