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This game is incredible. I just finished it for the first time, and I would love to speed run it. I think it'll make a great speed game. There is almost no down time in the game, and the simple act of traversing terrain is interesting, optimizable, and will be different in every run. It's super fun, and I would be first in line to speed run it, if I could capture and stream off my computer, and if my computer could run it at a consistent frame rate. That is entire an issue with my crappy old computer, and everyone else in this forum probably has a computer that can run it perfectly. I am going to route it and do what I can anyway, because I love the game so much, but I probably won't be able to execute a good time unless I get a new computer.

You can find the game here Check it out.
Thread title:  
Just did my first play through of it and i really enjoyed the game. Came in around 2 hours and 30min. In the space section, i found that it was pretty possible to use the momentum and go off screen and skip sections. Also there seems to be many places to do meat boy -esque tricks.
Yeah. I haven't timed anything yet, but I have already found a bunch of little skips to bypass large parts of levels. If I can figure out a way to record my screen, I'll do a run to just show all the stuff I've found. There are a lot of little gaps that you can get through, and the ending is extremely breakable (by design) which is going to make routing it fun.
I just timed a run, and it came out at a little over an hour. With practice, even using the same route, it could easily be brought down to 45, at least.
Ok, there's a chance I just discovered a wrong warp that might totally split this game wide open. If it breaks the game as much as it could, then I'm going to also run NoWarps%.
Wrong warp? Give us the juicy details~
I don't really know how it works, and I'm trying to convince the dev not to make it skip too much and break the game, but I am not sure how it works yet. In the current version of the game, it warped me to a test room that softlocked the game, but he's patching it. There's a chance that post patch, he'll just make it skip to later in the game though. It has to do with going through elevators, but I don't know what the conditions are beyond that.
Oh boy. Until I figure out what triggers the warp, I can't even get splits for the game. Every time I try to, I hit the warp 10 minutes in. I haven't completed a run in a few days because of it. Bleh.
Edit history:
Xnqiq: 2014-06-01 05:49:35 am
Xnqiq: 2014-03-16 07:07:56 am
Xnqiq: 2014-03-16 07:05:49 am
You're all locked out of my paperbag
Hey! I'm also really interested in speed running this game. :3

I've made a first test here: (any% single segmented in 22:14)

Of course it's just a beginning and it is full of mistakes but I may have found some little tricks or skips that might be useful in a nowarp run, if a warp run really does exist.
On those warps you talk about, I also managed to find some of them:  one totally freezing the game with no use, one getting us to an old removed portion of the game (with a cutscene saying 'suddenly night!' and an empty map) and one getting us to a 'Temp' map as showed here:

To get into them it all depends on teleportations. One will be found after the white world for example, if you get back to it right after finishing it.
Trying every possibility of taking an elevator would be very long but could really help understanding these warps, I think I'm gonna work on it later.

Please let us know how it works for you, this game will be finished in less than 20 minutes one day for sure! o/


also, a tp bug between two windows in The Darkness:

and... a way to change the colour of the sky (if you find a way to use this one, I marry you):
Edit history:
Xnqiq: 2014-06-01 05:50:00 am
Xnqiq: 2014-03-22 06:58:14 pm
Xnqiq: 2014-03-22 06:51:08 pm
Xnqiq: 2014-03-22 06:42:12 pm
Xnqiq: 2014-03-22 06:41:25 pm
Xnqiq: 2014-03-22 06:41:01 pm
Xnqiq: 2014-03-22 06:39:09 pm
Xnqiq: 2014-03-22 06:38:43 pm
You're all locked out of my paperbag
I'll put the new things we talked about today here (and also a few more I just found):

If you quit the game during a cinematic (when an orb appears in a big door) and then restart, you're automatically teleported into the hub's 'big door room' / main room.
You can't do this after the Night World, because the tp conserves the X and Y position of where you were supposed to be, and so the Night World brings you to a locked OoB at the bottom of the map.

So, the best route seems to be:
Intro -> Night -> Fruit (closest to Night) - *restart* -> Sea (by getting in and out the window at the left while being OoB) - *restart* -> HUB 2
White - *restart* -> Rain (passing through the window by the left wall while OoB) - *restart* -> Ocean (just go up) - *restart* -> Darkness -> Glitchness

which is luckily the route I took in my last run without knowing it.

What the OoB looks like right after restarting between the White and the Rain world:

Also, I resized the window and discovered you could actually see what's outside of the screen. It didn't brought me much, but I discovered that, in the Hub (every part of it), the floor is strangely reversed outside of the screen:

EDIT: Also, a block of Jelly completely ceases to exist if it is entirely outside the screen. Otherwise, the whole block is loaded.

