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mikwuyma: 2013-01-03 02:35:40 pm
Hi! I'm andrewg!
Hey everyone

I'm new to this forum, so please forgive me if I'm an idiot...

One of my favorite games to play is any of the NES Super Mario Bros., and I noticed that nobody's ever done a speedrun of Super Mario Bros. 2 (at least that I could ever find).  So I decided to try and do one myself.  I'm kind of new to this speedrunning stuff; I never realized there was a such a huge community for this until a couple months ago.  I'm getting pretty good at SMB2, so I thought I'd see if you guys have anything to add.  Or, more importantly, if one (or all) of you think you can do better, I thought I'd try and see if I can inspire some of you more experienced speedrunners to pick up where I've left off.  I know how you guys hate the "Somebody please do this game" threads, so I tried not to post until I had something significant to say.

That being said, and me already into the second paragraph, here are some of my times for a few of the levels.  We're talking pure speed, not 100%, which, as far as I know, is done by taking the warp in 1-3, then the warp in 4-2, then finishing worlds 6 and 7. 

1-1 1:06 (Mario)
1-2 0:47 (Mario)
1-3 0:21 (Toad)

4-1 0:48 (Princess)
4-2 0:44 (Princess)

6-1 0:47 (Toad)
6-2 1:06 (Mario)
6-3 1:22 (Toad)

7-1 X:XX (Mario)
7-2 X:XX (Mario)

Those times were done about a week ago, so I'm probably a little faster on most of them.  I'm still working on world 7, but that was to be expected, since I've never actually beat the game until a couple weeks ago!  The reason I use Mario instead of Toad so much is that I think the time that I save by not having to powerjump in a few spots makes up for the time I lose by not picking up eggs, enemies, etc. as fast.

I discovered a few tricks, if anyone is still actually reading this.  In 1-2, instead of getting the key, or using Luigi to powerjump up onto the big hill, I found that if you jump just a little bit ahead of the "magic carpet" thing, it will follow you in little jumps.  Kind of hard to explain, but basically, it allows me to not ever have to go to the lower level and deal with getting the key.  That way I can finish the level using Mario (or Toad, but I prefer Mario).

Actually, that's the only trick I know.  Any other tricks are welcome. Smiley

Is there a fastest route through 7-2?  Currently, I have to get the mushroom, because I always manage to get hit by something on the way up.  Maybe that won't be necessary when I get a little better.  So my route is to go down the first chain/vine thing that I come to, get the mushroom, then travel all the way up, fight the weird dinosaur things that spit eggs, get the key, blah blah blah, beat the game.

I guess my goal is under 10 min.  I know the tool assisted people did it in under 8, so I don't know how I add up to that.

I appreciate anybody who's read this entire post.  Thanks in advance for any help.  And if you think I suck, please do this run for yourself!  I just want to see it get done!

Thread title:  
The reason I use Mario instead of Toad so much is that I think the time that I save by not having to powerjump in a few spots makes up for the time I lose by not picking up eggs, enemies, etc. as fast.

Do you know that Toad can run faster than anyone if he is carrying something? I'm not absolutely sure but I think it has to be something heavy (as in enemies, not plants). Awesome that someone has finally decided to do this.
The Unreal Authority.
There is a run of this but its emulated, on bisquits site. I suggest watching it to pick up some ideas on tactics. You obviously wont be able to do all the tricks of an emulated run but it can give you a good idea of how to do it.
I’m still looking for a copy of this game, so until then. :-/

The WR I believe is 11:57 by sdkess, without the use of bugs of course. I wonder if SDA will allow double jump at least? If you want the best times though, these would be the best character choices for each level:

Toad: 1-1, 1-2(with bugs), 1-3, 4-1, 4-2, 6-1, 7-2
Luigi: 1-2, 6-2, 6-3(with bugs), 7-1
Mario: 6-3

Princess should stay out of it altogether. Btw, tmont, how are you doing your timing? Do you start timing at character select or start of level?
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KennyMan666: 2005-06-01 04:09:10 pm
Heh... I'm planning one myself, and I'm doing every stage except for 6-2 with Princess (for 6-2 I've found Luigi to be a better choice).

