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(user is banned)
Marlie Tang:

I think it's just silly to even TRY to put emulation speedruns and official runs from SDA in the same category.

But since I already tried to make you understand, I'll be more direct now. You may want to stop posting that on SDA. Unless you take a console and submit a goddamn run, you should just stop your pointless talk. I know my run is not perfect, but for god's sake, everyone on that planet could beat my run with an emulator anyway. Why would you put them as WRs anyway. Christ. 1:29 "SS" on emulator is so f*cking bad actually.

You want a real WR? Take a goddamn console and beat my goddamn run. Should not be that hard for you and your unableness of playing on a console? What a coincidence.

If you ever want to argue on that, I'll tell you right now, f*ck you.
Hi I'm Kryssstal
Well you certainly are full of yourself. Sorry there are people better than you at speedrunning a video game?

I don't know why you're so upset over friendly competition anyway, or why you think talking about speedruns doesn't belong on a speedrunning forum just because they're practice runs on emulators.

Also calling 1:29 SS bad is the most hilarious thing in any ALttP thread.
Everybody's favorite monster
1:29 bad? gtfo
Quote from Trekhaak:
1:29 bad? gtfo

(user is banned)
No srsly. We were talking at some point about 1:26 SS with emulator only going with luck manipulation and good skills. If I ever was playing on emulator, where no one could notice my savestates, I would have done better than 1:29 k thanks.

I keep my word. 1:29 "SS" on emulator IS bad.
spread the dirt to the populace
Quote from Wak:
where no one could notice my savestates

if you actually think krystal or the japanese use savestates then lmfaooooooooo
Quote from Wak:
Christ. 1:29 "SS" on emulator is so f*cking bad actually.

You want a real WR? Take a goddamn console and beat my goddamn run. Should not be that hard for you and your unableness of playing on a console? What a coincidence.

If you ever want to argue on that, I'll tell you right now, f*ck you.

Well let's 'f*ck' then you cutie!
I beat your 'goddamn' run on a 'goddamn' console and (btw you're angry) MARLIE TANG played literally 5 or 6 times more than I did. She clearly has beaten this game into the ground and practiced each room dozens of times more than anyone outside of japan. It's all for fun too, because this is a great game that's relatively fun to speedrun.

I'm wayy too lazy of a person to like, take sample videos and compare boss fights, but if you weren't so narrow-minded and stubborn you'd see that (for example) killing the mire boss in 9 seconds instead of 25 seconds isn't some 'snes9x flaw'.  And if you actually compared the previous room before the boss, you'd realize that running away from a flame around a square for 3 seconds isn't some 'snes9x flaw'. And two rooms before that, maybe you'd realize that wasting another 3 seconds dashing up to the top of the screen, going right, setting a block for the crystal switch, going left, then dashing down to the door - when all you had to do was set it at the bottom and run up a little bit... - isn't some 'snes9x glitch only'. 

1:26 SS emu is my real-time TAS speed. LOTS of re-records.
I can beat Wak's run on a console! All I need is a video editor.

point being - runs done on console can be easily cheated as well and baseless accusations of cheating are fucking stupid.
Hi I'm Kryssstal
Quote from Wak:
No srsly. We were talking at some point about 1:26 SS with emulator only going with luck manipulation and good skills. If I ever was playing on emulator, where no one could notice my savestates, I would have done better than 1:29 k thanks.

I keep my word. 1:29 "SS" on emulator IS bad.

So if you made a cheated run it would be faster than non-cheated runs? I never knew!

Maybe you should devote this energy to improving your subpar runs?
(user is banned)
Wow it's like people don't read my posts.

I never mentionned any snesx glitch only. I mentionned my run was not perfect. But you know, if we're to talk about 1:29 SS on emulator and put a WR right beside of it without any care, and people protect this claim, I'm out.