In addition to this, when you pass through a 'big door' (any of them in any direction), the message 'Ice, how nice!' appears above the screen, just like the 'Suddenly, night!' appeared in the warp zone.
Edit history:
Xnqiq: 2014-08-21 08:01:20 am
You're all locked out of my paperbag
I've been running this game in an asocial way for quite a while now, searching for new tricks and glitches.
But as I won't be able to run it for at least one month I felt I should update here what exactly are all the things one should know to speedrun The Floor is Jelly, if ever someone feels like trying and I did not manage to complete a run yet, it could be useful.
And if no-one ever reads that, well, I guess I'm talking to myself.
First : How Jelly works
This is sort of an introduction of what I know about the physics of the game, understanding it helped me improving my speedrun drastically.

Everything wobbles: This may sound kinda obvious but never forget it. Each time you walk or jump somewhere, the floor and walls end up wobbling.
Each wobble affect the way you move and jump. You can use them to improve your speed just like a trampoline or a real pool of jelly, but they can also screw up a pixel-perfect jump you had in mind.
This means two things:
- First, you're not playing meat boy. The fastest way between two points isn't a long jump between those two points: use bounces to accelerate.
- Second, you'll need lots of set ups. Example: If you need to do a big jump followed by a very peculiar one, you may want to land away from the point where you'll start your other jump.
- Third (wait): frogs are evil. Don't forget that you're not the only element able to create wobbles in the game (frogs, rain and even gravity changes). It can be used at your advantage.

Jump Heights: As I said, bouncing can help you jump higher. The amount of jumps in the game is tremendous, you'll have to be very precise and to learn to use the wobbles to go higher or even lower.
The highest jumps you can do will be accomplished by pressing a direction key at the exact moment you're sinking the lowest in the floor. It's hard to learn at first but you'll get use to it. These boosted jumps will allow you to reach some place without having to do a "bouncer jump" (the first jump you do to create a wobble and then bounce with a high jump).

Sinking: Wobbles are cool to project yourself, but they're also cool to sink in the floor. The stronger you hit a bloc of jelly, the deeper you'll get into it. This can be used to reach windows that are on the other side of the wall or to avoid spiky jelly. Some corners and mashed jump keys can even allow you to completely glitch the game's physic and be teleported at the other side of the map! (or freeze to death)

Window Boost: Each time you enter a level, you are falling from a window before touching the floor. It creates a really short window (haha) allowing you to jump higher than usually. Combine it with the directional boost to impress every single frog in your district. You can also use this fall to avoid touching the floor in some levels, by holding your direction before even entering the level. This obviously requires that you know exactly which level you're entering in.

Jellines: The world of TFIJ is not actually composed of blocs of jelly, but of lines. The blocs only exist because the lines are closed. You can see that sometimes when you start bouncing too much and lines are over overlaying each other. This means that if you feel glitchy enough, you can actually enter the jelly. It's not useful in levels, but is in the hub. As you can see in my previous post, the hub is actually constructed like any level (void with closed lines inside) but there's another line of jelly surrounding the entire window that reverts the jelly: the inside becomes the outside and vice versa. OoBs in the hub are quite frequent in the run, I'll explain why just now.
As explained in the previous post, you can restart the game during a cinematic to teleport to the main room of the hub you're in.
By "main room" I mean the room with the Door. This glitch can be simply explained, as it is the room shown during the cinematic.
Hubskips conserve the x and y coordinates of where you should be.

Previously I thought that you couldn't do the hubskip after Night, for it softlocks the game. The hub between Night and Fruit being the fastest (just a vertical fall), Night > Fruit > Sea is the best route.

Actually, the last hubskip of each hub doesn't conserve your coordinates, but instead transports you directly in front of the door.
This is perfect for it's exactly the moment you'll be able to open said door. Tongue

Which means that you can do the Night world in last position and be able to hubskip without softlocking the game!
The hubskip after Fruit transports you above the window leading to both Fruit and Night worlds. Because you don't want to go back to Fruit, it seems to be the world to do just before Night.
The hubskip after Sea transports you OoB at the right side of the screen. You have to quickly hold left to be able to walljump back into the map and go to Fruit. This is the longest OoB.

