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Flip: 2013-03-20 09:20:40 pm
Game Page: Doesn't exist yet

The Great Escape (Any %) (Segmented) (Easy)

Decision: Reject

Reason: Lack of polish. Runner may redo 4 and 13 and resubmit if he wishes

This run will be available for a month. After that this link will no longer work.

Run Information

The Great Escape (Any %) (Segmented) (Easy)

Verification Files

Please refer to the Verification Guidelines before posting. Verifications are due by March 20, 2013.

Please post your opinions about the run and be certain to conclude your post with a verdict (Accept/Reject). This is not a contest where the majority wins - I will judge each verification on its content. Please keep your verification brief unless you have a good reason otherwise.

After 2 weeks I will read all of the verifications and move this thread to the main verification board and post my verdict.
Thread title:  
Highly Evolved
Is it possible to get all these segments in sequential order?
Edit history:
UraniumAnchor: 2013-03-08 08:49:45 pm
Not a walrus
The order is given in the comments, but yeah I agree it would have been nice to have the files labeled too.

Edit: If for some reason you can't read the comments that's something I need to fix.
Edit history:
Darkwing Duck: 2013-03-19 03:49:50 am
Darkwing Duck: 2013-03-16 06:21:58 pm
Darkwing Duck: 2013-03-15 02:14:24 am
Darkwing Duck: 2013-03-10 02:42:38 pm
Darkwing Duck: 2013-03-10 02:41:37 pm
Highly Evolved
Segment 1:

I'm going to assume you can't bring down the planes that you shot at and didn't destroy.  Otherwise that's a concerning start to the run.

Segment 2:

I'm completely unaware of the game.  Does saving immediately after jumping out of the plane put you in the German camp?

Some amusing walking styles by the main character.  Aside from what looks like a forced wait, and constant objective markers, the game seems straightforward.

Segment 3:

I do like the technique to get to that guard as fast as possible.  Definitely were dropping frames at the end of the segment.

Segment 4:

Did they play test this game?  Shot almost point blank several times before magical healing item was used.

In any case, I'm not a huge fan of this segment.  Stuck on a rock wall for awhile.  A couple hesitations that don't seem to help in manipulating enemies.  Felt like a retry to me.

Segment 5:

Aw...didn't run over that guard.

Oh good, ran over those two.

Maybe some minor movement errors here, but nothing too notable.

Segment 6:

Singing abused my ears.

Hesitations are explained in run comments.  Nothing much else here.

Level 7:

Menu flub a minute in?

Nice driving.

This feels like the best segment so far, minus the menu flub and one very small instance of getting stuck in a wall.

Segment 8:

I wonder if the "special" running is faster than regular running.  If so, the whole run is kind of inferior.  A six minute segment with the route error is concerning.  The runner states a one in ten to get the knife earlier, and I'll take his word for it, which makes that error a bit less questionable.

Segment 9:

Do the slight sticks to the wall that cost a bit of time at the beginning of the segment have any impact?  Doesn't really look like it.

Is that the fastest fleeing route?  Seems a tad back and forth. 

The bullets in this game are something.

What are they shooting at?

Segment 10:

Ah, I like when runner admitted errors don't look like they cost any time.  That's the kind of error I can get behind.

Lots of use of the quiet running technique.

Not sure what's going on at the end of the segment.  Lots of loading screens.  Nothing sinister looking, though.

Segment 11:

Things looked standard and boring until the gunfight.  To be honest, it looked poor.  Some menu issues.  A missed club with the butt of the machine gun.  A few misses.  Upon rewatching it, it looks a tad less concerning, but even so, it felt like 10 seconds could be gained here, and in a segment of four minutes, that's a large amount.

Segment 12:

All segments up to this point have started on the loading screen.  This has a second or two on the file select.

Not sure if that punch at 3:04 is necessary, but I'll be damned if it isn't entertaining.

What happened with the camera change?  Did you use the dog as a shield?  That was odd. 

Segment 13:

Was punching that guard necessary at that point?

This just seems like bad game design.

I laughed when Blythe went into the bunker.  I truly did.  That loss in time, however, really did warrant a reset.

Segment 14:

A noticeable instance of getting caught in a wall.  Minor, but given the difficulty of the segment, maybe a retry. 

Dude took twenty bullets and didn't slow down.

Segment 15:

Seems uneventful.  Get to use the speedrun trick of this game.  Safe running and choking.

