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It's not that early.  I have the parts at the shiv door before the Hotel Lobby, so I'd be upgrading at the next bench.  I might want to find more parts earlier so I can upgrade at the bench in Alone and Forsaken.  Like I said though, I've only just started routing.  I'm basically at Pittsburgh now, so I don't really know what would be useful to have upgrade-wise near the end of the game.  Shotgun and Revolver for sure though.  I also use the bow quite a bit, so that could be useful, like you said.
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Voloxer: 2014-03-31 04:04:47 pm
If you'd like I can show you where to get the parts easy before bills to get it out of the way.  You can get all of them during outskirts and the very first part of bills town before you meet bill
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Watts: 2014-04-02 12:30:25 am
Nice to see more people running/routing the game.

For me, the only thing I upgrade is the long gun holster. I do so during Pittsburgh, just prior to the cutscene where they see the truck killing the two people. Other than that, I don't do any upgrading simply because I don't want to go out of my way for more parts and take the time.

Also, the only shiv door I tend to open is the very first one you come across in Boston. I do this because you have to wait after hoisting Tess up for her to grab Elly so I will boost Tess up, run back to the shiv door and grab the parts, then run back and Tess is waiting for me to grab her hand.
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eddaket: 2014-04-02 06:43:26 am
I know it's possible to get enough parts for two holsters by Bill's Town, but I wanted to try to stay on the main path as much as possible.  Some of them take too long, or require shivs (which I would need to go out of the way to make) so I avoided them.  However, if Watts says that he only does the one holster... that would make things a lot easier.  Assuming I don't need multiple hand guns later on, I may try that out.
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Voloxer: 2014-04-02 07:18:28 pm
Voloxer: 2014-04-02 07:18:07 pm
Voloxer: 2014-04-02 04:01:40 pm
Voloxer: 2014-04-02 04:01:09 pm
Voloxer: 2014-04-02 03:59:55 pm
Well if you're only doing one holster, the shiv door that watts mentioned is good for 25 parts.  Theres 50 parts in a safe in the really dark area with all the clickers in the outskirts after you get your first molotov that one may be too slow though.  But there is a safe on main street at bills with 50 as well. And that one is really not all that slow to be honest. And that 75 would net you the holster... I think there is also a shiv door in the museum that contains 25 as well.

I will probably get the first shiv door and the safe on Bills Main Street like I said though.

The only handgun I can really see myself using are the standard one you get at the beginning and the revolver and MAYBE el diablo if I'm running out of ammo.  Any other time I'll be avoiding fights and using shotgun/bow.

Also, I'm curious, does no one use the out of bounds glitch to get to the checkpoint before molotov because it's slower? Or just no one wants to do it?
I don't use an OoB stuff. I'm not really aware of any that are very reliable or even really beneficial. I go pretty much glitchless except for the occasional despawn I come across.

I've never really messed around with safes in any of my runs, but they could enable you to get upgrades quicker if you use them, I suppose. I don't have a list of all the part locations I use but none of them are particularly out of the way and I always end up with just enough for the long gun holster upgrade by Pittsburgh. The only two parts I get that are really out of the way are that first shiv door and then the ones right before the first gate in Bills Town. Neither of those really hurt with time as the one in Bills Town I'm able to run up the stairs, opens the doors, and grab the parts well before Elly catches up enough to be hoisted over the gate to open the door. The safe on main street in Bill's Town is interesting though, I might toy with that eventually.

Hand guns wise, I'm pretty similar. Mostly just stick with revolver/pistol but I do tend to use the shorty and el diablo as well. During University and Sewers I use the shorty the most frequently, and the el diablo comes in handy during some parts of Tommy's Dam.
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Voloxer: 2014-04-05 01:19:41 pm

This FAQ is VERY good with listing exactly where items (supplies and parts) are and exactly how much is there and if it's in easy, normal, hard or survivor.  I've used a lot with routing parts and supplies so I'd highly recommend using it.

And yeah I've messed around with some of the out of bounds known about in Tommy's Dam and I can't find any use for it and in most instances to get out of bounds you MUST fall and die so it's only useful if you can die where a checkpoint loads like before the first molotov.  I'm attempting to make it more consistent I'm fairly sure it has to do with where you are aiming and if you aim at a specific spot you'll hit the checkpoint every time and save 20 seconds or so maybe..  But really I know that generally going through the faster than you were intended produces VERY strange results such as rubble not loading in the museum or random despawns.

