Sorry that I haven't been on the ball this past week regarding replying to all the stuff coming up.
puwexil: I like the second schedule you proposed. I think we can go with that one. It even makes FF8 a bit less evil for FFgamer. I'll edit the first post probably sometime tomorrow.
Alko: Awesome! I look forward to meeting you. Think about which game(s) you want to commentate. I think if you're coming all the way from Germany, you should probably get in on commentary. Try to get in on Skype with one of the runners to learn a game. I'll add you to the private thread, where you can give your contact info.
(And just for everyone else who's curious: yes, Alko was the person who had been talking to me before about coming, and was the exception to sign-ups being closed. Sign-ups are now CLOSED. Two other people, aside from Alko, had been talking to me for a while about coming, but couldn't make it in the end.)
Also, I'm meeting with the JDRF representative tomorrow (my meeting last week was scrubbed because she had the flu). If there's anything that anyone needs asked, now's the time to let me know.
Hey folks. I wanted to pop on here and post to offer my support to you all as a group. I know rinimt through some other channels, and she messaged me about this and gave me some of the details.
Who the hell--?! Er, I'm Alex. Hi. I've got a long, long history in the FF fan site world. My site, UFF9, now is 13 years old (I was 11 when we started!) and while that isn't all that active any more, it still has a nice healthy audience of thousands every day and I'm also one of the people behind and I'm also one of the people (like rinimt!) behind the FF 25th Anniversary Fan Magazine ( In the real world, I actually don't do that much different to what I do in the fan site world... I write about video games for a living! Which I'm very lucky to do.
Anyway, just wanted to say that I think what you guys are doing is absolutely fantastic. It's all a worthy cause and all that. Rinimt has spoken to me already, but I'll support you however I can and make sure other folks I know in the community, like the guys from, Eyes on Final Fantasy and other fan sites give you the plugs you deserve.
I'm also going to cobble together some prize stuff (I've got a lot of bits and pieces from over the years) and send it over to rinimt. I've pulled together a few silly bits that I've got kicking around and don't mind saying goodbye to already - Dragon Quest Slime keychains, steelbook FF13-2 cases, and some The Last Story posters signed by Sakaguchi back from when that launched. I'm not promising anything mindblowing, but I will definitely get some stuff over to you. Sadly I can't send any software, as I'm UK-based. She needs to remind me closer to the time (consider this a reminder to send me the reminder, Rin!), but I'll get them out to her so she can bring stuff along, and keep her up to date on what I've found to send. I'll also try letting a few of the guys at Square Enix know what you're up to and see if they can help you out. What they can and can't support is pretty strict, so don't expect anything, but I'll make sure they at least know about it. You'll probably get a tweet or two if nothing else.
Thanks again for doing this - it's a great community effort, and brilliant to see - and, like I said, if I can help in any other way just yell. If you want to get through to me for anything, best path is through Rin.
If you want to save some on shipping you could send your prizes to me/Lag.Com as we also live in the UK. No worries if you'd prefer sending them rinimt's way though.
just dropping by this thread again, but holy crap, this marathon will be amazing. Any banners and such so I can plug this on my stream channel and twitter? This needs more advertisement...
Also, should this be moved to the marathon thread?
APZoneRunner: thank you so much for the offers of both support and prize possibilities. I really appreciate both!
Kirby: I'm hopeful that we'll have some banners and other promotional material in a few weeks! I'll try to remember to contact you, but please poke me if I don't get back to you.
I added a new incentive to FF7. If it makes puwexil cry a little, it's a good one. If it makes him scream in bloody murder, I'll remove it I also added Ruby.
rinimt: So long as you're still okay with Duodecim, I'm okay to leave it. It just sounded like you were worried about it at some point. Just keep me in the loop.
Alko: You should be all added in now. Und Geldsetzer ist ein guter Name für einen FF Marathon!
FFgamer, Alko: Okay, swapped Alko into FF9 commentary in your place, FFgamer
Updated the schedule to the second one puwexil proposed. I'm sad lose the Crisis Core to FF7 transition and the single PSP block; but, there are too many other improvements.
Added some new prizes to the prize list, too: a GBA, FF4A, and Advent Children (all from Lizzie); and Distant Worlds II from Fenix Down. Thank you very much to both of you for your generous contributions!
I added a new incentive to FF7. If it makes puwexil cry a little, it's a good one. If it makes him scream in bloody murder, I'll remove it I also added Ruby.
