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trihex: 2005-11-08 02:32:22 am
Yoshi's eggs are at my mercy!
Seriously, it is. Currently, I'm only playing 2 games on my PS2:

- Crash Bandicoot 2 (ps1)
- DDR Extreme 2 (ps2)

And neither one even bother reading the 2nd memory card slot when loading. So between each one I have to switch the cards out, which is bull when Final Fantasy VII reads either slot.

Everyone, join me in nagging about how dumb it is! Tongue
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Eternal Understudy
I completely agree. 90% of PS2 games fail to check the 2nd slot and require the Memory Card to be in the first slot. I thought nobody understood my pain.
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NintenDan: 2005-11-08 05:23:50 am

I can't possibly go on with my life without a fully functional 2nd memory card slot in my PS2!

Whatever will I do??!?!?!

EDIT: Actually, my gamecube's second memory card slot won't load data for most of my games. Now I feel your pain Sad
Fucking Weeaboo
Oh noes.  I have to take 5 seconds to rearrange my memcards.

Think of the 2nd slot this way.  It's your protected saves slot.  You boot the system, copy your data over to the 2nd slot, and since the game can't load it, it can't overwrite it either!

(I actually only have 1 memcard.  I use the gameshark usb device to backup my memory over to my PC. ^^ )
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KennyMan666: 2005-11-08 01:42:42 pm
I have one PS2 memory card one for PS1 memory card, so I can't be bothered by it. I have to change occasionally anyway.
yeah, i dont got a ps2 but for my G, my second slot ever worked to load a data but my second card is always there to transfer like old game that i dont play a lot cause my first card is full Shocked
Long Live Genesis Era
C:SOTN checks both slots.
Tekken 5 uses both slots, but slot 1 only works for player 1. Same for slot and player 2.

And you cant customize from slot 2.
The only game I know that even uses at all the second memory card slot is Animal Crossing for the GCN. No clue about PS2...

And I agree with Mr. knight over there (sir VG).Making bakcups is very useful, especially if you save every game into one memory card. Who knows? It might get stolen. Or broken. Or, even worse, CORRUPTED! D': That would be just horrible...
Fucking Weeaboo
Or, even worse, CORRUPTED! D': That would be just horrible...

Generally this only seems to happen if you use non-Sony PS/PS2 memcards.  N64/GC you can get away with it, but PS1/PS2 just seems to hate unofficial cards, especially PS2 ones.  I originally had 3 cards but 2 went corrupt and one hasn't.

Guess which one was the Sony card?

As for PS1, if you're doing ANYTHING Square based, use an official.  For some reason, Square games (and ONLY Square games) seem to hate my unofficial cards. >_>;;
Eternal Understudy

Generally this only seems to happen if you use non-Sony PS/PS2 memcards.

Bullshit. Every Sony brand Memory card I had has been corrupted within a couple months. So, instead I bought one of those crazy multi-page ones and it's lasted me over 6 years.
No the Quail is not riding the Q
Or, even worse, CORRUPTED! D': That would be just horrible...

So cruel....eval!! memory cards... :-/
My full GCN 251 Card got corrupted a while back...I don't know why it happened...
Hundreds of Hours of SSBM lost  Cry

I'm grateful I had made copies but they were all ...old...  :puke: as far as my progress goes.
Fucking Weeaboo

Bullshit. Every Sony brand Memory card I had has been corrupted within a couple months. So, instead I bought one of those crazy multi-page ones and it's lasted me over 6 years.

No, what I say is real.  My official Sony cards work like a charm.  I save Chrono Chross on my non-sony card, and IMMEDIATELY IT IS CORRUPT.  I save say, Asteroids on there?  No problems.

I've had new AND used Sony cards...never a problem.  I just picked up a bunch more new (and used) Sony PS1 memcards for backup purposes (mainly for Chocobo Racing since that game has potential to eat up an entire memory card by itself).  At least I only need 1 for my PS2 since I can transfer via USB between my PS2 and computer.
DMC3,ZOE2 and Xenosaga 2.  Am I crazy?
I too have wondered why the games want you to put the M- Card in slot 1. WHY ARE THE GAMES SO FREAKING LAZY!!!???
I think also the 2nd card slot is for player 2 if you both want to load seperate profiles from your onw memory cards, for instances NFSU2
Yoshi's eggs are at my mercy!
I think also the 2nd card slot is for player 2 if you both want to load seperate profiles from your onw memory cards, for instances NFSU2

Alright, so NFSU2 has an excuse for it. But the other 98.6% of games out there don't have an excuse when games in 1997 supported it (FF7), it's just lazy on their part; no excuse.
Yup, I got a ps2 a couple days ago and I ran into this issue with 3 of my 4 games not compatible with memory slot 2, really annoying but I’ll live. I can’t believe how old this thread is, hello from 19 years later!