Only despawn I know how to manipulate though is the bus despawn.
Are people still working on new runs? Because I'd be interrested in a good run of this, especially a segmented run.
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Voloxer: 2014-07-16 03:32:15 pm
Not many segmented runs are done nowadays due to the popularity of streaming in twitch and stuff.  I'd like to find more tricks though.

I'm trying to recreate somethin odd that happened to me a while back during a practice session.  The rubble in the museum didn't load.  I'm talking about the rubble in the area above the garage, next to the area where you're supposed to get down and crawl and lift up some rubble for Ellie and Tess to go through.  I was able to by pass that and didn't realize it till I was on the other side and I pressed Triangle and ended up in the crawlspace lifting the crap up.  Weird stuff seems to happen randomly if you go too fast in this game. Someone mentioned a while back Tess's hair even doesn't load sometimes.
Not many segmented runs are done nowadays due to the popularity of streaming in twitch and stuff.

Something I really disapprove of, since segmented runs show all the cool timesavers.
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Voloxer: 2014-07-17 09:10:42 am
Well a lot of people are actually doing those time savers in single segment now by practicing an insane amount.  People are getting very very good at games. But there will always be tricks not RTA friendly I agree.  There's nothing like that in this game as of yet however.  Unless you get lucky and something doesn't load and it saves time.
As soon as I get my hands on PS4 copy, I'll try these glitches there and see if it is "runnable"
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Voloxer: 2014-07-29 09:36:09 pm
Whoever is interested: Holydiverj appears to have picked the game back up due to the remaster.  He's the current WR holder as far as I know so check him out on twitch, most of the strats we use currently are the ones he uses. His WR is on YouTube.

Also, concerning the remaster, the load time at the beginning will likely be faster and there probably won't be any issues with the game needing to load in certain areas if you go too fast as there are in PS3, however if there ARE any useful glitches that can be done RTA then they will likely be patched in the remaster, but there may also be new glitches.  Who really knows?  There isn't much interest in this game yet for speedrunning so it hasn't really been seen if there are any major breaks cause there just aren't enough people trying to find them.  Hopefully that will change soon.

I'm currently making leaderboards in Excel and will make them a public google doc soon.  I'm making Incognitowatts and Holy mods so they can add times as people start to do runs. PS3 and PS4 will obviously be separate categories and I will make a Left Behind sheet as well for people who like to run that DLC.
Takahashi Meijin
In terms of "downtime" how much does TLoU have?

I can't imagine having to play the first few chapters on a speedrun every time! Kudos to people running this game
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Watts: 2014-07-31 01:47:08 am
Watts: 2014-07-30 10:23:54 pm
Watts: 2014-07-30 10:23:23 pm
@voloxor I haven't gotten a chance to really any remaster stuff except for the beginning of Holy's. Were the long loads between chapter fixed? I always get a long load at the beginning of Bill's Town and Winter. The loads are the one thing I could really see being a significant difference between the versions. That and some of the weird garbage glitches. And leaderboards sound cool. Do you have a PB right now? I know you said you were routing it.

@quinn The beginning is really slow. It's the worst part to me, which makes having to reset pretty disheartening. There's a few smaller slow parts, but I utilize one of them to take a bathroom break so I don't really mind, haha.

I decided to move on to just running Hard instead of Easy. Did a run earlier and it went halfway decent (even with the months of rust I've acquired since moving) so I'm thinking I'm just gonna stick with it instead of Easy, it's pretty fun. There's a couple of places where my strats from Easy didn't go so smooth but overall I don't think I'm gonna have to do a lot of tweaking at least to start doing real runs again. I just want to get sub 3:35 so bad. xD

Also, someone mentioned in a Twitch chat that the latest DLC patched the game and removed the despawns. I tried it out tonight and at least the Bus Depot one worked fine on my first try so I guess it being patched is just a rumor.
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Voloxer: 2014-07-31 11:31:02 am
Voloxer: 2014-07-31 11:27:24 am
Not yet because I havent my computer for a while.  So I'll have to do practice a bit first, but I'll still be routing.  I found a TON of videos on youtube of very interesting glitches you can just search for them and see for yourself and some look like they might be beneficial.  I need help testing them and seeing if theyre consistent and useful.