I was just doing it out of boredom once, and I was playing the Super Mario Allstars version on ZSNES... my NES was still bork'd back then.

I tried level per level. I started, did a savestate at the character select screen, started recording, played - and if I failed, I loaded the savestate and tried the level out again. When I did good, I saved at the new stage character select screen, lather, rinse, repeat. So I did individual level runs more than anything... but I've been able to recreate most of the stuff when trying a single segment.

Anyway, I almost exclusively used Princess, only switching to Luigi for stage 6-2 and Toad for stage 6-3.

And I just noticed I still have the .zmv files... watched my stage 1-1 and timed it. Starting timing when you start falling, and stopping the timer when the screen blacks out after entering the eagle, I got 01:05.32.

For stages 7-1 and 7-2, I worked for eternities with them too, but I finally managed to get them down in a good way.

Eh, decided to time all the stages that are intact... I noticed some of the replay files were failed attempts, so here is times of what I have:

1-1 1:05.32 (Princess)
1-2 0:47.94 (Princess)
1-3 0:19.88 (Princess) (NOTE: I stopped the timing when the stage music stopped when I went down the warp pot, as the SNES version adds like ten seconds wavy screen before the warp screen comes up)

4-1 Failed attempt.
4-2 0:40.88 (Princess) (NOTE: Same for stage 1-3)

6-1 1:12.06 (Princess) (This stage went good at the start, the first half nearly flawless, but UGH my Birdo fight SUCKED BALLS! Over 20 seconds!)
6-2 1:06.72 (Luigi) (Some really bad luck at the Birdo fight here...)
6-3 1:07.03 (Toad) (Once again, bad luck on Birdo. Tryclyde went flawless, though).

7-1 Failed attempt.
7-2 Failed attempt.

Well, apparently, my times are pretty much on par with yours (at least those in your first post), except for 4-2, 6-1 and 6-3. 4-2 I don't know about,6-1 you must have a better strategy on, and 6-3... you are much slower than me. What is your strategy against Tryclyde? Something tells me you aren't using the same as I do.

The fastest route for 7-2 I can tell you if you find me a complete map of the stage.
Even though smb3 is all large and stuff I think this is my favourite nes-smb so id love to see it.

When I was a kid and played this game many years ago, I used to skip the warp in 4-2 and go for the warp in beginning of 5-3 (which goes directly to world 7) instead, it felt easier. I'm guessing the 4-2 warp way is faster but how much difference is there really? Has anyone ever tried? Just curious Smiley \o/
dinosaur from the past
Since I don't think there's really any way to go outside the level boundaries (for profit, at least), I'm almost 100% positive SDA will allow the double jump. (This is assuming "off the top of the screen" doesn't count as out of the level boundaries, which it damn well shouldn't given the shortcut in the first world.) Chances are most other bugs will be accepted unless they fall clearly on or near the categories mentioned in the rules.
I'm guessing the 4-2 warp way is faster but how much difference is there really? Has anyone ever tried? Just curious Smiley \o/

Around 2min 30sec. It's like doing 2 extra levels.
Not going to school today
KennyMann:  Sweet!  I'm glad someone else is trying to do this too!  That makes me feel good that our times are pretty close; I must be doing something right! Smiley  Just out of curiosity, why do you use Princess most of the time?  Is she faster than using one of the other characters?  I use her on the ice levels because her floating jump is convenient for jumping over the "Auto bob ombs" or whatever (at the end of the level).  And my Tryclyde strategy is generally failsafe, but definitely not optimal.  I actually build a wall with the mushroom blocks so that I can hit him without worrying.  I guess if I didn't do that, my time would probably be about 5 seconds faster.  If you don't mind sharing, what's your strategy?  As for my 6-1 time, I thought it looked a little fast, too.  I'll try and time it tonight to see if I made a mistake.  And I use about the same timing technique you do, albeit a little less accurate.  As for Luigi, I can't freaking control his flailing little legs when he jumps, so I try to avoid him whenever I can (which is all the time).  Regarding the times, I don't remember how accurate they are: I might have missed Birdo's eggs here and there, which I believe is about 3-4 seconds.

