nice ah? When the doors open and I start to spam grenades of all kinds... I know I didn't hit anything... but that was just me taking rage out! Before I found the first little shortcut I ran for it and the guy on the right just stands in the middle of the door and blocked me! I made sure he couldn't this time!
This level....was too fast to believe! 40 seconds!! But I dont have any grenade left, do I get some more until I need them or should I stop at the ammo box for a moment on level 20?
Don't worry about it, if you need to jump you can use thunderbolt.
The truth is, I have no idea what to do on the next level, witch is the wind tunnel. No way you stop for ammo, 40 seconds was sick! And there was I saying 2 minutes or less... sorry about that :-[
Going to level 21 and see what can we do, but it all indicates you will have to make it normal :-/
I thought you would find another way to "barrel" yourself up again because I noticed there was standing a green barrel on the upper hallways Well I will search a bit more tommorow
Well the invisible walls make it hard to come up with something...
I have been able to go to the top level from the floor and I have found something new! If you drop an object from a very high place, and you jump with it standing on it and not moving at all.... no damage
Will upload later or tomorrow.
edit: It is now safe to say that you will have to do the level normally. I have been able to go to the other side of the level (where you pull the switches to move the Zep) without stopping the wind, buuuut all the doors are closed, the important ones not the ladder or stairs ones. As for enemies spawns you only have to deal with the ones with jetpacks, the ones inside every switches rooms and the ones that open the doors that go to the ladders/stairs, but it makes the enemies in the upper level not to spawn...
Anyway I'd recommend to find a way to use time reverse in the first part only twice (doesn't seem to hard to accomplish) and just run run and don't stop.
this is the one that Might make you save time if you master it and do it fast, you can get there even before the Zep is in place... or maybe the stairs are faster (but not as impressive ;P)
I'll upload how to pass tot he other side when the wind is on soon (but it's worthless)
Hm...I think the normal way is still faster You need to open the gate, run over the place, go up and finished It takes about 13 seconds, beginning from entering the place.
That's ok, I'll download it. And yea I knew all I found was useless, but it was fun anyway
time to watch
edit: mistakes were very very small really... you should try jump down instead of using the ladder when you turn off the wind (yea quite silly) It went very nice.
I did find one that takes a lot of time to make, and saves... no time. So yea....
I tried to trick the train so you don't have to be without moving for so long when you activate it... to do so I placed a barrel on the train and then sit on it while pressing the lever.. the barrel pushed me out of the train! but guess what... I couldn't move
So the doors closed and I was trapped inside, nice.
I think though that taking the bloodhound (Rocket Launcher) is a good idea to take out most of the enemies that come out when the doors open. you need to kill them all in order to get going... watch out for the snipers again they are the main problem imo