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welcome to the machine
Wow... just, wow.  I'm d/ling the hq version now, but man...

Isn't there a medal or something we can give him?
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Lucid Faia: 2006-10-28 06:29:06 pm
Yeah, I said it.
I'm watching it right now. It's a damn good run. Lots of ingenuity, even in the smallest places. And it's single-segment, so I've already fallen in love with it.

Though I think nate calling it "above and beyond anything yet seen on this site"  has to rank as one of the all-time great exaggerations. Super Metroid just got the same treatment that several Mario and Zelda games have already gotten, not to mention Half-Life 2, Quake, Mega Man, Donkey Kong Country, etc.
yeah, guess most people think in broader terms than just metroid. i agree with your assessment.
Oh boy, so now the Japanese are submitting to the site? Might as well hire a full-time translator...
What was the previous record?
Bring me the flaming voodoo canonball!
Is the glitchy graphics normal with the 2nd part of the Mother Brain battle???
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VorpalEdge: 2006-10-28 11:14:06 pm
welcome to the machine
Previous record was 0:36 segmented, 0:38 single-seg.

Phantom Renegade: If you use the Murder Beam glitch, yes, glitchy graphics and lots of lag is normal.

Finished watching.  I loved the (to be honest, small) route changes, such as how to get to Lower Norfair and the return to Crateria after Ridley.  I saw enough mistakes that I doubt this was tool-assisted, although this guy rocks hard (you could tell when he missed the shinespark in the wrecked ship - he had no idea what to do for a couple seconds there).  Still, far better than anything I could try with less than a year of solid playing.  Can't believe he did some of the stuff he did...

Hats off to you, hotarubi.  This is one of, if not the best, runs on the site.
yeah. A great run and record. I thought no one would get 32. My friend always said that get 35 minutes is impossible, hehe.  Cheesy
Haha, jesus. ...That's really all that needs to be said.
one-armed bandit
absolutely stunning. hope we see more from this guy.
Absolutely freakin' awesome.

Best speedrun on SDA.
Really nice run.

Let's not forget that there is also an insanely good SMW run on here, and some utterly unbelievable Quake running. Still a very impressive improvement.

I don't follow what he's doing when he keeps disbling items and suits and things. I wish he'd covered this in his comments. A well.

Nice work mate!
Is the glitchy graphics normal with the 2nd part of the Mother Brain battle???

That would be the Murder Beam glitch. It's allowed at SDA, though I'm not certain if all sites allow it. It's used to severely damage the Mother Brain's second form so you don't spend an eternity fighting it with the somewhat-useless Ice Beam. I'm not sure on the 'how' aspect, but I believe it's mostly done through inventory-switching with the beams. The effect is MB being damaged during the part where you would see the Super Metroid restoring Samus. Hence the glitchy cutscene.

All in all, a superb run. Truly one of the top-tier runs.
I don't follow what he's doing when he keeps disbling items and suits and things. I wish he'd covered this in his comments.

It's done to save time. The Wave/ Ice Beam switching is used in the Phantoon fight depending on Phantoon's attacks and phases, the Power Suit change before the first meeting with the Super Metroid is done to take more damage and intentionally speed up the encounter (more damage = less time spent watching Samus take unavoidable damage), the Space Jump is sometimes disabled when it hinders instead of helping...essentially, all of the above is done to minimize the amount of time Samus spends idling around.

And thanks to Nate for the Murder Beam link.
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Emptyeye: 2006-10-29 01:51:43 am
Talk to the Hand
Question: Was the power-on sequence recorded for this? As of awhile ago, I don't think Radix particularly cared about that, though that may have changed.

I just think that knowing there was a transition from whatever was on the TV to the system powering on might help to ease doubts (As seen on the corresponding M2K2 topic) as to the run's legitimacy.

(I love the game just as an experience, but have little to no knowledge of actual speedrunning/sequence breaking tricks or what's possible in real-time vs. what isn't)

EDIT: As for the run itself, holy shit, a must-watch even if you've never played the game before.

EDIT2: Okay, good enough for me (See Nate's post below). The flash had the bootup of the game, but I didn't see any transition. Still, I'll believe you that it's there.
it's in the video ...
If it would come out a month earlier, there would be one run that would win the SDA Awards. It would be this one.

You mean it couldn't win everything for the next awards?
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laughing_gas: 2006-10-29 01:22:55 am
Existence as you know it is over
You mean it couldn't win everything for the next awards?

There'll be tight competition between this and Dragorn's run
Invisible avatar
Amazing. Simply amazing. I am collecting my jaw from the floor now.
If it would come out a month earlier, there would be one run that would win the SDA Awards. It would be this one.
Simply one of the best, if not the best run on the site.
100% runs=great to watch
This was a GREAT watch early this afternoon.  It was so....smooth.

Here's hoping we definitely see more from hotarubi in the ffuture.
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dex: 2006-10-29 01:53:08 am
Invisible avatar
You mean it couldn't win everything for the next awards?

I mean, saying Older Consoles + Best speedrun awards is completely necessary, because it's really hard to guess it can't win other awards?

AND yes, it will rule the next awards. Just saying, if it would come a month earlier, it would rule the awards now.
hello there
My thoughts in brief:

Holy fuck. O_o
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
And this is why you never compete with an experienced japanese gamer...
Even though I'm not that skilled... I can't even walljump... <<;
Yeah, I said it.
And this is why you never compete with an experienced japanese gamer...

I may have something to say about that, for a different game. Tongue