1:29 SS on emulator, insisting there was no cheat.... My friend, this claim from you all is mostly pointing out how much my runs on console are slow, unlucky, bad and maybe even an insult to SDA. I'll just ask to remove those 3 runs of mine.
Hi I'm Kryssstal
"Oh no, my run was beaten by someone in another country with better strategies and execution, and they're discussing it in a thread for the game on a speedrun forum! Quick, remove all my runs from the site!"
You're outright accusing people of cheating for no reason. :/

Quote from Wak:
If I ever was playing on emulator, where no one could notice my savestates, I would have done better than 1:29 k thanks.

If there's an actual difference between emulators and console that makes up for the entirety of the lost time - fine. But it sounds like your run was beaten through better strategies and execution, not just because it was played on an emulator, so lashing out and blaming the emulator is retarded. Like Marlie said, emulators are not magically 6 minutes faster than console.
spread the dirt to the populace
SNES emulators have less slowdown than console for almost every game I've played on both, although supposedly Actraiser 2 has more slowdown on emulator.

That doesn't make up 6 minutes, though.  Not even close.

I think Wak is just raging over the use of the phrase "world record" more than anything else.
Quote from Josh the Funkdoc:
SNES emulators have less slowdown than console for almost every game I've played on both, although supposedly Actraiser 2 has more slowdown on emulator.

Correct!  Actraiser 2 is slower on 'most' emulators than it is on the console, which is why it is very possible that my console speed run is faster than any TAS can be just because of hardware differences.

But uh...I don't think that's the case here.  I just heard AR2 and dropped in.
Hi I'm Kryssstal
Kamigami no Triforce on SNESGT (the emulator used by the Japanese) could be like 15 seconds faster than console, perhaps? It doesn't matter enough to test. However, as I've said before, the textboxes in Snes9x 1.51 are actually slower with turbo than what I've seen on a console capture (and noticeably slower than Snes9x 1.43).

Also on the subject of ~WORLD RECORDS~, clearly Rodrigo Lopes holds the ALttP title with his obviously cheated (according to Wak) 1:36 run.
Should be added that many of the Japanese players, as well as Marlie, are streaming their attempts live. Where you can easily see that there is no save stating or anything like that.
I believe many choose to run on emulators because it is easier to stream as well as recording your attempts, than if you would do console running. Movement is however easier when using the keyboard than the D-pad on the SNES-controller. On a keyboard, when pressing down you just press down and won't accidently press left or right, which is easily done on console. Those who have tried to wall jump fast on console compared to do it on emulator would know...

So that's basically the main example when comparing them both. You can easily compare the runs with virtual dub, console run vs emulator run, and you'll see that the main gameplay (Except for a few loading zones and text boxes) will the same on both.

Just don't care about the World Record stuff. SDA is not a site for world records, even though some of the times may be the fastests. It's just a archive for speedruns, as the name itself says. So your run, Wak, is a speedrun among other speedruns, but it isn't the fastest time ever until someone sends in a run here to beat it.
Wak, I was about to quote a ton of stupid shit you said and discuss it, but I decided it's not worth the effort.

You're being a huge asshole accusing Marlie (and other runners) of cheating.  Many of us have watched streams of these players and yes, they're capable of beating your times.  Quit being so asshurt about it and saying to not post this on SDA.  It's the Casual Speedrunning forum anyway, where emulator runs are prominently discussed.

All of your posts reek of jealousy.
we have lift off
Not much more to say apart from I really hope Marlie does beat the records on console as there is plenty of room for improvement.

Wak, you should be happy that the game has so much Speedrunning attention but no, you're not the best player in the world (as has been proven to pretty much everyone else). As others have said you can't even claim your run as a console world record.
WAK, I have a lot of respect for your LttP accomplishments, I learned so much from your runs and I really appreciated the advice and encouragement you gave me earlier in this thread, but you are being a monstrous asshole, and really should apologize to Marlie.  At no time did he (she?) hide the fact that his runs were done on an emulator, it's all been completely clear the whole time.  At no time did he request that your runs should be replaced, or disparage your efforts or accomplishments.  He is not hiding his techniques, you are free to watch his run and learn from them, and come back swinging with improvements of your own.  He did not try to make a direct comparison between console and emulator, and everyone in this thread is smart enough to know that, yes, there is a difference.  The personal offense you are taking towards comments you seem to have imagined makes you look really petty and easily offended.

