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Blublu: 2005-04-20 07:35:16 pm
I got 2:07 on Terran 2. I rushed everything I had at the start (including SCVs) into the corner, taking the firebats along halfway. Only Raynor, 1 Firebad and 1 SCV got to the end (super micro could improve this). Then I hid them in the corner so they wouldn't be attacked while they could attack the infested command center. At the same time, I flew in every single building I had (the CCs to draw fire), landed the 3 barracks near the area, and then pumped out a few marines, and hid them in the corner too. It was far from perfect, in fact this was just my fourth try or so, but maybe this "strategy" could be useful even though is's super duper obvious and simple and I don't even know why I'm posting it...

Edit: okay, I'm just going to put some of my personal best times here, now that I've posted and all. Even though they suck...

1 - 2:54
2 - 1:36
3 - 20:14 (probably just luck)
4 - 1:30 (I love stimpacks)
5 - 9:07
6 - 6:29
7 - 0:44
Jack of all Trades
I just played Terran 2 like 15 times in a row and I have no idea how you got your time...flying in rax, landing, and making rines is extremely slow. If you have that few troops it will take forever to kill the center. Using Raynor as a damage sponge I can get ~5 bats, 3-4 scvs, and 2-4 marines to the end and it dies really fast...yet I still can't even break 2:20.
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Blublu: 2005-04-16 08:03:12 pm
Really? Because I got that time pretty easily, plus I suck. So there must be something else... did you skip the "cutscene" at the end? (press ESC)

Edit: Yeah, it's definitely something else. I just played again and got 1:49, using some half assed micro to get a tiny amount of guys through.
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marshmallow: 2005-04-16 08:05:20 pm
Jack of all Trades
LOL! Wow! I didn't know you could skip dialogue...wowzer bowzers! That's awesome. I just did a very bad run and got 1:45. Thanks a lot!

*EDIT* I just tried it in Terran BW 1, where you get to Duran's camp, but it doesn't work...does it only apply to ending dialogue?
Heh, glad I could help. Smiley I still don't get how you got that super fast time in #5, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing those videos.  8)
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marshmallow: 2005-04-16 08:38:43 pm
Jack of all Trades
I was playing some BW missions and it doesn't seem like you can skip any dialogue there...hmmm. As for vanilla Terran 5, just make a dropship ASAP, unload all bunkers and send every marine + raynor + kerrigan to the southern tip, then load both heros + some marines in the dropship and land them first...they'll take care of the wraiths and initial counter (use lockdown too) then keep ferrying marines back and forth. Ta da!

I'm going back to vanilla and see if I can skip more dialogue somewhere...

*EDIT* You can only do that in Vanilla...pfff. Gonna miss out on some good lines. Wink
Jack of all Trades
Clicky for Terran Vanilla Mission 1...I played it quite a lot and 2:50 is my best time. I'm sure you could play it for several hours and get 2:49 due to random luck but honestly...

I try to be clever with may provide some amusement. I also like screeching.
Do'h! Homer'D!
I can't play the file for some reason.. is there some special codecs I need? (I have Camtasia Studio 2 installed and it can't read it either)
Jack of all Trades
Try it now, I was in the middle of uploading when I made the post...didn't think someone would jump on it so quickly.
Do'h! Homer'D!
Alright thanks it works now Smiley

Very good job on the mission! I see what you mean by the "ending screen" having wierd colors...
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marshmallow: 2005-04-16 11:12:03 pm
Jack of all Trades
Oh my goodness, I got 1:27 on 2. GG randomness + 2 slight micro tricks.

SC = 30 missions, BW = 27 (8T, 8P, 10 Z + Secret) for a total of 57 I'm not sure if I should give an update for each level...I think I'll just give a little review every couple missions...I'll probably follow this path:

Vanilla T, BW T
Vanilla P, BW P
Vanilla Z, BW Z
Edit history:
Blublu: 2005-04-17 12:26:38 am
Please don't hum.

That was really annoying. Smiley

Other than that and the other "comments" (just my personal opinion, but I found them a little annoying, but maybe that's just me...), nice work. Although this first mission is super boring, it was fast and I got to know the video quality is excellent.
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Bp_: 2005-04-17 01:07:46 am
--. nm this post Smiley
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Don't listen to Blublu.  I found the commentary amusing.
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Gorash: 2005-04-17 03:48:36 pm
${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
Yeah... dance Raynor!  Grin

(Does dancing count into APM? ::))

Question: Why don't you get that heavy "thump" sample when you place buildings? I haven't played the game in ages, but I think there was something like that.

EDIT: Weird... starting level 2 I hear it again.... maybe I'm just deaf...
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
The runs are good but they would be better without the dorky commentary  :P.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I'm using Camtasia and I can't get the sound to work. I can select my micophone input...then you can hear me click, clack, sigh, and make wise-ass remarks.

Select "Wav" on the recording panel, or "What you hear".
That way the sound from the computer will be recorded in whatever program you use...
Jack of all Trades
Using 'wav out' works, thanks. I'll use this from now on due to popular demand.

Updates on my progress:

Backwater - 1:27
Desperate Alliance - 20:15 (static time, tried to make somewhat amusing...)
Jacob Installation - 1:27
Revolution - 5:26
Norad II - 5:46
Trump Card - 0:42
Nooooo!  Don't listen to 'em marsh, the commentary is fantastic!  Listening to the standard music and sound effects for the millionth time will be boring compared to hearing both, plus yourself.  Keep using the mic!

Great early set of runs, I love the quality.  The only thing I'd change would be to include the times on each of the .avis...  Backwater Station - 127, etc.
${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
I like the commentary too!

Its fast, but we knew that before we downloaded it,
but the commentary is cool.

There a lot of runs that would gain a lot by someone explaining stuff in background.
I'm addicted to games
That's the author's comments are for.

Gorash, check your pms at the top of the forum!
Jack of all Trades
I'm not really explaining anything though...just being goofy.
  background music
+ sound effects
+ entertainingly goofy marsh
+ full text explanations later on
= the way to do it
Edit history:
Gorash: 2005-04-17 11:39:57 pm
${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
Well, see it this way. Most people here know Starcraft. We know the missions, we know what you have to do, we know the conversation between the ingame characters, and we know when Kerrigan will go all <SPOILER>.

Unlike Quake most of the newer runs can show amazing level of play while still having certain passages of idling. Most runners instinctively try to do something in this time, if only their pulse is at 180 anyway (*cough*nightvision*cough*)

If I have the choice between getting bored by seeing the games story arcs for the umphteenth time and hearing the runner getting ticked off by being forced to actually play it for the aforementioned time, I'll choose entertainment.

Besides, I everytime look forward to your happiness when you see your time. Makes my day Wink
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Upload more runs. D:<!!!