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Wow...for a fake...

I think they used Maya and Alias MotionBuilder for the "Revolution" system.

I think the intro was just a proprietary software feature of probably After Effects, Final Cut Pro or Avid or some hybrid.  The Mario Castle thing, I have no clue how they did that.  The Metroid footage is from the Prime commercial.

The Mario footage at the clue.  Perhaps it was made using a dev kit somebody those CT Resurrection folks had.
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Did I shoot 3 times or once from different angles
My goodness. That was actually amazing. But if the video game character moved only when you moved it would cause some problems... like walking into walls. lol.

I actually prefer a controller than a headset that reads your movements. But I like how they did the brief history of Nintendo and then those multiplying castles.
I agree with Darfox on the wall thing.
It had better come with some head protection, or prepare for major headaches. Grin
${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
About the mario castle:
It looks like used the model somewhere else in the scene and created a fake backdrop view on it, cached that in the renderer and used it like a mirroring map. You can see the the castle behaving like texture (i.e. mip mapping). But I don't know any renderer that can do something like that... :/

About the virtual reality walking:
I don't think anyone wants to bump into a wall, but to be able to freely look around in the gaming world is something very nice... I saw a tron version where you sat on actual motorcycles and had such a helm on, but the delay was too hard to compensate for the machines back then ('98), resulting in a headache for me. Your own vision with a ping of 200 is not fun.

As for the end:
I highly doubt anyone would spend the effort of creating a multi million polygon scene just to show it 10 seconds and stop then. No clue there too...
the mario castle thing is not that impressive, if you have access to the textures and polygon data. Not a job for a designer, but a coder can do it.

first of all, the whole castle contains less polygons than a single character in current games. And it doesn't even use expensive things like shadows, multitexture or shaders, so rendering is fast.

now add a little LoD-code: make a couple of versions of the model, each with less detail, and pick one depending on camera distance during rendering.
There are tools for making the additional models, but doing it by hand is not that timeconsuming when you have only one model.

Actually, LoD-code isn't even needed if your renderer supports sub-pixel-precision and a 32-bit alpha channel, but it won't be real time then Wink

counting the currently displayed castles looks like a fake value anyway, no need to trouble the coder with it.

in short: pick a good coder, give him the models/textures, and consider it done.
In my opinion, it was all very well made; Nintendo's history lesson, the MANY castles, the "new headset", all!

And I think I know a way to fix the "walk into walls" problem. There could be some sort of mat on the floor that would move as you walk, like a tredmill, but could go towards any direction and at the same speed that you're walking at. And to get OFF the mat thing, there could be a button on one of the sides of the mat that activates/deactivates it. Of course, that button would have to be in your reach, making the mat's size limited.

The only problem with that, would be jumping. Tongue
Did I shoot 3 times or once from different angles
the mario castle thing is not that impressive, if you have access to the textures and polygon data. Not a job for a designer, but a coder can do it.

I meant that it was a neat idea and that it looked cool. I know extremely little about tech stuff so I'll never really judge something on how it is made.
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Tub: 2005-05-15 04:36:00 am
I was actually refering to TSA's "The Mario Castle thing, I have no clue how they did that.". Not to your comment Wink

oh, about the VR googles: vision that adjusts to head movements sure is fun. It can make you dive much deeper into games than you can today. (and I mean even deeper than dark-room-full-volume-doom3 ;))

To make this realistic, the view doesn't only have to adjust to head tilting, but also to small movements of your head. Else you'd probably get a headache because your eye's input doesn't match your movements. Same effect as motion sickness / sea sickness. That's why it's required that the box tracks head movements as well.

Moving larger distances with the googles can be used if you have a large room and limited space, e.g. in a tennis game. But then you'd need VR-gloves as well. Actually you might just go outdoors and do the real thing..

so, apart from preventing motion sickness, I can't come up with any need for head position tracking..
${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
I don't know about you, but I don't like headaches (and as I said, I tested such a device before, I'm not going to use such a thing if they don't fix this issue) Wink

If they'd build such a thing just for 3d-graphics without head motion tracking, they can trash the attempt immediately as well, I'm not going to bury my head in a helmet to stress my cortex with depth recognition that isn't needed in games anyway.

Again about the mario castle, I'm sure even with pretty smart culling and LoD you end up with a pretty high polygon count. But well, noone said this video was rendered in realtime...
Did I shoot 3 times or once from different angles
I was actually refering to TSA's "The Mario Castle thing, I have no clue how they did that.". Not to your comment Wink

I feel a fool. :-[
the first part was like Shocked
then when nintendo on started i was like...

what is that helmet thing?? biotch!
Actually, LoD-code isn't even needed if your renderer supports sub-pixel-precision and a 32-bit alpha channel, but it won't be real time then 

Stop trying to sound smart. Nintendo revealed the real system so i don't care how they made this fake video.
Edit history:
ing: 2005-06-17 08:44:30 pm
look at this site.'s fake but... well look.