Sleeper: The reason I use Mario instead of Toad for 1-1 is because instead of going in the door and climbing the vine, I jump on top of the jumping bird thing right outside the door (sorry I don't know names!), then power jump up to the upper hill.  You can't make the jump when you're Toad, so that's why I use Mario.  I use Mario for 1-2 because it's just a little easier than using Toad when doing the "Magic Carpet Trick," as I call it (his jumps are longer, so it's a little easier).  I use Princess for 4-1 because I abuse her ridiculous floating jump at the end of the level.  On 4-2, it's much easier to navigate the whales and their blowholes using Princess instead of someone who can't floaty-jump.  I use Mario for world 7 because Toad's jump makes the whole level a little harder, and by that point, I don't need anymore challenges! Smiley  BTW, what does "with bugs" mean?

Yoshi: I looked on Twin Galaxies, and they don't allow the double-jump.  I'm not even sure I could do it anyway (or if it would make a huge difference) if SDA allowed it.
Edit history:
KennyMan666: 2005-06-01 07:29:37 pm
KennyMann:  Sweet!  I'm glad someone else is trying to do this too!  That makes me feel good that our times are pretty close; I must be doing something right! Smiley  Just out of curiosity, why do you use Princess most of the time?  Is she faster than using one of the other characters?  I use her on the ice levels because her floating jump is convenient for jumping over the "Auto bob ombs" or whatever (at the end of the level).  And my Tryclyde strategy is generally failsafe, but definitely not optimal.  I actually build a wall with the mushroom blocks so that I can hit him without worrying.  I guess if I didn't do that, my time would probably be about 5 seconds faster.  If you don't mind sharing, what's your strategy?  As for my 6-1 time, I thought it looked a little fast, too.  I'll try and time it tonight to see if I made a mistake.  And I use about the same timing technique you do, albeit a little less accurate.  As for Luigi, I can't freaking control his flailing little legs when he jumps, so I try to avoid him whenever I can (which is all the time).  Regarding the times, I don't remember how accurate they are: I might have missed Birdo's eggs here and there, which I believe is about 3-4 seconds.

Eh, the main reason I'm using Princess is actually a bit of nostalgia - back in the days when NES still was hot shit (^__^), Princess was what was I used all the time, so using her just felt natural, I suppose... plus, the way I'm playing the levels, I have lots of air time. I jump and float all the time, my 6-1 strategy wouldn't be possible without the floating. I almost only land to be able to jump again. ^__^

As for the speed of the characters, as far as I know, everyone runs the same speed when not carrying something. The difference comes in lifting things and running with something picked up... Toad is the fastest for both, he's by far the fastest for lifting stuff, but the difference in running with an object I think is kinda small.

For Tryclyde, the build-wall-with-shrooms is definitely the safest, but I found a neat strategy. After figuring the strategy out, the time of the level only dependen on who could pick up stuff the fastest, so Toad became the choice.

Basically, when you enter his room, you go down to the lower floor, and pick up the third mushroom from the right. Then position yourself on the moshroom closest to the hole, duck to charge a super jump, and when there's a convenient hole in his fireballs, jump and throw! He can't hurt you when you are on the lower floor. Then pick up the second mushroom block from the right, super jump and throw, then take the block farthest to the right, super jump, throw. One piece of dead Tryclyde! I got a little lucky on that replay I timed, all three times I could jump fairly fast... if the Birdo fight was better (I got hit once and missed one throw), I believe the stage can be done in under a minute (and for timing that stage, I stopped when entering the door that spawns... except for the warping stages, I generally stopped the timer when the screen went black).

