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Lag.Com: 2011-07-01 09:55:01 am
Lag.Com: 2011-07-01 09:51:00 am
sda loyalist
Quake yeah I'm pretty sure I'm doing this but damn I need more practice
Oblivion i haven't even looked at the speedrun route for like a year but it's not very long and it would be a lot easier (read: less random) than morrowind
FF7 i would actually like to do this and know most of the route well but i may have to spend all my time with Quake also daaaamn relay run sounds cool
Magicka haven't played this for a while but it's not hard to learn also we can make it funny
Peggle no
Ultima Underworld i would love to do this, i know everyone would be confused and also it's a dosbox game but i can hope

also we need more amiga games people
SEGA Junkie
Alright, before I start my post, I'll say that I'm not actually a guarantee to make the marathon. Tickets are super expensive in January (about $3500 all told :x), and I actually can't get leave from work for those days. I can work around it, I'm pretty sure, but even if that works out I will almost certainly be getting there late on the first night. Yes, I know I have to sort this out soon.

Anyway, on the proviso that I can make it, here's what I plan to run:

Games that are a lock
Sonic 3 and Knuckles - Me : S3&K :: Tri-hex : YI. The added bonus of Sonic 3 is the three character choices for donations, but since Sonic is by far the most boring, I'm going to spice it up a little bit. I'm offering for donations, the choice of Tails, Knuckles or Hyper Sonic - I'll have a completed Sonic file on my cart and run with that. I still would rather that not win, though. Tongue

Games I could run and stand a chance of getting through scheduling
Sonic 1 - As I said earlier, I don't like this game as much as Sonic 2 or 3 so I wouldn't do this unless it's a race. However, because neither me or stanski really like Sonic 1 all that much but I'd still like to race him in something, I came up with the following idea...

Sonic 2 - If stanski is down with it, I could race him with him playing as Sonic and me as Knuckles. In the best case, Knuckles is slightly faster than Sonic (and MUCH easier to run as, IMO), but I'm also not as good as stanski, so it should be close. Also I know how to do Metro 2 skip now. Tongue

Sonic Adventure 2 - I know this game fairly well and would be happy to run either Hero or Dark (bidding war). I'll probably need to learn hunting locations though, because you can literally lose minutes on some levels if you get lost.

Rocket Knight Adventures - Mike said this game would probably only get in if it was on Hard mode. I'd be willing to pick it up again and try to get consistent at that. It'd probably just mean getting a bunch of insurance lives and doing lame safe strats on most bosses. Although once you start doing that you kind of start getting into SoR2 territory...

Pokemon Blue - As Mike mentioned, werster and I have been working on a single segment for this game, and werster recently submitted a 2:04. The route isn't too hard, but it needs a good slice of luck in the early game. If you guys don't mind, I'd probably be willing to spend a few minutes to manipulate for it (which will, in all likelihood, save more than five minutes over the course of the run).

Banjo Kazooie - This is a big maybe (I'd probably have to start practicing for it right now) but Trek wants to race me in it so whatever.

Splosion Man/Ms. Splosion Man - the latter isn't even out yet, but why not? We know newer games are a good draw. I actually think Splosion Man is too long for this - it's two hours on a good run and there aren't huge amounts of tricks, there's some good ones but two hours might be a bit much, much as I love the game. If Ms. Splosion Man is shorter, or has better sequence breaks, or has better co-op levels, it might be the better choice.

Other stuff I'm practiced in
Desert Strike - I could probably bring this in around half an hour, but I doubt it's well enough known to make the cut. Which makes me and Molotov sad. And no one else. Sad
de Blob - a bit too obscure for this thing, I fancy
Comic Jumper - too long, it's entertaining to play but not so much to watch
any Sonic game I didn't mention already - bad game block? >_>
Edit history:
Zyre: 2011-07-01 10:27:45 am
The Speedrunning Teacher
Right now I'm planning on being there, so here's what I could run (I won't be offended at all if any or all of these are shot down, as some of them will have seen two marathons already):

Sonic 3D Blast - Definitely Genesis version. While the Saturn version looks better, has excellent bonus stages for emeralds, and is on a system that doesn't see a lot of love, the load times aren't that great.

Rocket Knight - I wasn't able to gauge the response on it for JRDQ, so I don't know how it was received.

Dynamite Headdy - It's seeing it's (first?) marathon at SGDQ, so I guess this one would be based on how well it does then.

Timesplitters 2 - I haven't touched this game in quite a while, but I remember wondering why there hasn't been a speedrun for this game yet. I'm game to start working on it mid-September.