Please man, your being inanely ridiculous.  This is a forum to discuss speed running: as long as there is the agreement that runs actually posted to the main page must be done on the console, there is absolutely no reason that runs done on an emulator cannot be discussed on this part of the site.  He didn't even ask to be added to the unofficial learderboards in the first post here (I believe), he's posting his run here to the COMPLETE BENEFIT of the rest of us that play the game. 

You're a damn good zelda player, and there is no need to tarnish others opinions of you with this shit.  Come correct and apologize.
Hi I'm Kryssstal
Quote from ridd3r.:
Not much more to say apart from I really hope Marlie does beat the records on console as there is plenty of room for improvement.

Yeah, I plan to run the Japanese VC version when I come up with the money for a Wii. I bought a Wii Classic Controller and USB adapter to get a head start on converting from Keyboard Warriorism though! So big middle finger to Wak for assuming I'm going to practice the game on Snes9x indefinitely. Though even if I did a 1:30 SS run on console right now, I don't believe in submitting something less than optimum.

I am still dedicated/obsessive enough to go through the game with Audity (hopefully) and maybe Tompa (double hopefully) again and make optimum TAS examples of every room in the game. I don't feel the route can be improved all that much more than it is, but I'd still like to create a "perfect" guide before shooting for 1:28 SS runs. Hopefully such a guide existing will get others into running the game too!

I'll probably stream most of the attempts, but would anyone really want to watch considering 9 out of 10 runs (not even kidding) aren't going to make it past Lanmolas/Agahnim?

Quote from TGS:
he (she?)

12/F/IN, nudes on profile.

Quote from Wak:
Wow it's like people don't read my posts.

I never mentionned any snesx glitch only. I mentionned my run was not perfect. But you know, if we're to talk about 1:29 SS on emulator and put a WR right beside of it without any care, and people protect this claim, I'm out.

1:29 SS on emulator, insisting there was no cheat.... My friend, this claim from you all is mostly pointing out how much my runs on console are slow, unlucky, bad and maybe even an insult to SDA. I'll just ask to remove those 3 runs of mine.

Your runs are outdated, naturally. What do you expect when Tompa, Audity, Jadin, and I have put a year into improving the route? It's no secret that Tompa and I are more passionate about this game than anyone else, and in my opinion any run can be beaten by someone passionate enough (although I'm sure you don't agree, since you were an asshole to TSA some time ago claiming it'd be "impossible" for him to beat Alex). You did not crank out some unbeatable run, and your arrogance and jealousy are completely unwarranted (thinking any run that beats yours is cheating or unimpressive because of something like getting the Red Mail despite beating your run by a few minutes).

I've seen your posts and from my understanding, you seek fame for accomplishments foremost, whereas we are primarily fans of the game and enjoy playing and beating it into the ground to obtain the best time possible, regardless of who does it. The runner is not as important as the run itself in my opinion, unless you're watching them stream live or something (in which case I am there to watch the runner reset a game I may or may not like over and over).

Yeah, there are like 10 people better than you at the game now, which apparently shook the world inside your head where you imagined yourself as an unbeatable ALttP God, but that's entirely your problem. You should be happy that we've improved the route so much, and in turn respect the players for the runs they have accomplished, or get back into the game yourself. Friendly competition is always welcome! If you don't have the time or will to run this game again, then you need to accept that your runs can (and should be) replaced by someone else who loves the game.

