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Quote from Elren:
The only JRPG on Ps1 i know of that matches the description and had a demo is "Legend of Dragoon". Also the Main Character enters a prison fairly early in the game so it could be the one you're looking for.

Don't think that's it, sorry.

SOmething I remember is the town you start in gets attacked by something and you have to like go back and save it but when you get there it's too late, or I may be thinking of something else but I think that is right.
Waiting hurts my soul...
Can you remember the colors of any of the characters? How many characters did you control in battle? How many did you see outside of battle? You said "like final fantasy," but there were a lot of final fantasies, and multiple things they did with combat and experience levels.

As a random fact, I remember Legend of Legaia had a demo disk. Any idea where you got the disc from? First game I thought of was Wild Arms when I heard the music you linked to. The opening theme video specifically, but I don't remember an actual demo for the game.

If you can remember anything more that might help; otherwise I suggest just browsing a list of all PS1 RPGs (I know there's a lot) and coming back with some ones that look close but aren't quite right for <enter your specific reasons>. It'll be a lot easier to help us narrow down from there. Good luck.

Also, since you mentioned the mutliple games/parts thing, I'd suggest SaGa Frontier as a possibility as well (also made by Squaresoft).
I would say it has to be Xenogears. Had a demo, had a prison, music by the same composer as CT...
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Shaggy: 2013-12-10 06:05:04 am
Quote from ZenicReverie:
Can you remember the colors of any of the characters? How many characters did you control in battle? How many did you see outside of battle? You said "like final fantasy," but there were a lot of final fantasies, and multiple things they did with combat and experience levels.

As a random fact, I remember Legend of Legaia had a demo disk. Any idea where you got the disc from? First game I thought of was Wild Arms when I heard the music you linked to. The opening theme video specifically, but I don't remember an actual demo for the game.

If you can remember anything more that might help; otherwise I suggest just browsing a list of all PS1 RPGs (I know there's a lot) and coming back with some ones that look close but aren't quite right for <enter your specific reasons>. It'll be a lot easier to help us narrow down from there. Good luck.

Also, since you mentioned the mutliple games/parts thing, I'd suggest SaGa Frontier as a possibility as well (also made by Squaresoft).

Okay, I don't remember the characters exactly just that you were a guy and had a girl with you I believe, like FF7 I meant, it had turn style combat with 3 "players", random encounters, I'll do some searching and see if any of these are it.

Quote from Melodia:
I would say it has to be Xenogears. Had a demo, had a prison, music by the same composer as CT...

Omg this is it SWEEEET Thanks Cheesy
The game I have in mind was in DOS. You started with a mothership, shaped like the upper half of a sphere. You were out in space. If you moved the mothership near resources, it would open up. A little thing would exit the mothership, fly to a nearby resource, gather it up, and return it to the mothership. By leaving your mothership in a particular area for a while, you'd passively gather whatever resources were present.

There were five types of resources. Four of them were color-specific, the fifth was generic. For example: if you wanted to build something that required red technology, you'd use some of the red resource plus some of the genetic resource. There were four colors of technology. You had to research all the technology of one color before being allowed to move onto the next.

When you finished a level, you could take your leftover resources to the next level. This made it very important to not build more than necessary to complete a level. Technological advancement was caused by building buildings. You'd a particular tech level (like green) by building a fairly expensive structure which (IIRC) couldn't defend itself. Doing so would allow you to build two or three other types of structures. Building one of these other structures would unlock more possible buildings. Once you were able to build every type of building green had to offer, you'd also be able to build the starting building for some other tech category, such as red. Eventually, you'd work you way through the whole tech tree; gaining the ability to build all types of structures.

Anything you built was immobile. The only mobile unit you had was your mothership. Suppose you built, say, a red building which fired missiles. This building would have a specific range; and would be useless at destroying anything outside its missiles' range.

If someone could tell me the name of this RTS game, I'd be very happy. Thanks!
Quote from Warepire:
Quote from Khaos4wood:
All I can remember about this game is the opening area, it was a first person game and you started out in a graveyard and the first enemies you fought were little oozes or slimes. I think it was on the Genesis, but it may have been PS1 and I would have played it like 13-15 years ago when I was little. I asked my dad about it and he said he thought that you played as a skeleton, but I don't remember that part so I'm not sure. Any help would be great, it would be awesome to play this again Smiley

Sounds a little like MediEvil.

Wow I haven't checked back on this in so long, but I found myself searching for this game again and remembered asking about it here haha. It's definitely not medieval, I remember that game well.  It was in the first person and you moved in squares,  similar to the old might and magic.  I wish I could find it!
Edit history:
ZenicReverie: 2013-12-19 09:56:12 am
ZenicReverie: 2013-12-19 09:55:22 am
Waiting hurts my soul...
Grid based first person like Eye of the Beholder or Zero Tolerance? Was the whole game in first-person, or only certain parts? Any idea what you fought with? Was it an active game system or turn-based?
Your Neighborhood Psycho
I can't remember the name of the game at all, but I remember it was always in my Hollywood Video Rental store in either the GameCube or PS2 racks. I never got to play the game because the disc was always missing, but I remember the cover to some extent. I'd recognize it instantly if I saw it.

It was very cartoon-ish to begin with. There was a very talk and skinny looking black-ish ghost in the center, perhaps with his hands outreaching or something...The Spoils bag from LoZ: Wind Waker kind of reminds me of what the ghost creature looks like. I think there was a little building behind the ghost as well as some kids that were standing in front of the ghoul. I saw the game when I was very young, so the specifics are kind of vague. I think the back had one image that had one of the kids talking to a ghost in the game. The style reminded me kind of an Animal Crossing/Klonoa mix.