Eh, for 6-1, you used Toad. You have to dig through two screens worth of sand to get a key. Princess digs much slower. Plus, I had the worst Birdo fight EVER. I don't know about a good strategy for the first half without floating jumps, though... what I did with that stage was searching for stepping stones I could land on, then float on. I grab the first snake to use on snakes in pots a little farther into the level, then grab the head of the first Pokey to throw on the fire-spitting plant.

However, when I actually get around to doing this (that'll be after Ufouria), my times will be slower, as I'm on PAL.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I made a run of 11:03 a while back (no double jump glitches) so I can give some tips, if you want any just ask.

I used Luigi in every level except 1-3, which I used Toad in. Luigi may not be very fast, but his jumping skills own, giving him a huge advantage in my opinion. Toad does run faster while holding something though, so in 1-3 I grab a radish (or whatever it is) and run through the level with it.
Not going to school today
I timed myself again, and tried to be a little more accurate.  I started timing right when I was able to move (for each level), and stopped right after I entered the bird head.  I still suck some pretty hard nuts at world 7, though. 

1-1 1:05 (Mario)
1-2 0:42 (Mario)
1-3 0:20 (Toad)

4-1 0:47 (Princess)
4-2 0:44 (Princess)

6-1 1:15 (Toad)
6-2 1:01 (Mario)
6-3 1:09 (Toad)

7-1 1:35 (Mario)
7-2 4:49 (Mario)

So I'm at 8:38 through 7-1, for those of you who don't want to do the math.  My actual goal is under 12 min., NOT under 10, which was what I posted before (slight typo).

As you can see, I still have some work to do on world 7, especially 7-2.  And I think I'm just going to assume that I had a clock malfunction for my original timing of 6-2 at 0:47.  Definitely would not happen.  Most of the times were pretty decent: I only missed Birdo's eggs once, I think.  On 7-2, I got hit so many damn times I know I could shave at least 30 seconds off just by not getting hit.  Then, once I practice a bit more, I won't have to get the mushroom, so that's like another 10-15 seconds.  And then if I just don't all around suck on that level, I can probably get it done in about 3 min., maybe.  That would be nice anyway.  Perhaps wishful thinking. That would be put me at just under 12 minutes.  That sounds all right.

I tried using Toad's mysterious ability to run faster while holding heavy objects in 1-3, but I went so much faster that the second log in the waterfall didn't show up (which I always jump on), so needless to say, I died pretty amusingly by jumping confidently into the abyss with a shyguy on my head. So, I don't think that will help very much.

Chico: Do you know the fastest route through 7-2?  That would be extremely helpful.
I just did a test run of 7-2.

With Princess, and my route, I had 2:37.84 when entering the eagle - I didn't include the Wart fight, as I died there, I think he had one hit left. He kept destroying my vegetables! Plus, I missed Birdo with one of my eggs.

I had one very stupid mistake in the vertical mushroom block/spark shaft, and a few other minor mistakes... I think that sub three minutes might possible if everything is executed flawlessly, and if you get a lucky Wart battle (not destroying the vegetables in the air all the time).
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Have you been taking the same route as in the save state run?  Does SDA allow running on the ceiling?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Running on the ceiling should be allowed, it's not a glitch..

Anyways the route I take in 7-2. Once you get in the castle go down that first chain rope you see. Then in the next room I believe it's the 2nd chain rope.. climb up it, but once you're near the top, kind of jump off to the right and up and you should be on top of the ceiling. You can run across skipping a ton of time. Keep running to the right until you see the room with a Red Birdo and the key. When you get to the hole & chain rope that drops into that room, you have to walk over and stand there...and you should drop down. If you press down when you're over it you'll somehow climb up the rope instead and then you're screwed. It all takes a bit of getting used to but it's not so hard once you do get used to it.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I'm not in the mood to try that route out myself, but it sounds different than the one in the save state run.  Is the route in the save state run too hard?  How fast is your route compared to the save state run route?
Anyways the route I take in 7-2. Once you get in the castle go down that first chain rope you see. Then in the next room I believe it's the 2nd chain rope.. climb up it, but once you're near the top, kind of jump off to the right and up and you should be on top of the ceiling. You can run across skipping a ton of time. Keep running to the right until you see the room with a Red Birdo and the key. When you get to the hole & chain rope that drops into that room, you have to walk over and stand there...and you should drop down. If you press down when you're over it you'll somehow climb up the rope instead and then you're screwed. It all takes a bit of getting used to but it's not so hard once you do get used to it.