Oh and I'll probably still run on Easy because I'm a scrub.

I havent bought Grounded Mode but I'd like to do run of it too eventually.  And I'll put up the leaderboards on Google docs either tonight or tomorrow and I just pulled runs from here and Holy's runs and thats it.  There's 5 runs on any% now.  So Watts I'm gonna make you and Holy leaderboard mods so you can edit and add times either by yourself or if someone submits to you just make sure they have video proof and look legit and you can add those as well.
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TheThrillness: 2014-07-31 04:36:58 pm
Quote from Voloxer:
Oh and I'll probably still run on Easy because I'm a scrub.

You're not a scrub for wanting to play on the fastest difficulty. I personally don't get the whole "play on hardest difficulty for a speedrun". Sure it stops lots of moaners on YouTube who complain about it not being on Hard, but that's not the point of a speedrun. If the community of this game is to prosper it has to decide on one difficulty and then everybody else runs that difficulty. If people in the community decide Hard is the universal single difficulty option, so be it. Obviously you can have leader boards for individual difficulties but that just thins out an already small community and decreases the competition.
Edit history:
Voloxer: 2014-07-31 07:39:04 pm
Voloxer: 2014-07-31 07:23:01 pm
Voloxer: 2014-07-31 07:22:54 pm
Voloxer: 2014-07-31 07:22:38 pm
Voloxer: 2014-07-31 07:01:17 pm - Leaderboards

I'm still working out how to make the times link to the videos Google's hyperlink formula isnt working so yeah.

Watts, I need a gmail address to add you as an editor.

And yes, I think we all should acknowledge that Easy is the fastest difficulty but honestly, it doesn't truly matter.  If someone runs the game on Hard and they get the fastest time of any category.. then I'll call it the any% world record I don't see a need to have separate categories except for Survivor and Grounded.  Otherwise I'm just calling it Any%.  If someone runs Survivor% and gets a faster time than Any% it'll be the Survivor% and Any% record.  Just keep it simple I say.  Once the time gets down far enough, people will start only running Any% on Easy because it won't be possible to get the fastest time on Hard or any other difficulty so that will fix itself in time.
I think thats the best way to go about it. No need for tons of categories for a game without a big community. I'm just running on whats fun for me right now. I sent you a message on Twitch with an email, Vol.

A Grounded run sounds rough. I only did one playthrough but I struggled at a number of places. A couple of the speedrun strategies did help a lot though so I see it being done. It's definitely be fun to watch.

So someone tell me if this is a good definition for 100%:

"Must collect all artifacts, Firefly pendants, training manuals, comic books, weapons, upgrade every weapon and holster, and unlock all of Joel's supplement upgrades."

The only other thing you might be able to argue is the optional triggered dialogue (where you press triangle)? But that's kind of dumb.

So no useful OOB or skips have been found yet right?
I just rented this and might play through again and try to find something useful.
Quote from Voloxer:
So someone tell me if this is a good definition for 100%:

"Must collect all artifacts, Firefly pendants, training manuals, comic books, weapons, upgrade every weapon and holster, and unlock all of Joel's supplement upgrades."

The only other thing you might be able to argue is the optional triggered dialogue (where you press triangle)? But that's kind of dumb.

No need to include upgrades IMO.
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Voloxer: 2014-08-01 10:50:44 am
Voloxer: 2014-08-01 10:48:59 am
Only useful OOB is before the first molotov, it's near the beginning of the thread.  You squeeze OOB and fall down and die and end up at the molotov checkpoint.  If you're slow it saves no time, if you're fast.. then yeah it does, donno how much exactly.

This guy has a playlist of a BUNCH of glitches.  Videos are bad quality and I don't know how to replicate some but a few do look like they might be useful.

For example if you look at "Water Proxy Tutorial" it looks like you might be able to get behind those bars Ellie is supposed to help you get behind.
Looks similar to Remember Me but without the airwalking.
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Caveberry: 2014-08-02 09:25:44 am
Has anyone utilized the infinite shiv glitch in a run? I just heard about it.

Also, from early reports NOTHING has been patched in the Ps4 version. Everything still works.