Thanks to anyone who might have an idea of what this is! I'd love to get my hands on this game!
Edit history:
ZenicReverie: 2014-01-08 12:50:59 am
Waiting hurts my soul...
Your Neighborhood Psycho
Ah yes that's it! Thank you so much!! Cheesy
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Joka: 2014-01-17 02:05:00 am
Personal text
I played a game as a kid that I borrowed from a friend for a few days, that I can't remember the name of but I really want to know what it was.
I remember two things:
  1. It was on the NES,
  2. It reminds me of Mr. Gimmick.. almost to the point that I want to say that it actually was Gimmick, but I don't know for sure and it seems kind of unlikely. So does anyone know of any "Gimmick-like" games?

Btw, I live in Sweden, so this was on PAL and have to have been released here.

(I might have asked this before in this thread)
Heavy Metal Powered
Adventures of Lolo 1/2/3 maybe? Looks a lot like Gimmick, but doesn't really play like it.
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Aroymart: 2014-01-18 03:17:07 pm
I have almost no information on it, but I miss the game so much.

It was definitely for the GameBoy black and white. It was a kind of maze puzzle game. For one part of it, at least (it's the only screen that has stuck so well in the last 10 years) you moved around avoiding spiked and phantoms and other evil beings to get to the end. it looked a bit like this

For some reason, I remember it with a greenish tint. I may have played it on a GBC, however.

There may have been some shop type system, I'm not sure. There was one screen (probably when you died, I wasn't very good at the game) that showed an hourglass, and fairies too.

I don't remember a lot about this game, but if someone reintroduced it to me, I would probably try speed running it out of nostalgia

EDIT: I FOUND IT! I looked through an alphabetical list of all gameboy games, It was at S >.>

I'm replaying it now, and almost all of my descriptions were completely and uterly off.
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SamStrife: 2014-01-18 03:37:08 am
Trying so hard
Quote from Joka:
I played a game as a kid that I borrowed from a friend for a few days, that I can't remember the name of but I really want to know what it was.
I remember two things:
  1. It was on the NES,
  2. It reminds me of Mr. Gimmick.. almost to the point that I want to say that it actually was Gimmick, but I don't know for sure and it seems kind of unlikely. So does anyone know of any "Gimmick-like" games?

Btw, I live in Sweden, so this was on PAL and have to have been released here.

(I might have asked this before in this thread)

Could it be the NES version of The NewZeland Story? Long shot but could be...

Link 1:
Link 2:
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Quote from Warepire:
Adventures of Lolo 1/2/3 maybe? Looks a lot like Gimmick, but doesn't really play like it.

No, it was definitely a platformer.

Quote from SamStrife:
Could it be the NES version of The NewZeland Story?

Nope :/
What is a man?
Quote from Joka:
Quote from Warepire:
Adventures of Lolo 1/2/3 maybe? Looks a lot like Gimmick, but doesn't really play like it.

No, it was definitely a platformer.

Quote from SamStrife:
Could it be the NES version of The NewZeland Story?

Nope :/

Maybe Euphoria?
Or Little Samson?
Waiting hurts my soul...
Quote from Aroymart:
I have almost no information on it, but I miss the game so much.

It was definitely for the GameBoy black and white. It was a kind of maze puzzle game. For one part of it, at least (it's the only screen that has stuck so well in the last 10 years) you moved around avoiding spiked and phantoms and other evil beings to get to the end. it looked a bit like this

For some reason, I remember it with a greenish tint. I may have played it on a GBC, however.

There may have been some shop type system, I'm not sure. There was one screen (probably when you died, I wasn't very good at the game) that showed an hourglass, and fairies too.

I don't remember a lot about this game, but if someone reintroduced it to me, I would probably try speed running it out of nostalgia

EDIT: I FOUND IT! I looked through an alphabetical list of all gameboy games, It was at S >.>

I'm replaying it now, and almost all of my descriptions were completely and uterly off.

what was the game?
Personal text
Quote from charleon:
Maybe Euphoria?

Ufouria - The Saga? .. nope :/

Quote from bangerra:
Or Little Samson?

Nope :/
Edit history:
SamStrife: 2014-01-20 02:10:31 am
SamStrife: 2014-01-20 02:09:56 am
Trying so hard
You're killing us here Joka!

EDIT: OK, one last guess. Could it, in fact, not be a NES game but a Gameboy game by the name of Trip World? Apparently, one if often confused for the other and both are made by Sunsoft.

What is a man?
or Alfred the chicken! Cheesy
Edit history:
Joka: 2014-01-20 05:33:29 am
Personal text
Quote from SamStrife:
Trip World?

Nope :/

Quote from charleon:
or Alfred the chicken! Cheesy

No Sad

It has to look more like Gimmick! I almost want to say that it was Gimmick, but I'm also pretty sure it wasn't. Stars were involved somehow and the main character was cute like Gimmick. It's probably some unknown game that 10 people in the world has heard about.

..this is really killing me Cheesy
Personal text
I'm getting more and more convinced that it was actually Gimmick...
I just got a game from my childhood stuck in my head.

It's a platformer. You play as a cat, you have guns, you slaughter mice. I remember it being pretty hard and cartoonishly gruesome. Probably a DOS or early windows game.
Might be magic...
Quote from Onin:
I just got a game from my childhood stuck in my head.

It's a platformer. You play as a cat, you have guns, you slaughter mice. I remember it being pretty hard and cartoonishly gruesome. Probably a DOS or early windows game.

Realms of Chaos? Not quite a match but close.