You've handled this in pretty much the worst way possible. I have never assumed SDA to be a "WORLD RECORDS FASTEST TIME POSSIBLE" site like you do, so why should your runs be removed? They are the current "serious" runs under SDA rules that have a considerable amount of effort put into them. The emulator runs are simply practice. If it offends you that people practice this game and happen to beat a 2009 run in the process, then grow up? It's just a fun video game from 1991 anyway, we don't need a bunch of rules and regulations. Clearly they exist on SDA to keep blatantly obvious cheating out, but this isn't some major league sport.

We've all watched each other play this game for hours upon hours on streams (mainly mcr, Jadin, and I). It's not as if some asshole like LegendOfEvil popped out of nowhere and is trying to submit an emulated 1:28 SS run to SDA. Assuming anyone who plays on an emulator is doing so in order to cheat is very ignorant. As stated, there are several reasons: preferring to use other control schemes like keyboard or a PS2 controller, easier to stream if you don't have a capture card, the ability to play Kamigami no Triforce 1.0 and exploit the fun glitches, etc. Since everything is streamed, you could ask the streamer to interact with the Triforce room in a certain way if you were so inclined. It'll probably offend whoever you're accusing of cheating (especially the Japanese players), but if you truly believe we don't have the skill to do 1:29 SS runs then go for it. Extreme levels of jealousy there if you can't differentiate a 1:26 "realtime TAS" to see what could theoretically be possible from a live 1:29 SS run.

I only use the term "WR" because it does not make any sense to claim a 1:35 run has better overall play quality than a 1:29 SS run, even considering any differences in emulator speed or controls (using keyboard is much more comfortable and easier than a real controller). Some players like mcr swear keyboard is "impossible" though, but you can definitely get used to it! Only reason I learned the game on keyboard is because this is my first experience with speedrunning and I never imagined I'd take it to a level of being able to submit new SDA runs. But yeah, I understand it's unfair to compare stuff like mcr and Wak's 1:35 runs against each other, given the minute emulator inaccuracies and currently unknown exact difference in Japanese/English text. ...but mcr has a 1:31 SS run now, do you honestly believe that's inferior to 1:35 and not worthy of recognition simply because it's not on SDA?

Not to defend that Rodrigo idiot, but it's ridiculous that you even claim he cheats because "blah blah 2005 run and NO VIDEO!", and then you have streamed runs and still refuse to believe them only because they're faster than what you've done. The Ice Palace bombjump isn't that good. TG elitists not showing videos is pretty dumb, but at least you have Audity and I making a lot of stuff for the benefit of whoever is interested.

Anyway, have fun quitting SDA or whatever if you go that route. The rest of us will keep the Master Sword from sleeping. 8)
welcome to the machine
the only way to settle this is with a money match

(user is banned)

I had an idea. Since so much people are all about what's up in my mind and everything, shooting (according to them) facts or strong guesses, I felt like there is no more reason why I, myself, should post things. In the end, you could just interpret them the wrong way anyway.

If you really want to put words into my mouth, why not posting all of this under my account instead? 

username: wak
password: lollific

Feel free to post, create topics or even change the current password, have fun.

Plus, admins are too busy deleting my runs, so I never bothered asking them to remove my account. Maybe this post will make something move.
... are you serious?


i somehow doubt you'll be missed too much
we have lift off
Funny that so many people "misinterpreted" your posts in exactly the same way... Let's be honest, you were accusing Marlie of cheating, there really is no other way to interpret your posts.
Quote from Paraxade:
... are you serious?


i somehow doubt you'll be missed too much

He won't be.  He'll be remembered for acting like a child.

Wak, I've changed the password to your account and banned you for the time being, so that the whole world can't just use you as a trolling account.  Also, you can't use password recovery just to post your information again.

Face the facts, you cried cheater and you had no right to.  Now you're asshurt over the whole deal and you've demanded we take your runs down because your fragile ego can't handle the fact that other people are better than you at this game.

If you want your account back, email me: