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How convenient. Guy says he has some skips, but won't go into details, produce videos, or screenshots. Then it gets magically patched.

I'm not saying it couldn't be legit, but it's pretty shady... I'd still like to hear about the skips, even if they did get patched. can't you delete game data to revert back to 1.0 anyway?
Yea it's sketchy but if it is legit, then it opens up a lot of opportunities to find new glitches/skips.
I've read the patch notes and it said nothing about glitches unless they're not included in the notes or they hot fixed it i dunno.
I found an interesting bug just now. If you are facing the sniper's nest in the town section There will be a house in the very back, on the right. You'll know if you have the one if it has 25 "parts" in it. Now, lure a guy in there with you. As he crosses the threshold of the doorway, he should clip through the floor. He'll now be running around trying to get at you with only his head and upper chest exposed, the rest of his body is below the floor. It may be useless, but if you could somehow interact with him via a grab and "teleport" to his location, we may have a clip of our own. (Maybe get through that back fence and load the next scene?)

I tried to grab him, but he was running around all squirmy like and then one shot me with his rifle. Damn survivor mode... Someone else might give it a try.
I'm still playing the unpatched version. If the guy can tell us what the glitches are, I'll go do them. Who is this guy?
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Caveberry: 2013-07-02 01:42:02 am
I couldn't get  anywhere with the enemy clipping bug. You can't punch or grab them, and they can't punch you. Plus, I had forgotten that exiting the back fence happens in a cutscene, so some sort of clip probably wouldn't work anyway. The trick is easy to do though. I figured out the point they're clipping through, isn't really the floor of the room you're in, but the actual  bottom of the door frame. If the enemy runs in the room they will often skip over the clipping point, and enter the room normally. I played around with the spotty collision of the door frame, thinking that maybe I could clip through, but it doesn't seem to apply to Joel. It's probably not going to be useful, but it's interesting, and good for a laugh.

I played around with Scaryice's OoB too. It's super glitchy. I was able to walk up that angled concrete wall quite far, and got pretty close to the building hanging over the river. It's hard because the camera is all wonky. I used the windows as reference points as to not fall off the wall. I was hoping something would load, but nope. I also got caught in that current you were talking about. It pushed me all the way down river, pretty far down the path you entered the area from. I ran up against a perimeter rock wall, but did not clip through, try as I might. Joel eventually started to die, like he was drowning, and that was the end of that.

EDIT: Scary, I was checking out that OoB you were talking about, with the upper and lower platforms. I ended up finding two in the area, but I'm not sure which is yours, if either.

One is in the bottom left corner (bottom, as in, the way you originally enter the "arena") of the top level. There will be an opening in the fence, and you can basically just run off the ledge at the right angle, and go over the bottom level fence. If you did it right you'll land on a small playable area on the edge of the waterfall. If not, then you will plummet to you death. Not a useful OoB.

The other is at the top of the map. Very near the exit door, you will see a railing that is broken and severely bent. If you try to climb the railing Joel will just jump over it, but if you try to climb it from the corner, parallel to the way the railing runs, he will jump on it. From there you can walk slowly and follow the bend of the rail. Once you reach the end, it's just a matter of finding the right angle and sprinting off. This one probably won't be useful either, but it's more interesting. See, you can jump either left or right of a wall on the bottom level. On the right, the water is not solid, and you will plummet to your death. On the left, you will jump past the wall to a solid portion of the damn that will kill you from fall damage. BUT, (I haven't done this yet) if you could land ON the wall, you might be able to explore the solid damn area below.
Edit history:
Pewable: 2013-07-02 07:18:04 am
Pewable: 2013-07-02 06:24:56 am
Pewable: 2013-07-02 06:24:05 am
Pewable: 2013-07-02 06:23:34 am
Can we stop with "this guy" ? It's very fishy and boring. Looks like a fake or I don't know. Guy found glitches but have no username etc? I'm sure there are unknown glitches, but I doubt they are discovered, even by "this guy" . Proof or nothing. If he wants to have "a safe WR" or I don't know before showing them to us, sorry but he is stupid. Also, I will try these stuff and see if I can come up with something.

Right after you meet with Tommy and his wife, you can climb a box to the left (you can go in a box though huh) . Useless...

Found a little something, video soon, you will like it!
Quote from Caveberry:
One is in the bottom left corner (bottom, as in, the way you originally enter the "arena") of the top level. There will be an opening in the fence, and you can basically just run off the ledge at the right angle, and go over the bottom level fence. If you did it right you'll land on a small playable area on the edge of the waterfall. If not, then you will plummet to you death. Not a useful OoB.