So the best route seems to be:
|| Intro > Sea > *restart* > Fruit > *restart* > Night > *restart > hub 2

But actually going from Sea to Fruit OoB is way longer than going from Night to Fruit the old fashioned way (like, playing inside bounds, so lame).
In conclusion, the fastest route for the first hub is still:
|| Intro > Night > DON'T RESTART > Fruit > *restart* > Sea > *restart* > hub 2

As for hub 2, I previously did White (Snow/Winter) > Rain (Cats & Flowers) > Ocean (Swamp) each time with a hubskip.
In game, going from Winter to both Rain and Ocean is way too long, so using the hubskip was obvious. When you do, you're transported OoB again, the easiest and fastest window to reach then is the Rain one, that's why I took it.
But because I always did Ocean in third, I didn't know that the hubskip after Ocean led right under Rain's window. (Because the third hubskip always leads in front of the door, remember)

The difference between Ocean > Rain and Rain > Ocean is so huge that it's better to lose some time doing Winter > Ocean.
Which means that the route for hub 2 is now:
|| Winter > *restart* > Ocean > *restart* > Rain > *restart* > Final act.
But let's talk about the real sh*t: Cloning Worms.
I'm not kidding, you can actually clone worms in this game. Isn't that cool enough to buy it?

Night, Ocean and Space (Darkness) worlds all contain the same mechanics. You have to collect worms that work like keys in order to open portals. Keyworms.
One funny thing with those worms is that they move by themselves and thus can reach the portal alone.
One not-so-funny thing is that you need plenty of worms in order to open each portal!

That's when science intervenes!
If you take an elevator (lift) while the keyworm is entering the portal, you'll clone it.
When you get back into the world, the worm what already have entered the portal will enter it again.
PROTIP: Holding the down key after entering an elevator allows you to enter it back while skipping the doors'opening animation.

Youtube user SteamSape (Samppooni) did a video showing how to clone worms:

Things to know when you clone worms:
- Cloning only works when using Elevators, like in real life, you won't be able to clone anything with a window or a portal. It is known.
- I know it's a speedrun but if you go too fast you'll enter the elevator before the keyworm reaches the portal and you won't have cloned anything. (it's not lost, you can still do it by re-entering and re-leaving)
- If you clone too much worms, the portal won't open and you'll be doomed forever. Facing only eternity to answer your scientific madness.
- Cloned animals might have cancer.

This method can be used at the beginning of Night: the right window may lead to a bigger map, I find it actually both easier and faster (~1s) to accomplish than the left one (the one shown in the video above).
Clone this worm and then enter the portal. As said before, if you don't enter the portal and go grab the left keyworm, it will enter the already-opened portal and curse you to death for experimenting on its family.
BUT if you enter the portal and then go back to said keyworm, then you'll be able to use it for the second portal! Crazy stuff, eh?

As said before –again–, you can't clone keyworms if there's no elevator, so you'll be forced to grab every worm after that.
They're all on the same path from one window to the other (I always did left to right, seeming faster, but should actually consider trying right to left, just to be sure).
Because of this, going back to grab the first worm seems like a waste of time, there's not keyworm on the way that's longer to reach.

I did not manage to clone worms into the Ocean yet. The elevator is too far away from the windows, I cannot seem to reach it before the keyworm(s) enter(s) the portal.
Ocean is the world I like the least and it includes the hardest jump of the entire game, so I really want to find a way to do it, but for now it seems impossible.
I also tried to grab the first worm of Night after finishing the world, but sadly worms cannot be transported from one world to another.

As shown in the video (thanks again, Samppooni), you can also clone worms in space, which allows to skip 2 to 3 minutes, and that's huge.
The bottom window of space is by far the longest, so you don't want to take this keyworm. Both left and right window are approximately equals so, I guess you can pick whichever you want.
(I prefer the right one because there are less levels with a 'kinda random execution' due mostly to their side)

Again, you cannot take a keyworm from one world to another, so you're forced to do at least one section of space.
And finally, last but not least: Things you can do that are pointless but funny.

Doors are vertically infinite. You can take them from anywhere as long as you're directly above or beneath. This is not useful since with hubskips you are always in front of the door when you need it. (shown in SteamSape's video above)

You can turn the sky pink in the introduction. I don't really know how this works, it seems kinda random, but you can. It's the sky from the Glitchness, by the way. (video somewhere in previous posts)

There are some cool unused maps. This one's credit goes entirely to SteamSape/Samppooni, who did the crazy work of exploring every map number possible in the savefile. You can watch his video here :

You can be upside-down in watery worlds. In some maps of Sea and Ocean you can go outside the screen. If you change state (go from water to surface or from surface to water) while outside the screen, you will stay upside-down on the other side of water. This doesn't work everywhere (for example it only works left of the screen on the first map of Ocean, not  right) but it's kinda cool.

That's it for now I guess! Hope this can help someone.

Have a nice day and please don't speedrun your life! o/


SteamSape just posted that on Youtube and I'm crying right now:

Fuck me so much, clone them worms wherever you want.
This is entirely SteamSape/Samppooni's work, but also entirely awesome and the ultimate objective just went from sub 20 to sub 18.