Timesplitters 3: Future Perfect - Just throwing this one out here. I can't remember if this was considered as good as 2 or not.

Other suggestions/ideas for games:

Gunstar Heroes/Advance - I don't recall seeing either one of these recently. I know Mike has enough games to run already, so this may have to be picked up by someone else.

Guardian Heroes - Another game that I'm just throwing out to be considered.
i would be glad to run mario sunshine any% =]
Quote from cyghfer:
-Biased here, but big yes to Shatterhand taking a "rad and obscure" game slot.

I second Shatterhand. I would love to see this run, period, but especially at the marathon.

Quote from Aftermath:
Not sure if you'd count them as PC games, but I've been running flash games recently and these might work out for a marathon?

You didn't mention Coma or Skinny! For anyone not aware, they are two beautiful and well-known games from Newgrounds user 'wittyhobos'. (Skinny is the spiritual successor.) I don't know yet how long a Skinny run would be, but Coma would definitely not exceed 6 minutes. I would also love to join in for a race with either of those.

Quote from Withhelde:
Kid Chameleon - Probably my best game for running. Best would probably be a four-boss run (no bridges/major-skips) and donations for other levels/elsewhere (i.e. Bloody Swamp). Maybe if Peaches_ comes along, we may be even to get a race going, since he's decent at the game as well.


Quote from ZakkyDraggy:
Strider (arcade version) - I'm actively practicing this one right now and it would be a very short run and should be.


Quote from Essentia:
If you can't find anyone else to do FF7, I would be willing to learn it


Quote from Nitrodon:
I have entertained the idea of learning FF7


Quote from RaneofSOTN:
I will learn ff7.


Quote from puwexil:
I'd be willing to try to learn FF7 too - if Rane also is maybe he and I could pass the controller back and forth every few hours so the game could be done in 1 shot?


Quote from Lag.Com:
FF7 i would actually like to do this and know most of the route well but i may have to spend all my time with Quake also daaaamn relay run sounds cool
Quote from theseawolf1:
Maybe a few of us learn parts of FF7 really hardcore and have a relay run?


*go cries in the corner*
Haters gonna hate
First off, as much as I'm not surprised this is happening, I'm going to address it anyways.  Already have a number of posts saying" I want to x, y, or z game" that both aren't mentioned in the first two posts and don't even come close to sniffing the criteria laid out in the first post.  I get that people want to have games to play at this thing, but what everyone needs to understand is that we have to be picky with what we let in.  Believe me, I'd love to play Brandish, assorted Ys games, and a bunch of Master System titles at the marathon, but I know there'd be maybe 5 people watching who would actually look forward to and enjoy these titles.  We have to consider the audience first and foremost (since we probably will have no trouble filling the time).

So basically, if you're going to suggest something that falls outside of the scope of the guideline post (you did read those, right?) back up your suggestion with reasons why we should have it.  If in composing your reasons you find yourself with the urge to type something along the lines of "I'm not sure how well this will be received" you probably already know if it's getting in or not. Tongue

Now for those of you saying "I don't know any popular games," well the whole reason this thread is hitting this early so you have ample time to pick one up and learn it.  Just for reference, this time last year I had no speedrunning experience with 3 of my games, and while I wasn't exactly last year's MVP in terms of play quality, I didn't completely embarrass myself either.  6 months is plenty of time to pick up pretty much anything, so if you want a spot that badly, I suggest you start practicing.

Anyways, games I'm definitely doing:

Super Meat Boy:  If I go solo on this, dark world ending is probably what I'll choose.  This also has awesome built in donation power with people throwing cash for unplayed levels (including Cotton Alley light and dark), and I'd call it a safe bet we'd get funds for all 250 regular levels (warp zones can suck it).  Probably be looking at 2 to 2 and half hours as a decently safe estimate for all levels, maybe less.

If a race happens I'm pretty much up for whatever.

Devil May Cry: Run it back!  I will have redemption (and I'm totally getting that shirt).  The suggestion of Super Dante is an interesting one.  It would trivialize some spots, but it would come with the drawback of a fresh file (I guess I could NG+ a Super Dante file, but that would be so lame).  Really, I think I'll stick with NG+ DMD, I know I can do this.

Games I can do:

Zelda 1:  As said in the last year's retrospective post, this game really needs some freshening up to make the cut this year.  I have no real interest in learning 2nd quest (red bubbles can go die in a fire), but would be down for a 1st quest race if somebody else wants to step up.