Segment 16:

Couple of questions.  Are all the enemies killed necessary?  Are there patterns?  The routing to fight before the bridge explosion came off as a bit random.  This combat that this game has to offer looks really bad.  I assume that means it's difficult to control.  The actual combat seemed okay.  I just wonder if it can be optimized more.

Segment 17:

Do doors have actual hinges in this game?

Now that jumping on the bike was cool.

Ugh, a driving segment.  What is this game's inspiration, The Adventures of Bayou Billy?

I'd say the driving segment went pretty well.  The pause to run the other biker's into the wall, if necessary, was done well.  I like this segment.

Segment 18:

And finish with another driving section...

Starting in the 1:2x's, the video gets choppy for a few seconds.

Not sure if the route was the most ideal, but nothing to complain about.


I'll keep updating this as I go. 

---Verdict below.
Not a walrus
Given that this is a PC game, the WMV files are really low quality. 29.97 fps and only 640x480? Does the runner still have the original capture files laying around, because the quality is borderline at best. I'll have more to say after I've watched more than one segment.
Highly Evolved
Quote from UraniumAnchor:
Given that this is a PC game, the WMV files are really low quality. 29.97 fps and only 640x480? Does the runner still have the original capture files laying around, because the quality is borderline at best. I'll have more to say after I've watched more than one segment.

Segment 3 has some frame rate issues.  Stuttering.  Happens at the very end of the segment, basically right before the save, so it's at an unimportant spot.

The video quality is the same throughout.  I am not one who can judge based on video quality.
Just a reminder, there are only a couple of days left for this public verification. If you have any comments to post, please do so quickly!
Not a walrus
Having watched a few segments so far, the play quality does concern me a little bit. Considering how short the segments are some of the weird things that go wrong seem like they should have prompted a restart.

Between that and the kinda meh video quality I'm probably going to have to give this one a very slight thumbs down because I feel like it needs more polish. I'll watch the remaining segments to see if it changes my mind. Since this actually seems to be an IL table rather than segmented, some of the levels could be redone if the runner chooses without having to do the whole thing.
Highly Evolved

This is a tough one.  First off, this game does have a few speedrun techniques, specifically, the run cancelling trick that lets you get by guards while still running.  However, the segments are so short that any major and noticeable time loss should mean a reset is in order.  Also, the runner mentioned only 2-3 minor mistakes.  Given my personal standards, those mistakes seem major when comparing against the length of any given segment, and getting caught in walls and a few menu things that the runner didn't mention are what I would call minor mistakes.

I wonder what the optimal time for this game is and how far this run is from it.  Given the few instances of actual randomness (bullets and a couple guard alerts?), an acceptable run isn't too far away from that optimal time. 

I won't comment on video/audio quality other than the couple hiccups I mentioned in my notes above.  Not sure if they're bad enough to reject the entire run.

I do not feel like this run was cheated, though I don't understand some of the skips, so I can't be much of an authority on that.

I will go on the other end of UA here and tepidly accept this run, though I would not be upset at all if the final decision ends up on the other side.  There are some spots in this game that I think are really good, and really qualify as SDA quality material, and I'll say that they put this run barely over the accept/reject line.
Not a walrus
Currently up to segment 16 and my feelings haven't changed much, most of the run is pretty well done but there's a couple of levels (4, 13, maybe others) that should be redone because of not-so-minor errors. I'm willing to overlook the video quality if nate is, though it does bug me that a PC game is 29.97 fps (Windows Movie Maker does terrible things to your videos, children). At this point I'm willing to accept the run if 4 and 13 are redone. If the runner still has the original raws he should encode them with Anri or WinFF or something similar, not WMM. Or at least if you use WMV, use higher quality settings.
Highly Evolved
Quote from UraniumAnchor:
Currently up to segment 16 and my feelings haven't changed much, most of the run is pretty well done but there's a couple of levels (4, 13, maybe others) that should be redone because of not-so-minor errors. I'm willing to overlook the video quality if nate is, though it does bug me that a PC game is 29.97 fps (Windows Movie Maker does terrible things to your videos, children). At this point I'm willing to accept the run if 4 and 13 are redone. If the runner still has the original raws he should encode them with Anri or WinFF or something similar, not WMM. Or at least if you use WMV, use higher quality settings.

I'm on board with redoing 4 and 13. 
Willing to teach you the impossible
Wait for me... I cant get to this till Wednesday or Thursday...
Not a walrus
Watched the remaining segments. Short verdict:

Redo segments 4 and 13, and if possible send in better quality videos. Everything else is fine.
Verdict Posted.