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Use \ before commas in usernames
Yeah, I said it.
I'm "Lucid Faia" on Xbox Live.
My gamer tag / friend code is the same for the following...

Xbox Live = LagMasterSam
Steam = LagMasterSam
Xfire = LagMasterSam
YouTube = LagMasterSam

In fact, I'm the only LagMasterSam that I'm aware of. It's party why I chose this name. If you need verification for a LagMasterSam elsewhere, email me at
I didn't add the YouTube channel because it doesn't really belong to this list. You can put it as your website or into your sig if you want, for example. Otherwise, done.

Question: Would a list of SDA peoples' YouTube accounts be of any use? I think it might be nice, but most people put it in their signature or the like already if they have one, so it wouldn't really bring anything new. Your thoughts?
NK3233 is my PSN
It's-a me, Stalin!
I confirm the above post.
more keys then pablo escobar

gory telling
I changed my xbox live account to    SpiffyMcAwesome
more keys then pablo escobar
my bad its 360.
It's-a me, Stalin!
I assume we all play games here. And many of us will play online games. So why not play together? Whether you want a game os brawl, CoD4 or Halo just post here asking if anyone fancies a match, and state the console, and your friend code/XBL/PSN is needs be.

To start off, I fancy playing Search + Destroy with some SDAers on PS3 on CoD4, anyone up for it?
sda loyalist
The only games I play online really are Subspace (Continuum) and Super Street Fighter II Turbo, on 2dfighter. Oh and Warhammer Online. Smiley
Well as far as my onlineing goes, I have Brawl, Soul Calibur IV, MGO and Tekken 5 DR.

I'm not too good at it though.
more keys then pablo escobar
CoD4, lost planet, and gears so far, 360. GT is below...

vW PsilocyN Wv
My Xbox Live gamertag is Envious Vice.  I mostly stick to Halo, but I wouldn't mind playing some multiplayer Castle Crashers.
Call of Duty 3, Guitar Hero III, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, Rock Band, Rock Band 2, Tony Hawk's Project 8, Tony Hawk's Proving Ground, skate.

I'm always up for a game in any of those. Especially CoD3/rhythm games. If anyone's interested in a match (for the record I play on expert in GH/RB) then my gamertag is Hexrapper, but I should warn everyone that my mic access is really limited (that is to say, I get to use it when my brother lets me use it because it's my brother's mic because I don't have my own >_>.) To make up for it though I always have a USB keyboard hooked up so I can send quick messages.
Edit history:
Tiki: 2008-10-19 10:09:21 pm
I don't even know what the fuck this is
I'm Tiki77747 on Xbox Live. I play Mega Man 9, Streets of Rage 2, Soul Calibur 4, and Rock Band online. I will get Guitar Hero 4 soon, too.
Edit history:
Zhegan: 2008-10-19 10:26:36 pm
[Insert text here]
I recently purchased an Xbox 360, my Gamertag is "Zhegan". I mostly play Rock Band 2 online and plan on playing Guitar Hero: World Tour once it's released.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Okay, topics merged, just mention the games you play online when you post your gamertag.
I'll start adding links to posts when I have the time, since I don't have to worry about character count anymore. Maybe the topic name should be changed, too. Having two "megathreads" stickied looks stupid anyway.

I added Zhegan but not the others as I don't have the time to do that right now, but I'll update the first post later.
I added a few new things, like links and aforementioned favorite games. Give some input if you have something to say/add.
Verified verifier and hangaround :)
I'd like to play some of the following games:

Gears of War, Halo 3,  Duke Nuke'm 3D, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Guitar Hero 3, Double Dragon, GTA IV, TMNT 1989 Arcade (4 players would be awesome), Metal Slug 3, Doom.

Gimme a msg if you're up for some fun. Gathering a team in Halo could be fun.
It's-a me, Stalin!
When did I say i wanted to play halo 3  Undecided ?
Quote from NK3233:
When did I say i wanted to play halo 3  Undecided ?

Quote from NK3233:
I assume we all play games here. And many of us will play online games. So why not play together? Whether you want a game os brawl, CoD4 or Halo just post here asking if anyone fancies a match, and state the console, and your friend code/XBL/PSN is needs be.

To start off, I fancy playing Search + Destroy with some SDAers on PS3 on CoD4, anyone up for it?

I may have misunderstood this post, but I got the idea you were willing to play those games you listed. Since you were talking about newer games and one cannot play Halo 1 on Live, I took a gamble and put you to the Halo 3 list. Do you want that removed/changed?
It's-a me, Stalin!
Sorry I was introducing a thread by giving examples of 3 well known games, one for each console. I don't have a 360 Tongue