My feelings on The Demon Rush
This is where people should post their progress on practicing their games. The marathon is going to come up in about a month and a half, so if you haven't started practicing your games, START PRACTICING RIGHT NOW.
What happens when you don't practice your games? One word: Halo
A couple of notes:
-Feel free to double post if you've made progress on your games.
-Posting times is a good thing! It shows whether the estimate I posted is too high or too low. However, I'm much more willing to raise an estimate than lower it.
-If you can stream, do so. People like watching streams, and it proves you really are practicing.
What happens when you don't practice your games? One word: Halo
A couple of notes:
-Feel free to double post if you've made progress on your games.
-Posting times is a good thing! It shows whether the estimate I posted is too high or too low. However, I'm much more willing to raise an estimate than lower it.
-If you can stream, do so. People like watching streams, and it proves you really are practicing.
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