Yeah, that's what I was describing. I was also able to land on the railing and walk over to the other side (but I fell off at the next corner, so I need to explore further).

As for normal ledges, I notice that a couple times I've been able to just run right off without getting stopped. Not sure why.
Uploading the video... Are you ready to see a very creepy Joel?
Haha scary, I spent way too long in that room just to find that glitch, but I still didn't know you could land on the railing. I guess it just gives further hope to my other OoB.

Ignore the other "guy" pew? that's perfectly okay with me. Smiley
Noticed today that when you first play as Ellie, you can shoot the deer when it first appears and runs to the left. Given how much further you'd have to run doing it normally, it's probably worth restarting the checkpoint until you get it.
I'm getting to the tail end of my survivor run, so I was able to try Pew's horse trick with Ellie's horse segment today. It doesn't work (probably), because when you restart the checkpoint the horse is already in full sprint. I was disappointed, because that would have been cool and probably glitchy as hell. Imagine being able to reenter the safehouse and visit Joel outside of a cutscene. Also, it would be interesting to see how scripted the A.I. really is during that section.

Also, as to be expected, the ledge clip also works as Ellie. Just so everyone knows.

How hard is that shot scary? It sounds pretty awful, but I'm shit with the bow, so who knows...
aka theenglishman
Quote from scaryice:
Noticed today that when you first play as Ellie, you can shoot the deer when it first appears and runs to the left. Given how much further you'd have to run doing it normally, it's probably worth restarting the checkpoint until you get it.

Thus cementing the Tomb Raider 2013 comparisons even more Tongue
I imagine all it takes is lining it up and shooting as soon as you hit the twig.
Edit history:
scaryice: 2013-07-03 10:04:09 pm
scaryice: 2013-07-03 08:31:30 pm
scaryice: 2013-07-03 08:31:28 pm
scaryice: 2013-07-03 08:31:27 pm
scaryice: 2013-07-03 05:18:18 pm
So last night I did an actual speed run of The Last of Us on easy, regular new game. My final game time after the credits was 5:54, but that includes all the cut scenes you skip. Real time was like 4:40 or so ? I didn't record it. I see all the cut scenes on Youtube equal 93 minutes, but I did restart a couple checkpoints (does that count?) and one time I accidentally quit to the main menu and had to load it up again.

Forgot to check my death count, but it was probably at least 15. The library fight was pretty hard, until I realized you can just run by it (doh). Can you do that immediately, or is there a second wave that opens the door or something? (EDIT: you can do it right away) Gotta check, since that's a clear spot for improvement (I didn't do the falling trick either). Got grabbed by bloaters a few times too, playing it too risky with the flamethrower. Man, I forgot how bad the guns are without being upgraded! Pittsburgh was probably the roughest chapter.

You will take a good amount of damage running by enemies even on easy, so I'd imagine knowing exactly when and where to pick up supplies would've helped. I opened a few shiv doors, and bought the second weapon slot for each type.

Also, I got a couple glitches during the run. First, the Bill's Town glitch mentioned by your_name_here, where the door is missing and you have to reload checkpoint. Second, at the end of Pittsburgh, running away from the truck. Joel wouldn't go in the direction I pressed. If I pushed up, he would be facing to the side and would barely move the way I wanted. Needless to say the truck killed me there.

EDIT: Final time was 5:54:12. Unfortunately the post-credits autosave clears your kills/deaths.
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Traison: 2013-07-06 06:53:44 pm
I was playing through the area in the hotel with the keycard and generator. I just activate the generator and run to the door and skip all the infected, what happened was when I went to the door and started the animation, the bloater threw his explosive spore attack and right when I was able to go through the door I lost my animation invincibility for a second and died to the spore attack and was able to skip the door cutscene and it warped me a few feet so I was already up the stairs. It didn't save any more than maybe 10 seconds or so.
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scaryice: 2013-07-07 04:38:20 pm
scaryice: 2013-07-07 04:38:02 pm
scaryice: 2013-07-07 04:37:05 pm
There's a number of glitches in this game, as you may have read or seen online. Not too many beneficial, though. One that I kept hearing about was in the Underground Tunnel, in Salt Lake City. Some people have experienced almost all the infected (including the 3 bloaters) failing to spawn in the area. The only ones that do are on the right in that little hallway and can be skipped.