Also, I just figured out a safe way to beat Necrophobe with my level 15 party, so we can go ahead and make all 3 optional battles with Gilgamesh incentives for FF5.
puwexil: Donation incentives for FF5 changed. Just so I can make a note of it, can you fight later optional battles with Gilgamesh if you skip earlier ones? That is, would you prefer it to be three individual threshold incentives (Fight Gilgamesh-Optional 1, Fight Gilgamesh-Optional 2, and Fight Gilgamesh-Optional 3)? Or, would you prefer it to be a single incentive with three thresholds (e.g., if you can't fight Gilgamesh-Optional 2 without fighting Gilgamesh-Optional 1) -- so, $0 < $x < $y < $z, where $x = fight G-Opt 1; $y = fight G-Opt 1 and 2; $z = fight all three?
The first Gilgamesh battle ends with his being sent to the N-Zone, which is where the second and third optional battles take place. Thus, if you didn't fight him in X-Death's castle, he won't show up later. The second battle is forced if you fought him earlier, meaning that optional battles 1 and 2 would be the same donation incentive. As for the third, Necrophobe can be fought regardless of whether you did the previous battles, and Gilgamesh will show up in that battle if (and only if) you fought him earlier.
The previous paragraph was kind of useless, since you'll still have to wait for puwexil to respond, but it gives me an excuse to post so I can mention that I got sub-8 FF12 a couple days ago.
Nitrodon: Thanks for the information. That's actually a fairly complex logical system (i.e., not optimal for donation incentives -- think, the Rinoa skip). How would you like to set this up as a simple incentive, puwexil? (PS: awesome job on the sub-8, Nitrodon! ).
Also, for anyone who doesn't know who Kari Fry is -- well, that's only because you haven't seen her amazingly beautiful work! Check out the logo she made for us for JDRF to use in their advertisements. I've uploaded both the "main" logo, as well as an "alternate" (in case width is constrained in whatever media JDRF wants to use). And yes, I have high-definition versions of both (and they're glorious); I'm just uploading the "web" versions (lower resolution) so that I don't unnecessarily kill/cost SDA's servers.
What Nitrodon said - opening the Excalipoor chest in Exdeath's castle to trigger the 1st optional battle unlocks the 2nd one and makes it unavoidable as Gilgamesh is then blocking the exit to the first section of the Void. The 3rd 'battle' (which also requires having triggered the 1st one) is just a cutscene after the Necrophobe battle (an optional boss that unlocks the final save point) that wraps up Gilgamesh's role in the story.
Due to the mildly complex relationship between the 3 battles, I'd be in favor of either making all 3 an all-or-nothing package deal (which would need to be met before the 1st one), or a "donate x per battle" (if only the 1st got met then I would still have to do the 2nd, but the 2nd is the shortest and easiest one and the 3rd could then be skipped).
Logos are looking good! Maybe we could get the design worked into some banners with the marathon dates, URL, and charity, and sized for embeds on TwitchTV channels (like the AGDQ ones at )?
Okay, I'll give some thought about how might be the best way to set up the three battles as a donation incentive. Neither choice is ideal, but I think your two ideas are best, puwexil. If you ever stream the three battles, give me a shout, just so I can see them and ponder.
Re: banners -- Kari Fry is going to do something else for the banners (she said she'd get back to me within a week or two). These logos are for JDRF advertisements (and possible some Twitch shout-outs), where they needed something small and usable in multiple media formats, with some nice colours, good contrast, pretty design, etc.
It's really not that complicated. The first two battles are an all-or-nothing deal, since it is strictly impossible to do one and not the other. The third "battle" is a scene within the Necrophobe battle, and is only available if you did the first battle. There are three possible ways to implement the donation incentive:
* A single incentive with one threshold for all three battles. * A single incentive with two thresholds: one for the first two battles, and one for the third one. * Two separate incentives: one for the first two battles, and one for the Necrophobe battle.
Okay, I set the three Gilgamesh battles as a single incentive. He's popular enough that we could make it one large incentive for all the battles. That would be as simple and as lucrative as trying to set up some (confusing) scheme for separating the battles.
Also, I added a few notes for foreigners to the first post, since we have some people coming from Europe now (namely, the national phone exit code, and a note about our electricity).
I've created a Facebook group for the event. Please feel free to use it however you like (in good taste) to promote C4L. Also, this is the first time I've made a Facebook group, so please let me know if there's something I'm missing (description / photos / etc. etc. etc.).
I've been hearing about the marathon for a while now, yet totally missed the thread. When I get home tonight I'm going to take a look to see if there are any prizes I can donate your way.