LttP:  I was all set to call this definite til cyghfer mentioned he could do it.  I can be ready as back up in case he can't make it, and if he's willing to race on the US version that could maybe happen too (US vs. JP v1 just isn't fair).  If I do end up doing it, I can just about guarantee a better time than last year between new tricks and more practice.
Fish. Blub blub.
I'm working on bubsy 3d right now. I shouldn't have too many problems with running this.
Edit history:
andrewg: 2011-07-01 11:00:24 am
andrewg: 2011-07-01 11:00:21 am
andrewg: 2011-07-01 11:00:20 am
Hi! I'm andrewg!
Breakdown, if I go I want to get in on some Super Meat Boy speedrunning as well. Regardless that I can't practice...

Also, Xbox360 or PC?
Quote from Breakdown:
LttP:  I was all set to call this definite til cyghfer mentioned he could do it.  I can be ready as back up in case he can't make it, and if he's willing to race on the US version that could maybe happen too (US vs. JP v1 just isn't fair).  If I do end up doing it, I can just about guarantee a better time than last year between new tricks and more practice.

I suspect Mike / others might prefer I do DKC2 instead, as I don't think Essentia's up for doing it for marathons in the near future (might be wrong about this?), and others like yourself are capable of doing LttP well. If I do end up focusing on LttP then I'll gladly race on the US version, but just know that I intend to practice the game -a lot- (I've put in a lot of practice already into the first half of the game).
aka theenglishman
About God of War and nudity - this is primarily the reason stream-wise why I think God of War II bonus play is the best option here.  Most of the nudity is in cutscenes (which can be skipped during Bonus Play), the only sex scene is an easter egg that you have to go out of your way to activate, and the only breasts in gameplay are on enemies, not clearly defined, and are more likely to scar young viewers than arouse them (I'm looking at you, Clotho).  Also, from a gameplay perspective, God of War II's brokenness would be hilarious to watch.
Sea of Green
Forgot to mention this earlier: I'm curious to see how Minish Cap does at SGDQ before I commit to it for the next AGDQ. If it doesn't garner much of a response, I think the time it would take would be better suited to other runs. There will almost certainly be "enough" Zelda, anyway.

I found an Amazing Mirror cart and a Kirby's Dream Land cart too. We'll see how this goes.
aka theenglishman
Oh, and regarding DMC3 (before I forget): as tempting as it sounds, PLEASE don't do it on Heaven or Hell unless you're incredibly behind schedule.
Quote from Breakdown:
Super Meat Boy:  If I go solo on this, dark world ending is probably what I'll choose.  This also has awesome built in donation power with people throwing cash for unplayed levels (including Cotton Alley light and dark), and I'd call it a safe bet we'd get funds for all 250 regular levels (warp zones can suck it).  Probably be looking at 2 to 2 and half hours as a decently safe estimate for all levels, maybe less.

i dont think i'll be there but you've got some serious balls to do dark world. good luck!!
Edit history:
Essentia: 2011-07-01 11:27:03 am
Everything's better with Magitek
Quote from cyghfer:
I suspect Mike / others might prefer I do DKC2 instead, as I don't think Essentia's up for doing it for marathons in the near future (might be wrong about this?)

Yeah, I think I'm done running DKC2 for now.  And while we're on the subject, I'm also getting sick of Dr. Mario. Wink

The FF7 relay run idea sounds pretty interesting.  In such a long RPG, you'd have to have a lot of collaboration between all the players in planning the route.  A relay run isn't something we've ever done in a marathon (right?), but I'd be willing to try it out.
Quote from Gragle_dump:
i would be glad to run mario sunshine any% =]

I missed this because I was making my post, but I think SMS would be a very popular and very entertaining option, and Gragledump wouldn't fail to deliver.
I could run Ocarina of Time, Super Monkey Ball 1, and Super Monkey Ball 2, but I'm not confirmed to be going right now and likely won't know for awhile

Quote from ShadowWraith:
I sure hope that in the next OoT race, they don't have someone randomly deciding to do 100% instead of MST!

Yeah because this is a concern at all.. wait what?????
Edit history:
Pootrain: 2011-07-01 12:00:16 pm
train kept rollin
I could do THPS again and better.

I could also do a run of THUG 1 if needed since I have a route for most the game. Could do sick or a really short Too easy run.

Trials HD, I could do just the DLC levels this time. Or maybe even just all the Hard and Expert tracks since almost everything before that is a bit meh and their are only 1 or 2 seconds between the record and a pretty good run on each track.


Because its a critical and media darling (and sold well) in the same vain as Braid, its visually interesting to watch. And I would like to race Feasel and/or VG.