So I searched for a video of it, and found this:

I've been able to recreate it pretty easily. All you need to do is walk up the cars but don't get on them, walk back to the cones, then walk up to the cars again and go forward. However, if you backtrack further and come back, they do spawn. I've heard of other areas having a similar no enemies glitch, so maybe there's more despawning possibilities.
Edit history:
scaryice: 2013-07-14 06:37:13 am
scaryice: 2013-07-14 06:23:38 am
scaryice: 2013-07-14 06:21:55 am
scaryice: 2013-07-14 06:20:19 am
scaryice: 2013-07-14 06:20:12 am
scaryice: 2013-07-14 06:20:09 am

Just did another run. In game time: 5:31:11, or 23 minutes faster than my first one. Same settings as before: regular new game on easy. Here are my splits in case anyone wants to compare (the times represent the end of each chapter). Pittsburgh is the longest followed by the resort, which is what I had expected. Oh, I had the same two glitches happen again: missing door in Bill's Town, and the wonky controls escaping Pittsburgh. Have to restart checkpoints for both. I did lose about two minutes exploring the Bill's Town area after the glitch to see if there was anything interesting - there's a clicker locked in a truck, and if you kill it, it keeps respawning. I guess it's just there for the escape sequence before you enter the next door.

This time I remembered to check my stats before the end of the game. Although it did let me check them after this time, too. Maybe I turned off autosave at the beginning last time? Anyway, here they are: 308 kills, 6 deaths, 4 ally deaths (I believe one is unavoidable, the guy at Tommy's Dam - the others were because I somehow missed sniping the tank, doh). I had to restart twice shooting the deer messing up the second shot - that's two minutes wasted. Add that to the glitch exploring, and sub 4 is surely attainable.

I spent less time upgrading stuff (just got the 2nd long gun and the rifle scope) and searching for supplies, and also was better about running by enemies. And just better knowledge of the paths in general. Hospital especially was better. I only killed the last two enemies in the final part with a molotov...and of course the evil doctor.
Did a run myself in easy difficulty, regular new game.

Got the missing door at bill's town, and died a lot during the run. Still new pb.
One thing that bothers me is i cannot do the outskirts glitch, when you fall into the next checkpoint. I can pull it off like 1 out of 3 or 4 times.
In some areas, i found it faster to rush the checkpoint, restart the area so the ennemies are spawned a certain way consistently and you can actually run or sneak past them easily.

My run is highlighted on my stream on twitch, but i don't know if it's allowed to post here so i'll pass.

Anyway here are my splits :

Truljin @ Twitch
That is amazing Elend, have to watch your run when i actually finish the game :>
Sub 3:30 next?
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scaryice: 2013-07-14 04:35:03 pm
scaryice: 2013-07-14 04:34:37 pm
Nice time, I'll have to watch to see what you did differently.

I had another glitch during the run I forgot to mention, in the resort chapter near the beginning. As Ellie, when David boosts you up and you run around to get the ladder. Two clickers somehow got into the area with David and I had to kill them before I jumped back down.
Somebody said on Gamefaqs that they thought they knew the reason the controls get weird at the end of the Pittsburgh. Apparently, it happens when Sam/Henry leave you, and you lift up the door before Ellie says something.
I have a couple of things to get up to speed on then...

Can anyone elaborate on the Bill door glitch? What happens?

Also, scary what are you talking about with weird controls? I guess I haven't experienced that either...
Going by this video:

You shouldn't pick up the first molotov. If you don't take it, another molotov will spawn along the critical path, and that one won't have a cutscene. The same also happens with the revolver.
Also, you should remember than bottle/brick + melee is a stealth takedown, and it can be faster than using a shiv.

Caveberry: Both glitches are just caused by playing the game really fast. Bill door glitch is when the door to the garage doesn't load. You can walk around it the area, but you can't progress. You have to reset or you can't trigger the scene. I think this can be avoided just by taking it slightly slower in the preceeding area.
The weird controls is just that the camera is always trying to swing around to face a certain direction, making it very hard to control.
For the garage door in Pittsburgh I found that as long as you don't sprint toward the door you are fine.

Last night I recorded a run on easy for a time of 3:41. I haven't had a chance to upload it yet nor do I know of a good place to do so. Would YouTube be fine? And right now I am about to start a survivor run; my expected time is around 3:50-4:10.  There are a few spots that always worry me, namely at the last fight in the sewers.