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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Hey there, Im planning on doing a Ninja Gaiden Speed run for the (X-Box) and I need some help on a few things.

1. On the 2nd Chapter when fightning the "Red Horsemen Boss" whats the quickest tactic to beat him with.

2. Whats a good  way of getting essence to upgrade my weapons like the "DragonBlade" or spells/Techniques like the Izuna drop and the Art of Inferno with out losing alot of time.
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
If all you want is Izuna Drop, The Art of the Inferno, and a fully upgraded Dragon Sword, then you shouldn't have any problems with essence.

The two scripted fights on Chapter 1 should yield enough essence for the Art of the Inferno on Chapter 2.

As for the Dragon Sword, I usually wait until Chapter 4 before I upgrade the Dragon Sword to level 2. Which by then you'll definitely have enough essence for the upgrade, and you're forced to buy something anyway in order to get the ticket to enter Hans' bar.  If you normally use the Flying Swallow method on Dynamo(the Chapter 3 boss), then I recommend you use Shinobier's tactic as a substitute, because upgrading the Dragon Sword in Chapter 3 will actually waste time. Also, Shinobier's strategy is just as fast as the Flying Swallow method if not faster.

Plus, you could always grab the essence chest in the Great Bridge Square area in Chapter 4, but it shouldn't be needed after all the forced fights up to that point.  Just remember to get high combos in those fights to receive more essence. The Shuriken is one of the best ways to do this.

Here would be my plan...

Chapter 2 - The Art of the Inferno
Chapter 4 - Dragon Sword (level 2), Izuna Drop
Chapter 7 - Dragon Sword (level 3)

As for the Chapter 2 boss, I usually start the fight with a charged Y attack, then run towards the back wall to kill the mages and hope for a blue, or red essence, then use the Dragon Sword's UT. If you still have ninpo, then cast the Art of the Fire Wheels before using the UT.  Just make sure not to accidentally pick up the essence before you're ready.  Also, avoid using the XY combo on both the mages, and Hatamoto(the Chapter 2 boss.)  Just stick with the ground combos.  If you can keep up the UTs, then this fight shouldn't last long at all.

By the way, what difficult are you going to speed run?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
ok I've been looking through the web for "Shinobier's" videos but I can't find it anyware. Is his site down or something right? I can only go to there forums. So if you can tell me a site that can hook me up with some of his vids I would be grateful.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I think Shinobier took down his old site a few months back, but Weibull760 still has them.  Which can be found here...
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
umm are they down or something it wont start
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
You'll probably have to try again later, but if all you wanted was the Chapter 3 video, then here's a link...

Shinobier's strategy:

Block swing, roll under grab, then XYY, and repeat.  He does use two Flying Swallows at the beginning, but that's only to get in close before Dynamo shoots.  You can replace that with roll jumps.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Hmm, I don´t know much about Ninja Gaiden, but I would be really happy to watch a run, because it is a hard game and I find it very fun to play, so i wish you good luck. And ofcourse, I will helt you if I can!

To bad that I can´t download the videos linked above :/
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
So how are your going?
An excelent way to get escence is to go at any place where theres a lot of bats, use your fastest weapon, charge it with 1 essence and kill the others. They will respawn after a while.