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I don't know much about this game but I decided to look into it.

About the glitch Pewable posted with the horse at Tommy's Dam, has anybody looked for a way to get out of bounds? You could probably skip the battle there. I noticed that once you approach the air walking trigger, the left hand side of the boulders near the car don't have any collision and if you go nearer the left side of the tunnel you can full under the map. Also just before the fight trigger going down that windy path, the second barrier doesn't have any collision so you can fall from a great height. It might JUST be possible to jump down from there and get out of bounds while surviving the fall.

This glitch was posted really recently:

I'm sure you all know that the glitch happens exactly when he picks up the ladder as Joel doesn't say "Got it". That might lead to some really weird stuff for other objects later on.
I've had this ladder glitch happen to myself. Haven't found anything too weird or helpful with stuff like this yet, its more annoying since it crashes the game and causes the encounter to restart at a certain point. I've also encountered this in the Sewers when you're riding the lift across the water puzzle. I tried jumping off the lift too early, fell in the water, and the game restarted the encounter like the ladder example.
Finally some new posts on this thread ! I did some runs few months ago, and got almost 3:40 in new game easy mode at the time. I'm planning to pick up the game again and route the survival mode (i did a lot of casual playthrough recently with friends and got into this game again).
Watts's post about the truck glitch moving by itself is really interesting, i think i'll try to make it happen myself aswell.
Will post here if i finally get a new survival mode PB i'm proud of, or if I find anything about despawn glitches or the truck.

It's nice to see people are still interested in this game Smiley
Uh, forgot to log in, anyway it was my post.
Sorry for double post, delete if necessary
Great to hear about you routing Survival Mode, Elend. My ultimate goal in the game is to be running on Survival eventually so I hope to hear some good news coming from you.

And good luck with the truck thing. I've been screwing with it a lot recently and haven't had any luck. Really wish I'd had the capabilities to record when I was doing that run as I have no idea what caused it. All I remember is getting turned around so I couldn't see the truck, the dialogue kept going as if the truck was still being pushed, and turning back around to see it at the bottom of the hill. Really odd.

Another thing that I've noticed that's probably already been realized by others is that the connection I'm seeing between the glitches like the ladder posted above and the despawns I've encountered is they are all preceded by a bit of dialogue or a L3 action being skipped. In the ladder, the glitch starts when Joel saying "Got it" is skipped and the despawn I got in Pittburgh with the truck happens when the L3 action of looking at the bridge didn't pop up. This may help some people out. I've not had a chance to run much this week but hopefully I will be closer to the weekend and will hopefully be able to record/stream around then too.
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Pewable: 2014-02-15 02:03:49 pm
An easy timesaver we can do on the dlc:

Ha, clever. (The correct way to do that puzzle took me longer than I'd like to admit...)


I'm going to play through again tonight, and see if I can't get that "drop" exploit to work in some places. I'm thinking of the helicopter crash site in particular.
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Watts: 2014-02-16 01:56:33 am
Watts: 2014-02-16 01:56:06 am
Ha, thats awesome, Pewable. I just finished the DLC myself.  I enjoyed it and were thinking of ways to run it. Probably will play around with it during the week. (And the same happened to me, Caveberry....)

In other news, got my PB down to 3:44:03, but it was on a garbage run. Hoping to get sub 3:40 pretty soon.
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Pewable: 2014-02-16 09:36:59 am
Pewable: 2014-02-16 09:36:43 am
Pewable: 2014-02-16 08:50:11 am
I tried the drop exploit everywhere (I was the one who discovered it so, of course I tried it everywhere I can) but it only works when you are at the top of a vent... Good luck though! I find something else but she goes behind it and not on top of it... Hard to explain, crappy english. OOB potential if it works but, I tried and tried, she just doesn't want to go on it. I will do a little twitch highlight if I can...
My twitch:

When we are destroying the cars, I am trying to be push to the floor below my Ellie's friend, somebody else should try too.
Sorry to ask but what is the drop exploit? I can't find any mention of it besides Caveberry today.

A spoiler for Left Behind. Getting past that non functioning door early would mean you could completely skip that whole part of getting the canister, fuel and the fights on returning to the door.
Drop exploit:

Yeah but... we need to get past it first. I don't really think it's possible.
Quote from Pewable:
I don't really think it's possible.

I've heard those words so many times. Anything is possible if you dedicate yourself and refuse to quit. It might take days, weeks or months but eventually it will give in.
Don't worry, I said "think" , it's just that I tried all day today, and found nothing.
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Caveberry: 2014-02-16 12:52:55 pm

The only relevant drop trick starts at about the 1:45 mark. You basically aim down and wiggle left/right, up/down, until you see Joel (or Ellie) start inching their way off the ledge. It's not really hard at all, but (at least least for me) it can take from anywhere between 10-30 seconds. I haven't found a super consistent way of doing it.