Quote from Cosmo:
Quote from ShadowWraith:
I sure hope that in the next OoT race, they don't have someone randomly deciding to do 100% instead of MST!

Yeah because this is a concern at all.. wait what?????

Edit history:
Pootrain: 2011-07-01 12:13:07 pm
train kept rollin
Quote from footbigmike:
A quick question for the European/PAL region runners that go to these marathons: How do you run your games? Do you learn how to cope in NTSC via an emulator or region switching console, or do you find some way to get a PAL console working?

I just played an NTSC copy enough while there to get used to the difference. Although with a 2d game with more pixel pefect trickery that might take a bit longer. I did still mess up on the timing for some things but less the more I played.

(When I came home everything was slow Sad )
Visually Appealing
-Symphony is a definite for me. 360, PS3, whatever. (Well, maybe not Saturn.) I also really like the idea of someone running Richter mode.

-I can kinda understand not doing RoB or DXC. Don't worry VG, you'll get your race some time over there.

-If Aftermath were to do one of the DSVanias, I'd vote for either PoR or OoE NG+.

-Concerning X6, I can certainly give it a shot. But still, part of me wonders if this is good marathon material. As in, the part of me that has to run Ground Scaravich's stage. (I will only run 8boss, and not on Xtreme.) If we're looking for a MMX game to replace X4, some safer options I can run would be Maverick Hunter X (I can run any% or 100%, and I'd be willing to learn Vile as well, so there's an interesting bidding war) or X8 any% (which would have a route that beats the pants off the run on the site. Maybe there could be donations for Navigators as well or something).

-I very much agree with the suggestion of Strider. If someone knows or can pick up Strider 2 as well, that'd be sweet.

-Sayuri is the ONLY way to run HCU. It's not a Contra game. It's a Strider. A much better Strider than Moon Diver.

-I'd say get someone to run Other M just to troll the chat. But it's a sorta long game, at least 2.5 hours.

-Concerning Kazooie vs Tooie, Tooie would be longer than Kazooie, especially if playing 100%.

-And just one more suggestion that I don't really think would go anywhere, what say you about No More Heroes 1 or 2? Cause I'd be willing to do both.
SEGA Junkie
Quote from Satoryu:
-Concerning Kazooie vs Tooie, Tooie would be longer than Kazooie, especially if playing 100%.

I think Tooie 100% is out of the question >_> I think an any% would be about 3.5 hours though, so that at least puts it in the same ballpark as Kazooie when it comes to scheduling.
Edit history:
ZenicReverie: 2011-07-01 12:42:45 pm
Waiting hurts my soul...
Just throwing these games out there, feel free to ignore them, but they should easily fall into popular or cult classics:

Assassin's Creed (II?)
inFAMOUS (2?)
Smash Bros (not sure which one)
Twisted Metal
Jumping Flash!
Some kind of short adventure game (e.g. Maniac Mansion, Grim Fandango, Monkey Island)

and Radix mentioned Mass Effect (2?).

Also, I think at least one big name title like Skyward Sword should be included in the bonus stream if at all possible. It'll give people more of a reason to come back during bonus time, but definitely more relaxed if it goes over time.
Quote from Pootrain:
I just played an NTSC copy enough while there to get used to the difference. Although with a 2d game with more pixel pefect trickery that might take a bit longer. I did still mess up on the timing for some things but less the more I played.

(When I came home everything was slow Sad )

Ah, fair enough. In which case, I would totally love to do Bomberman 64. But like I said, still practicing to submit a run. In other news, unless it's been mentioned already (and even if it has, it should appear again):

Scott Pilgrim vs The World
4 player co-op, shenanigans, perfect for a casual run.
Quote from footbigmike:
Quote from Pootrain:
I just played an NTSC copy enough while there to get used to the difference. Although with a 2d game with more pixel pefect trickery that might take a bit longer. I did still mess up on the timing for some things but less the more I played.

(When I came home everything was slow Sad )

Ah, fair enough. In which case, I would totally love to do Bomberman 64. But like I said, still practicing to submit a run. In other news, unless it's been mentioned already (and even if it has, it should appear again):

Scott Pilgrim vs The World
4 player co-op, shenanigans, perfect for a casual run.

While I personally would love to see a Bomberman 64 marathon run, it's a bit uneven in how interesting a run it is. The best parts are where you're doing a lot of bombhopping, and if you can manage to kill the bosses quickly, but there's a good amount of "walk to X area, hit a switch, bomb some obstacles out of the way" and I'm not sure if it would appeal to a general audience.

It is, however, by far one of the best choices for a marathon run of a Bomberman game, so it could be worth trying one year.