This route sound incredibly f'd up, since if you take the first chain rope down inside of the castle, there's nothing that even remotely looks like what you are describing.

Well, the route I go is this...

After entering the castle, I take the first chain rope down, go down the mushroom block/spark shaft, go through the next room that has a lot of sparks, enter the door, climb the chains while avoiding the sparks, passing the three (sometimes one of them fails to spawn, I've not been able to figure out what causes this, though) sparks in the next room, scaling the conveyor belt room, passing the Birdo, entering the room  with the locked door, enter the room with the Key Birdo, kill, get key, enter locked door, defeat hawkmouth, defeat Wart.

I haven't watched the save-stated run.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Sorry about that, I was going by memory. I re-watched my run and saw that my route actually takes the 2nd chain rope in the first room, then in the next room you take the first chain rope up to walk across the ceiling.

I've only watched the very old timeattack for the game which took a longer route and was 12 mins. I learned a couple tricks from that (the ceiling run being one of them) but other than that and maybe 1 or 2 more I came up with all the tricks myself.
dinosaur from the past
Yoshi: I looked on Twin Galaxies, and they don't allow the double-jump.  I'm not even sure I could do it anyway (or if it would make a huge difference) if SDA allowed it.

TG's rules are MUCH stricter than SDA's. Or arbitrary, depending on how you look on it. Anyway, not sure how hard this would be to do anyway, but I'm just saying that TG's rules have almost no bearing here.
The shortcut looks like this: . Instead of climbing the chain, jump on top of the roof and head straight to the 2nd Birdo. You won't need to kill the 2nd Birdo either for the key.
Not going to school today
Sleeper: I tried to take your shortcut, but I can't jump while I'm on the vine.  Am I missing something?

I found that by using Toad's ability to run faster while holding an enemy is actually pretty useful.  I shaved a few seconds off of 1-3 and about 5 seconds off of 6-1.

As for 6-3, I'm not sure it can be done in under one minute.  I killed Tryclyde in under a minute once, but waiting for the doorway to appear takes a few seconds, so it was a little over.

I think I finally got 7-1 down; I got the time down to 1:22, and with my strategy, I'm not sure it can be optimized anymore.  I can actually pretty much make it all the way through to 7-2 without sucking too bad now, or dying (most of the time).  I have the most trouble with 6-1, 7-1 and 7-2, although 6-1 and 7-1 are getting better.  7-2 is still kind of hit or miss.

I did some testing during Wart's battle to see how long it takes.  There's about 4-5 seconds between when that weird looking thing spits the veggies out, so if Wart's mouth was open all the time, you could beat him in about 30 seconds at the least.  Unfortunately, Wart isn't that cooperative.  I think you can hit him about every 7-8 seconds if you're lucky.  I beat him in just under a minute without ever missing, but one of his bubbles destroyed one of my veggies as it came out of the fountain thing.  So if nothing went wrong, I think the least amount of time you could beat him in is about 45 seconds.
Not going to school today
Here are my latest times, if anyone's still interested.  I did some more testing and found that using Toad in almost every level is faster, since he can run faster with an enemy on his head.  That little oddity turned out to be a bigger advantage than I thought. 

1-1 1:03 (Toad)
1-2 0:36 (Toad)
1-3 0:18 (Toad)

4-1 0:44 (Toad)
4-2 0:43 (Princess)

6-1 1:05 (Toad)
6-2 1:02 (Mario)
6-3 1:09 (Toad)

7-1 1:17 (Toad)
7-2 3:53 (Toad)

On 7-2, I died once, and subtracting general mistakes (like missing Birdo's eggs), I'd guess I could 7-2 down to around 3:30.  I had a perfect Wart battle on this run, and from the time I dropped into his "lair" until the time I went in the "dream door," it took about a minute. 

