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Everyone, check the schedule Everyone has been added and just remember, to keep an eye on the schedule in case any changes happen. Thanks.
OK but I don't c my name on the list do you have anyomore spots or no?
My time slot is actually right in the middle of a zoology lab, classes from 11-3 PM on wednesday!
Edit history:
CrimsonxxMana: 2013-07-24 04:21:46 pm
What timezone is this schedule in? I ask because I live in the UK. I'm fine for pretty much any time but I don't want to wake up a 7 am if this schedule is 5 hours behind my current time, lol. I'm guessing it is going to be between 5-8 hours behind my current time so I won't have to wake up early. I should be good for the 11th but I'll let you know later on. I have a biweekly commitment on Wednesdays that I need to do around that time but looking at the timetable I shouldn't be busy on that Wednesday. I will let you know if it changes however.
If it's not too late, I'd like to offer to run Chantelise: A Tale of Two Sisters. The category is Any%, although if I've routed All Stages in time for the marathon then that could be a donation incentive. Estimate for Any% would be 1:15 with bad marathon luck. There could be a bid war between whether I play the English or Japanese version. Although the Japanese version on Steam does have a visual bug which might or might not make me have to do some safe strats, depending on how the rest of the run goes.
CrimsonxxMana EST and Aliatus, it is not too late. I'm extending the deadline to August 1st.
I just noticed that my name isn't on the schedule.
My timeslot for Metroid Prime 2 doesn't work... at all <_< Monday is generally not a good day for me as I have class basically all day until like 7pm. Tuesday morning Sept. 10 EST would work much better (next to my ZM any% run, even)
My timeslot doesn't work at all either, i suppose it's EST? That would be like 6am - 7:45am for me and i have school on Tuesday which starts like 8 am.
I'm probably available at day time after i get home from school, i have no idea how my class schedule will look like yet, but i suppose i'm available to start between 12pm and 3:30pm EST on the weekdays.
Alright. I'll fix it. Stinger, I thought I added you. I will though. Sorry, just stressed a little.
I will be forced to assume that this schedule is no where near finalised, seeing as preferred times are virtually not used at all...

Any chance of confirmation of this? Not saying it all has to be done RIGHT NOW. Marathon isn't for a good month and a bit!
i'm a GOD
It says clsoes today, but I'm assuming it'll still take offers.
Plok - Any% - Safe estimate would be 40-45 minutes
Madagascar - Any% - 1:10:00 estimate should be good
I am still taking offers up until August 5th now. Softman, it is not. This is just a rough draft of the schedule. I am going to go through and finalize it by the 10th of August. KirbyMastah, I will fix it. Yoshipro101, I will add you for both games.
Hey, if needed, I would like to offer my services as a mod, or whatever you need Smiley  I'm new to speedrunning, so I don't have any runs of my own, but I'd still like to help out ;P
Nana, add me on Skype. I'll PM you.
Actually I need have somewhere to be that day and also I got wrong time for game anyway so I can't srry
The Schedule isn't finalised so there will be changes SuperMordacai.
I can't do the run at my time on the schedule either but it will be fixed.
FFXIII and Mario Games, yup.
I can't really do both games in one day due to work, so NSMBU 100% and FF13 would be handier if they were on seperate days, if thats not managable you could scratch FF13 from the list.
JayFermont, will fix it. Everyone, I will be working on the schedule this weekend as I have the time. I plan to finalize it by the 1st of August, but if you have more people that are interested in running it or are interested in helping with it, have them hit me up on here in a private thread or on here. Twitter is another good way to get a hold of me @zimsmlgpro Thank you for your patience everyone.
One hand is enough.
I'd like to offer up two games
Vanquish Any% w/ DLC- estimate: 2:05:00
Guacamelee! Any% w/ DLC costumes - estimate: 1:40:00

I can run any time after 2pm EST on the 5th, any time on the 6th and 9th, and after 8:30pm EST on the 10th. If you only have space for one of my games, I would greatly prefer to run Vanquish.
also on the schedule, im able to do the run on Friday evening, saturday or on the day on sunday
Few games I can offer if you'd still be willing to take them, listed in order of preference:

Crisis Core: FF7 - 6:30:00. - Can possibly do a bid war for English vs Japanese version.
Star Ocean 4 (Star Ocean: The Last Hope) (PS3 Version) - 4:00:00 - Can name 9 characters, can choose text (English, Japanese, Italian, French, German, Spanish) and voice language (English, Japanese), can choose menu design (Classic, modern). If wanted, any or all of these can be rolling throughout the run.
Puzzle Agent - 40:00 - Can do an any% vs 100% bid war. 100% would add about 5 minutes.

Time: For weekdays I'm fine for anytime that isn't between 6am and 7:30am Mountain. For weekends I'm fine for anytime that isn't between 5pm and 7pm Mountain.
Everyone, the schedule is finalized for now. If you see anything wrong (which I hope not) please let me know. Thank you to everyone who is participating in it so far and thank you for your patience. Hope all is well.
Don't see myself on the schedule; if you couldn't fit me anywhere though, that's fine
I have to wait until the 10th You requested that time slot, correct?