Game Page: http://speeddemosarchive.com/Spelunky.html
Spelunky (Any %) (Single Segment)
Verifier Responses
Decision: Accept
Congratulations to Barry 'Zohma' Anders!
Spelunky (Any %) (Single Segment)
Verifier Responses
A/V good, no cheating. Very nice run, gonna be hard to get any better. Sure it wasn't perfect, but as the runner states, you can't really get perfect in a random game like this. And it's faster than the current SDA run. Accept! Time is indeed 2:30.
A/V is good, can't see any signs of cheating, although the whole bomb taking away the platform from the Olmec fight is very strange, I've never seen something like that happen before, but since it's seems like nothing more than a graphical glitch, I won't complain. Mein Gott, this one hell of a lucky run, I can't imagine how many restarts he must have done to get it, as apart from the the 'dead are restless' feelie, the runner has an immense amount of luck that beggars belief, specially in the temple area.
Less than a handful of mistakes throughout, including a bizarre hesitation right at the start, but apart from that, it's a solid run, well played throughout, and enjoyable to watch. It's also a huge improvement over the current run (23 seconds on a 2 and half minute run!), so I won't hesitate on Accept.
Less than a handful of mistakes throughout, including a bizarre hesitation right at the start, but apart from that, it's a solid run, well played throughout, and enjoyable to watch. It's also a huge improvement over the current run (23 seconds on a 2 and half minute run!), so I won't hesitate on Accept.
This is why you should always reset a run over silly mistakes in the beginning. You'll always regret having something like that in what might turn out be the final run. Anyways the runner will know the feeling for the next time 
Audio and video looks good indeed.
Pretty much all of the worlds had the best layouts you could ask for. Fast cave doors. Very quick jungle paths (apart from the event level). Pretty standard ice caverns (but then again, most of the non-event ice cavern layouts are standard). Sweet temple with 2 out of 3 fastest layout and the third being the second best kind. This run definitely made up in terms of luck.
I get the feeling the runner could have spammed jump instead of attack during level switches (or just learned exactly when to press to skip the cutscene) which would have let him start off just a tiny bit earlier in each stage.
Since the olmec mattock strategy is probably going to be way too unreliable for a run already so dependent on luck I guess the only big time saver would be to maybe get both a jetpack and a compass in the same shop, although right now I can't remember if that's a combo that can actually appear. The cost for also stealing a compass would be around 3-4 seconds but the time saved in the ice cavern could make up for that by a few more.
All in all this run is faster than the current run and we're unlikely to see this good luck in awhile so this is definitely an accept from me.
I might be attempting to beat this time at some point but I don't know if I'll have the patience for the neccessary luck yet
Audio and video looks good indeed.
Pretty much all of the worlds had the best layouts you could ask for. Fast cave doors. Very quick jungle paths (apart from the event level). Pretty standard ice caverns (but then again, most of the non-event ice cavern layouts are standard). Sweet temple with 2 out of 3 fastest layout and the third being the second best kind. This run definitely made up in terms of luck.
I get the feeling the runner could have spammed jump instead of attack during level switches (or just learned exactly when to press to skip the cutscene) which would have let him start off just a tiny bit earlier in each stage.
Since the olmec mattock strategy is probably going to be way too unreliable for a run already so dependent on luck I guess the only big time saver would be to maybe get both a jetpack and a compass in the same shop, although right now I can't remember if that's a combo that can actually appear. The cost for also stealing a compass would be around 3-4 seconds but the time saved in the ice cavern could make up for that by a few more.
All in all this run is faster than the current run and we're unlikely to see this good luck in awhile so this is definitely an accept from me.
I might be attempting to beat this time at some point but I don't know if I'll have the patience for the neccessary luck yet
A/V quality is good.
Run comments: RNGod. Accept. Congratulations!
My advice to the runner: speedrun games that aren't pure RNG and last longer than 5 minutes and you'll probably enjoy speed gaming a lot more.
Run comments: RNGod. Accept. Congratulations!
My advice to the runner: speedrun games that aren't pure RNG and last longer than 5 minutes and you'll probably enjoy speed gaming a lot more.
Decision: Accept
Congratulations to Barry 'Zohma' Anders!
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