That all comes out to 11:50.  Add in the time between levels, and it's probably around 12:30.  Subtract 23 seconds (anticipating perfection on 7-2), and that comes to just over 12 minutes. 

And for anyone who's interested, my route through 7-2 is to take the first vine down, and then follow the only way you can go to the first Birdo, go through him (take some damage), go up the vine, go up to the top conveyor belt thing, go in the door, get the key, kill the two sparks (get a heart), kill hawkmouth, kill Wart.
In 7-2, I’ve never tried going down the first chain before, but from looking at the map, it looks like that path is the longest way to Wart. You can get under 2:30 if you just use the shortcut. Jumping off a climbable can be tricky; your timing needs to be almost frame perfect. Just practice on the first level until you can do it most of the time.

7-1 can be done in a minute with Luigi and bugs, maybe even without.

6-3 should be done with Mario, not Toad. Toad has nowhere to use his speed boost and there’s one part that needs a power jump. It can be finished in under a minute with bugs.

You can take advantage of Toad’s speed in 4-2, and get under 0:40. Just grab the first Beezo and toss him at the end. The Beezos fly in the same formations every time in this level so you will know how to dodge.

From my previous post, I stated Toad should be used for 1-1 and 1-2. It should be Luigi for both those levels. Even if you’re planning to fight Birdo with the sprout, Luigi can make it there faster.

12 minutes is a good time, but your goal should be in the area of 10:30.

That’s all I can think of right now. I can’t really say more until I seriously plan out a speedrun route myself.
Not going to school today
In 7-2, I’ve never tried going down the first chain before, but from looking at the map, it looks like that path is the longest way to Wart. You can get under 2:30 if you just use the shortcut. Jumping off a climbable can be tricky; your timing needs to be almost frame perfect. Just practice on the first level until you can do it most of the time.

7-1 can be done in a minute with Luigi and bugs, maybe even without.

6-3 should be done with Mario, not Toad. Toad has nowhere to use his speed boost and there’s one part that needs a power jump. It can be finished in under a minute with bugs.

You can take advantage of Toad’s speed in 4-2, and get under 0:40. Just grab the first Beezo and toss him at the end. The Beezos fly in the same formations every time in this level so you will know how to dodge.

From my previous post, I stated Toad should be used for 1-1 and 1-2. It should be Luigi for both those levels. Even if you’re planning to fight Birdo with the sprout, Luigi can make it there faster.

12 minutes is a good time, but your goal should be in the area of 10:30.

That’s all I can think of right now. I can’t really say more until I seriously plan out a speedrun route myself.

You're right about 6-3 and Mario; I'm not sure why I used Toad (!). 

I tried using Toad for 4-2, but I couldn't figure out a quick way to navigate the whales without the Princess' floaty-jump.  When I did finally get a decent time with Toad, the time came out to be the same as when I used Princess, and using Princess is much easier for me.

As for 7-2, I'll work on that shortcut (thanks for the reply by the way). The reason I used the first vine is that the other route had a lot more enemies with complicated timing patterns.  I figured my mortatility rate would double if I tried to go that route, and I want to finish this before school gets out next week.

And sorry if I'm repeating myself, but what the piss does "with bugs" mean?  I am unaware of any "bugs" I can use to make the levels go faster.  Can someone direct me to a description of these bugs or explain them?

I tried using Luigi on a couple levels, and I just can't control him.  His long, floating jumps make him almost impossible to control (at least for me).  Maybe I'll try it again...

And 10:30 scares me at this point Tongue

${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
The only glitch I know of that can bring 7-1 down 20 seconds is the Up+Down Fast Climbing Glitch, and the name pretty much sums up everything about it.

1. Done by pressing Up+Down at the same time,
2. Results in fast climbing
3. Is unsuitable for console running