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the 21 frame rule doesn't apply to 8-4. all of the pipe transitions take the same time regardless of when you enter them.
wise fwom yo gwave
Well, why don't you start off levels like the TAS does for TG timing? I don't see anything in the rules there banning use of left right or whatever else is necessary to start off levels like that. Should be able to get 5:07 that way.
It is like using turbo controllers. hardware modification. Don´t possible with a NES controller. If you are not very strong.
wise fwom yo gwave
I have an old nes controller that has been used so much it bends and allows me to press left and right at the same time. I know its not allowed here, but TG doesn't seem to have a rule, and those guys are really big on TG, breaking the record there without glitches, etc.
They would not allow it annyway. (I´m sure of it) I think hardware modification should be written somewhere else. And if it is the same rule for smb 3 and they would still accept it... I would like to see Tompa Kill uretas record with a minute. He can play good with this trick Tongue
Hi! I'm andrewg!
Is it required to do that in order to get a 344 on 8-3? is it possible otherwise?
The controller isn't the only reason why the fast acceleration trick is impossible on console. It requires TAS reflexes to save any time. A player on the console will waste all the time saved because they won't be able to do it on the first frame of the level like the TAS.
Hi! I'm andrewg!
yeah, but can a person do it well enough... even ONCE to save enough time on 8-3?

I'm guessing no, but it'd be cool if you ever pulled it off, that would not be illegal... or I wouldn't think.
wise fwom yo gwave
The controller isn't the only reason why the fast acceleration trick is impossible on console. It requires TAS reflexes to save any time. A player on the console will waste all the time saved because they won't be able to do it on the first frame of the level like the TAS.

We're talking about wall jumping, a technique which requires frame AND pixel precision. I don't think discussing this as a possibility is completely out of the question.

Yes, it is required for 344 in 8-3.
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SqueamishCow: 2007-03-27 11:59:43 pm
Well, I suppose it isn't completely out of the question. But it is way harder than wall jump. For wall jump you just hit A. For this you need to hit left, hit jump, and then hit right. Any frames inbetween these presses is subtracted from the time you save. Also, all the frames inbetween the start of the level and when you make the first press will take away from the time you save. It isn't saving very many frames in the first place. Plus you would probably have no way of knowing if you had done it well or not until you timed it.
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andrewg: 2007-03-28 02:08:54 am
Hi! I'm andrewg!
I think the conversations are getting mixed up.  :-/

Getting a 5:04 is going to be tough...
I'm not going to attempt a walljump.
wise fwom yo gwave
No, I was just giving the example that since we were discussing walljumping earlier, we might as well be discussing starting off levels faster as well, no matter how hard it is. No confusion.
I don't even know what the fuck this is
Er, this is going to sound noobish, but I'm having trouble understanding exactly what a walljump is and how it helps. Is it when you fall just short of a surface and bounce back up from air or something? Is there a video of someone doing it where it's needed?
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slowbro: 2007-03-28 04:06:27 am
stanski's 8-4 video includes a very useful wall jump:

I don't even know what the fuck this is
Ok, yes, I've done that jump on other things, not anywhere useful though. I'll have to see if it's harder in that spot. Thanks.
wise fwom yo gwave
Its not any harder there than anywhere else, its like a 1/10 shot though which is kinda hard to go on at the end of an SS.
I don't suppose there has been any official word on whether the alternate pipes in 4-2 and/or 8-4 would be allowed?

wall jump - almost certainly would be allowed
vine warping - wouldn't be allowed
alternate pipes - Huh?
wise fwom yo gwave
mike said walljump/alternate pipe are both allowed.

Vine warp is not
Hi! I'm andrewg!
Man this is tough... I dont know how much longer I'm willing to spend on this game.
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Lucid Faia: 2007-03-29 12:51:59 am
Yeah, I said it.
Just forget about the walljump. It's more trouble than it's worth. I can routinely get a 312 (I believe 313 is possible) on 8-4 with just the alternate pipe, which is enough for a new SDA record.

However, I'm not sure sdkess's record deserves to be "obsoleted" anymore. He played a perfect game under a certain set of rules; it would be a shame for his run to be replaced by an imperfect run under more lenient rules. If someone does beat his time, it might be prudent to introduce a "no glitch" category for this game and keep sdkess's run up.
Existence as you know it is over
IMO, every shortcut should be used to get the fastest time possible. If you want a no glitch category there's always TG.
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andrewg: 2007-03-29 01:17:38 am
Hi! I'm andrewg!
Just forget about the walljump. It's more trouble than it's worth. I can routinely get a 312 (I believe 313 is possible) on 8-4 with just the alternate pipe, which is enough for a new SDA record.

However, I'm not sure sdkess's record deserves to be "obsoleted" anymore. He played a perfect game under a certain set of rules; it would be a shame for his run to be replaced by an imperfect run under more lenient rules. If someone does beat his time, it might be prudent to introduce a "no glitch" category for this game and keep sdkess's run up.

IMO, every shortcut should be used to get the fastest time possible. If you want a no glitch category there's always TG.

I agree that Scott's run should stay up even if someone beats it.

Although getting a 5:04 requires the same amount of skill as getting a 5:08 by TG, and with the alternate pipe glitch in 8-4, It would just barely be enough to get a 5:04. Basically a 5:04 would be scott's run exactly... but with the alternate pipe glitch in 8-4 saving .7 seconds.

Since it is only a 5 minute game, I think it should stay up.
SDA should keep it just because a lot of people want it to. Why would it be such a problem to keep his run there anyways? It is such a popular game and think that Scott deserves recognition of his run just because it is perfect without glitches.

Who makes the decision of whether or not it will stay?

I guess if i end up beating his run I'll definately mention Scott. If I can put links in my comments, I guess I could include a link to his video  Wink

If I beat his 5:05, It most likely will be identical to scott's run besides the glitches.
Yeah, I said it.
But I thought it was agreed that a walljump AND the alternate pipe glitch could produce a 5:03, which could mean that sdkess's "perfect" 5:05 run could be replaced by an "imperfect" 5:04.
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andrewg: 2007-03-29 01:19:33 am
Hi! I'm andrewg!
True, but what if I got .3 seconds worse than the best you could get with glitches?

Also, I think a 5:03 requires no mistakes at all... No one should be able to do this in my opinion.
Existence as you know it is over
Who said glitches = imperfection?