And yeah Pew, I could find much of anything either. It seems all the ledges I was thinking of have invisable walls protecting them. Maybe ND got word... Smiley
Yes, I think they were extra careful and make sure to put invisible walls, because the glitch itself is not patched (like I said, you can do it on top of the vent) ... Even if we can go to a floor below, I am kind of sure there is a death floor...
Just found this. I included the build up because I am sure the fast run Ellie gets is what causes it (you just basically get there before the game can load it). Maybe you can despawn that fight before you go back to Joel with this trick.

Figured I'd post this. Got a new PB. 3:38:59. Finally got sub 3:40. I'm still pretty unhappy with the run but I thought I'd give a link for everyone. Maybe get some feedback or help people out.

It's a Twitch highlight as I'm unsure of how to get something this long to Youtube. Run starts around a minute in and my mic was screwing up the whole time so I gave up on it about halfway through.

Thrillness - That's pretty cool. I've found similar things in the regular game but they usually just lead to me having to restart. If you could avoid that fight, that'd be a huge time saver. But it seems like theres a number of places in both the game and DLC that fail to load if you go too fast. It'd be nice to find something advantageous about them.
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TheThrillness: 2014-02-17 09:27:29 am
So I went back and tried to recreate this so I could mess about more outside. I'm doing literally the same thing but I get sort of close and then the door loads. Originally I thought it was tied to the enemy jumping down but it's not. It's a distance trigger. If you go back enough you can actually unload the door and see it being unloaded from the far right side. If you stay in the rooms to the right, it will stay completely unloaded until you step out.

Edit: Also did a speedrun. Died like three times and not optimal. The time was 54 minutes (in game timer). A near perfect time (glitch less) should be about 46 minutes.
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Watts: 2014-03-06 06:41:04 am
Watts: 2014-03-06 05:11:46 am
Finally got a recording of the truck despawn in Pittsburgh (taken from my stream as I wasn't recording so sorry for low quality/my voice):

Done on a garbage run, of course. xD
In case it wasn't known: In the first escape sequence where Joel carries his daughter you can let Jimmy push you if you position yourself correctly since he's faster than you and you get pushed away by all human beings in that scene.
Also, when playing hard mode I encountered a glitch where the ground and several level content disappeared in the first final hospital shooting sequence against the soldiers. It happened when I walked in listen mode behind the first room w/ the pills. I looked into the direction of the soldiers next to the exit and held control stick half against the wall and half right in order to walk slowly. When I walked past some... thing between the two open windows that reaches into the room a few cm the glitch happened. I couldn't do anything out of it, but w/ more knowledge than mine it looked like it had OoB potential.
Recently started practicing and glitch hunting to try and run any% (easy), if anyone ever wants to watch. I stream mostly when I have time like anyone else lol
Just encountered another non-exploratory, but annoying glitch: If an enemy stops you from suffocating another right after you're done, that enemy is somehow glitched and it becomes pretty hard to attack him. It can even happen he has to hit you until you can hit him again.
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Voloxer: 2014-03-29 10:30:15 pm
Voloxer: 2014-03-29 10:25:44 pm
Voloxer: 2014-03-29 09:12:30 pm
Has it been determined whether or not to upgrade anything and if so what should be upgraded? I know there was some mention of upgrading for another holster earlier in the thread. Also should supplements be used at all?  I actually went through the entire game first play through without even knowing about the supplement upgrade system :p silly me.  I could see where healing/crafting speed would be useful maybe? I think if someone's running this game especially on easy health shouldn't be a big issue, or listening distance since you should probably know where most enemies are anyway,  and again with weapon sway if you've played the game enough you should be comfortable with the aiming system without it.

I feel like, considering many fights are skippable we should upgrade as little as possible even if that means no upgrades.  Training manuals obviously are useful if they're not out of the way.
I've been routing this myself and the only upgrades I am going to do are the holsters (and that's a preference really).  All the areas I find parts are in the way or have a LOT of loot inside that will help anyways, and none are too far out of the way.  After I finish routing and complete a run, I'll see if it's worth upgrading anything else.  Pills I don't think are worth it either, but we'll see.
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Voloxer: 2014-03-31 11:36:32 am
Voloxer: 2014-03-31 11:35:52 am
Voloxer: 2014-03-31 11:34:32 am
Voloxer: 2014-03-31 11:20:11 am
Voloxer: 2014-03-31 11:19:43 am
Where are you upgrading because I know it's possible to get both holsters by the time you get to bills due to safes and shiv doors. Also I'm curious now if it's worth upgrading the guns we use the most like the shotgun and maybe revolver or the bow with more capacity, faster reloading, rate of fire, or range and picking up training manuals for Molotovs and nail bombs.